'use strict'; require('../common'); var Readable = require('_stream_readable'); var Writable = require('_stream_writable'); var assert = require('assert'); // tiny node-tap lookalike. var tests = []; var count = 0; function test(name, fn) { count++; tests.push([name, fn]); } function run() { var next = tests.shift(); if (!next) return console.error('ok'); var name = next[0]; var fn = next[1]; console.log('# %s', name); fn({ same: assert.deepEqual, equal: assert.equal, end: function() { count--; run(); } }); } // ensure all tests have run process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(count, 0); }); process.nextTick(run); function toArray(callback) { var stream = new Writable({ objectMode: true }); var list = []; stream.write = function(chunk) { list.push(chunk); }; stream.end = function() { callback(list); }; return stream; } function fromArray(list) { var r = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); r._read = noop; list.forEach(function(chunk) { r.push(chunk); }); r.push(null); return r; } function noop() {} test('can read objects from stream', function(t) { var r = fromArray([{ one: '1'}, { two: '2' }]); var v1 = r.read(); var v2 = r.read(); var v3 = r.read(); assert.deepEqual(v1, { one: '1' }); assert.deepEqual(v2, { two: '2' }); assert.deepEqual(v3, null); t.end(); }); test('can pipe objects into stream', function(t) { var r = fromArray([{ one: '1'}, { two: '2' }]); r.pipe(toArray(function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list, [ { one: '1' }, { two: '2' } ]); t.end(); })); }); test('read(n) is ignored', function(t) { var r = fromArray([{ one: '1'}, { two: '2' }]); var value = r.read(2); assert.deepEqual(value, { one: '1' }); t.end(); }); test('can read objects from _read (sync)', function(t) { var r = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); var list = [{ one: '1'}, { two: '2' }]; r._read = function(n) { var item = list.shift(); r.push(item || null); }; r.pipe(toArray(function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list, [ { one: '1' }, { two: '2' } ]); t.end(); })); }); test('can read objects from _read (async)', function(t) { var r = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); var list = [{ one: '1'}, { two: '2' }]; r._read = function(n) { var item = list.shift(); process.nextTick(function() { r.push(item || null); }); }; r.pipe(toArray(function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list, [ { one: '1' }, { two: '2' } ]); t.end(); })); }); test('can read strings as objects', function(t) { var r = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); r._read = noop; var list = ['one', 'two', 'three']; list.forEach(function(str) { r.push(str); }); r.push(null); r.pipe(toArray(function(array) { assert.deepEqual(array, list); t.end(); })); }); test('read(0) for object streams', function(t) { var r = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); r._read = noop; r.push('foobar'); r.push(null); r.pipe(toArray(function(array) { assert.deepEqual(array, ['foobar']); t.end(); })); }); test('falsey values', function(t) { var r = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); r._read = noop; r.push(false); r.push(0); r.push(''); r.push(null); r.pipe(toArray(function(array) { assert.deepEqual(array, [false, 0, '']); t.end(); })); }); test('high watermark _read', function(t) { var r = new Readable({ highWaterMark: 6, objectMode: true }); var calls = 0; var list = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']; r._read = function(n) { calls++; }; list.forEach(function(c) { r.push(c); }); var v = r.read(); assert.equal(calls, 0); assert.equal(v, '1'); var v2 = r.read(); assert.equal(v2, '2'); var v3 = r.read(); assert.equal(v3, '3'); assert.equal(calls, 1); t.end(); }); test('high watermark push', function(t) { var r = new Readable({ highWaterMark: 6, objectMode: true }); r._read = function(n) {}; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var bool = r.push(i); assert.equal(bool, i === 5 ? false : true); } t.end(); }); test('can write objects to stream', function(t) { var w = new Writable({ objectMode: true }); w._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { assert.deepEqual(chunk, { foo: 'bar' }); cb(); }; w.on('finish', function() { t.end(); }); w.write({ foo: 'bar' }); w.end(); }); test('can write multiple objects to stream', function(t) { var w = new Writable({ objectMode: true }); var list = []; w._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { list.push(chunk); cb(); }; w.on('finish', function() { assert.deepEqual(list, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); t.end(); }); w.write(0); w.write(1); w.write(2); w.write(3); w.write(4); w.end(); }); test('can write strings as objects', function(t) { var w = new Writable({ objectMode: true }); var list = []; w._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { list.push(chunk); process.nextTick(cb); }; w.on('finish', function() { assert.deepEqual(list, ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']); t.end(); }); w.write('0'); w.write('1'); w.write('2'); w.write('3'); w.write('4'); w.end(); }); test('buffers finish until cb is called', function(t) { var w = new Writable({ objectMode: true }); var called = false; w._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { assert.equal(chunk, 'foo'); process.nextTick(function() { called = true; cb(); }); }; w.on('finish', function() { assert.equal(called, true); t.end(); }); w.write('foo'); w.end(); });