/** * @fileoverview A class to manage state of generating a code path. * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const CodePathSegment = require("./code-path-segment"), ForkContext = require("./fork-context"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Adds given segments into the `dest` array. * If the `others` array does not includes the given segments, adds to the `all` * array as well. * * This adds only reachable and used segments. * * @param {CodePathSegment[]} dest - A destination array (`returnedSegments` or `thrownSegments`). * @param {CodePathSegment[]} others - Another destination array (`returnedSegments` or `thrownSegments`). * @param {CodePathSegment[]} all - The unified destination array (`finalSegments`). * @param {CodePathSegment[]} segments - Segments to add. * @returns {void} */ function addToReturnedOrThrown(dest, others, all, segments) { for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; ++i) { const segment = segments[i]; dest.push(segment); if (others.indexOf(segment) === -1) { all.push(segment); } } } /** * Gets a loop-context for a `continue` statement. * * @param {CodePathState} state - A state to get. * @param {string} label - The label of a `continue` statement. * @returns {LoopContext} A loop-context for a `continue` statement. */ function getContinueContext(state, label) { if (!label) { return state.loopContext; } let context = state.loopContext; while (context) { if (context.label === label) { return context; } context = context.upper; } /* istanbul ignore next: foolproof (syntax error) */ return null; } /** * Gets a context for a `break` statement. * * @param {CodePathState} state - A state to get. * @param {string} label - The label of a `break` statement. * @returns {LoopContext|SwitchContext} A context for a `break` statement. */ function getBreakContext(state, label) { let context = state.breakContext; while (context) { if (label ? context.label === label : context.breakable) { return context; } context = context.upper; } /* istanbul ignore next: foolproof (syntax error) */ return null; } /** * Gets a context for a `return` statement. * * @param {CodePathState} state - A state to get. * @returns {TryContext|CodePathState} A context for a `return` statement. */ function getReturnContext(state) { let context = state.tryContext; while (context) { if (context.hasFinalizer && context.position !== "finally") { return context; } context = context.upper; } return state; } /** * Gets a context for a `throw` statement. * * @param {CodePathState} state - A state to get. * @returns {TryContext|CodePathState} A context for a `throw` statement. */ function getThrowContext(state) { let context = state.tryContext; while (context) { if (context.position === "try" || (context.hasFinalizer && context.position === "catch") ) { return context; } context = context.upper; } return state; } /** * Removes a given element from a given array. * * @param {any[]} xs - An array to remove the specific element. * @param {any} x - An element to be removed. * @returns {void} */ function remove(xs, x) { xs.splice(xs.indexOf(x), 1); } /** * Disconnect given segments. * * This is used in a process for switch statements. * If there is the "default" chunk before other cases, the order is different * between node's and running's. * * @param {CodePathSegment[]} prevSegments - Forward segments to disconnect. * @param {CodePathSegment[]} nextSegments - Backward segments to disconnect. * @returns {void} */ function removeConnection(prevSegments, nextSegments) { for (let i = 0; i < prevSegments.length; ++i) { const prevSegment = prevSegments[i]; const nextSegment = nextSegments[i]; remove(prevSegment.nextSegments, nextSegment); remove(prevSegment.allNextSegments, nextSegment); remove(nextSegment.prevSegments, prevSegment); remove(nextSegment.allPrevSegments, prevSegment); } } /** * Creates looping path. * * @param {CodePathState} state - The instance. * @param {CodePathSegment[]} fromSegments - Segments which are source. * @param {CodePathSegment[]} toSegments - Segments which are destination. * @returns {void} */ function makeLooped(state, fromSegments, toSegments) { const end = Math.min(fromSegments.length, toSegments.length); for (let i = 0; i < end; ++i) { const fromSegment = fromSegments[i]; const toSegment = toSegments[i]; if (toSegment.reachable) { fromSegment.nextSegments.push(toSegment); } if (fromSegment.reachable) { toSegment.prevSegments.push(fromSegment); } fromSegment.allNextSegments.push(toSegment); toSegment.allPrevSegments.push(fromSegment); if (toSegment.allPrevSegments.length >= 2) { CodePathSegment.markPrevSegmentAsLooped(toSegment, fromSegment); } state.notifyLooped(fromSegment, toSegment); } } /** * Finalizes segments of `test` chunk of a ForStatement. * * - Adds `false` paths to paths which are leaving from the loop. * - Sets `true` paths to paths which go to the body. * * @param {LoopContext} context - A loop context to modify. * @param {ChoiceContext} choiceContext - A choice context of this loop. * @param {CodePathSegment[]} head - The current head paths. * @returns {void} */ function finalizeTestSegmentsOfFor(context, choiceContext, head) { if (!choiceContext.processed) { choiceContext.trueForkContext.add(head); choiceContext.falseForkContext.add(head); } if (context.test !