var sys = require("sys"); var fs = require("fs"); var events = require("events"); var dns = require('dns'); var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; var IOWatcher = process.IOWatcher; var binding = process.binding('net'); var socket = binding.socket; var recvfrom = binding.recvfrom; var close = binding.close; var ENOENT = binding.ENOENT; function isPort (x) { return parseInt(x) >= 0; } var pool = null; function getPool() { /* TODO: this effectively limits you to 8kb maximum packet sizes */ var minPoolAvail = 1024 * 8; var poolSize = 1024 * 64; if (pool === null || (pool.used + minPoolAvail > pool.length)) { pool = new Buffer(poolSize); pool.used = 0; } return pool; } function dnsLookup(type, hostname, callback) { var family = (type ? ((type === "udp6") ? 6 : 4) : null); dns.lookup(hostname, family, function (err, ip, addressFamily) { if (!err && family && addressFamily !== family) { err = new Error('no address found in family '+type+' for '+hostname); } callback(err, ip, addressFamily); }); } function Socket (type, listener) {; var self = this; self.type = type; if (type === "unix_dgram" || type === "udp4" || type === "udp6") { self.fd = socket(self.type); } else { throw new Error("Bad socket type specified. Valid types are: unix_dgram, udp4, udp6"); } if (typeof listener === 'function') { self.on('message', listener); } self.watcher = new IOWatcher(); = self; self.watcher.callback = function () { while (self.fd) { var p = getPool(); var rinfo = recvfrom(self.fd, p, p.used, p.length - p.used, 0); if (!rinfo) return; self.emit('message', p.slice(p.used, p.used + rinfo.size), rinfo); p.used += rinfo.size; } }; if (self.type === "udp4" || self.type === "udp6") { self._startWatcher(); } } sys.inherits(Socket, events.EventEmitter); exports.Socket = Socket; exports.createSocket = function (type, listener) { return new Socket(type, listener); }; Socket.prototype.bind = function () { var self = this; if (this.type === "unix_dgram") { // bind(path) if (typeof arguments[0] !== "string") { throw new Error("unix_dgram sockets must be bound to a path in the filesystem"); } this.path = arguments[0]; fs.unlink(this.path, function (err) { // unlink old file, OK if it doesn't exist if (err && err.errno !== ENOENT) { throw err; } else { try { binding.bind(self.fd, self.path); self._startWatcher(); self.emit("listening"); } catch (err) { console.log("Error in unix_dgram bind of " + self.path); console.log(err.stack); throw err; } } }); } else if (this.type === "udp4" || this.type === "udp6") { // bind(port, [address]) if (arguments[1] === undefined) { // Not bind()ing a specific address. Use INADDR_ANY and OS will pick one. // The address can be found with server.address() binding.bind(self.fd, arguments[0]); this.emit("listening"); } else { // the first argument is the port, the second an address this.port = arguments[0]; dnsLookup(this.type, arguments[1], function (err, ip, addressFamily) { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); } else { self.ip = ip; binding.bind(self.fd, self.port, ip); self.emit("listening"); } }); } } }; Socket.prototype._startWatcher = function () { if (! this._watcherStarted) { this.watcher.set(this.fd, true, false); // listen for read ready, not write ready this.watcher.start(); this._watcherStarted = true; } }; Socket.prototype.address = function () { return binding.getsockname(this.fd); }; Socket.prototype.setBroadcast = function(arg) { if (arg) { return binding.setBroadcast(this.fd, 1); } else { return binding.setBroadcast(this.fd, 0); } }; Socket.prototype.setTTL = function(arg) { var newttl = parseInt(arg); if (newttl > 0 && newttl < 256) { return binding.setTTL(this.fd, newttl); } else { throw new Error("New TTL must be between 1 and 255"); } }; // translate arguments from JS API into C++ API, possibly after DNS lookup Socket.prototype.send = function(buffer, offset, length) { var self = this; if (typeof offset !== "number" || typeof length !== "number") { throw new Error("send takes offset and length as args 2 and 3"); } if (this.type === "unix_dgram") { // send(buffer, offset, length, path [, callback]) if (typeof arguments[3] !== "string") { throw new Error("unix_dgram sockets must send to a path in the filesystem"); } self.sendto(buffer, offset, length, arguments[3], null, arguments[4]); } else if (this.type === "udp4" || this.type === "udp6") { // send(buffer, offset, length, port, address [, callback]) if (typeof arguments[4] !== "string") { throw new Error(this.type + " sockets must send to port, address"); } if (dns.isIP(arguments[4])) { self.sendto(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]); } else { var port = arguments[3], callback = arguments[5]; dnsLookup(this.type, arguments[4], function (err, ip, addressFamily) { if (err) { // DNS error if (callback) { callback(err); } self.emit('error', err); return; } self.sendto(buffer, offset, length, port, ip, callback); }); } } }; Socket.prototype.sendto = function(buffer, offset, length, port, addr, callback) { try { var bytes = binding.sendto(this.fd, buffer, offset, length, 0, port, addr); } catch (err) { if (callback) { callback(err); } return; } if (callback) { callback(null, bytes); } }; Socket.prototype.close = function () { var self = this; if (!this.fd) throw new Error('Not running'); this.watcher.stop(); this._watcherStarted = false; close(this.fd); this.fd = null; if (this.type === "unix_dgram" && this.path) { fs.unlink(this.path, function () { self.emit("close"); }); } else { this.emit("close"); } };