== true) { context.brokenForkContext.addAll(choiceContext.falseForkContext); } context.endOfTestSegments = choiceContext.trueForkContext.makeNext(0, -1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * A class which manages state to analyze code paths. * * @constructor * @param {IdGenerator} idGenerator - An id generator to generate id for code * path segments. * @param {Function} onLooped - A callback function to notify looping. */ function CodePathState(idGenerator, onLooped) { this.idGenerator = idGenerator; this.notifyLooped = onLooped; this.forkContext = ForkContext.newRoot(idGenerator); this.choiceContext = null; this.switchContext = null; this.tryContext = null; this.loopContext = null; this.breakContext = null; this.currentSegments = []; this.initialSegment = this.forkContext.head[0]; // returnedSegments and thrownSegments push elements into finalSegments also. const final = this.finalSegments = []; const returned = this.returnedForkContext = []; const thrown = this.thrownForkContext = []; returned.add = addToReturnedOrThrown.bind(null, returned, thrown, final); thrown.add = addToReturnedOrThrown.bind(null, thrown, returned, final); } CodePathState.prototype = { constructor: CodePathState, /** * The head segments. * @type {CodePathSegment[]} */ get headSegments() { return this.forkContext.head; }, /** * The parent forking context. * This is used for the root of new forks. * @type {ForkContext} */ get parentForkContext() { const current = this.forkContext; return current && current.upper; }, /** * Creates and stacks new forking context. * * @param {boolean} forkLeavingPath - A flag which shows being in a * "finally" block. * @returns {ForkContext} The created context. */ pushForkContext(forkLeavingPath) { this.forkContext = ForkContext.newEmpty( this.forkContext, forkLeavingPath ); return this.forkContext; }, /** * Pops and merges the last forking context. * @returns {ForkContext} The last context. */ popForkContext() { const lastContext = this.forkContext; this.forkContext = lastContext.upper; this.forkContext.replaceHead(lastContext.makeNext(0, -1)); return lastContext; }, /** * Creates a new path. * @returns {void} */ forkPath() { this.forkContext.add(this.parentForkContext.makeNext(-1, -1)); }, /** * Creates a bypass path. * This is used for such as IfStatement which does not have "else" chunk. * * @returns {void} */ forkBypassPath() { this.forkContext.add(this.parentForkContext.head); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConditionalExpression, LogicalExpression, IfStatement //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a context for ConditionalExpression, LogicalExpression, * IfStatement, WhileStatement, DoWhileStatement, or ForStatement. * * LogicalExpressions have cases that it goes different paths between the * `true` case and the `false` case. * * For Example: * * if (a || b) { * foo(); * } else { * bar(); * } * * In this case, `b` is evaluated always in the code path of the `else` * block, but it's not so in the code path of the `if` block. * So there are 3 paths. * * a -> foo(); * a -> b -> foo(); * a -> b -> bar(); * * @param {string} kind - A kind string. * If the new context is LogicalExpression's, this is `"&&"` or `"||"`. * If it's IfStatement's or ConditionalExpression's, this is `"test"`. * Otherwise, this is `"loop"`. * @param {boolean} isForkingAsResult - A flag that shows that goes different * paths between `true` and `false`. * @returns {void} */ pushChoiceContext(kind, isForkingAsResult) { this.choiceContext = { upper: this.choiceContext, kind, isForkingAsResult, trueForkContext: ForkContext.newEmpty(this.forkContext), falseForkContext: ForkContext.newEmpty(this.forkContext), processed: false }; }, /** * Pops the last choice context and finalizes it. * * @returns {ChoiceContext} The popped context. */ popChoiceContext() { const context = this.choiceContext; this.choiceContext = context.upper; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const headSegments = forkContext.head; switch (context.kind) { case "&&": case "||": /* * If any result were not transferred from child contexts, * this sets the head segments to both cases. * The head segments are the path of the right-hand operand. */ if (!context.processed) { context.trueForkContext.add(headSegments); context.falseForkContext.add(headSegments); } /* * Transfers results to upper context if this context is in * test chunk. */ if (context.isForkingAsResult) { const parentContext = this.choiceContext; parentContext.trueForkContext.addAll(context.trueForkContext); parentContext.falseForkContext.addAll(context.falseForkContext); parentContext.processed = true; return context; } break; case "test": if (!context.processed) { /* * The head segments are the path of the `if` block here. * Updates the `true` path with the end of the `if` block. */ context.trueForkContext.clear(); context.trueForkContext.add(headSegments); } else { /* * The head segments are the path of the `else` block here. * Updates the `false` path with the end of the `else` * block. */ context.falseForkContext.clear(); context.falseForkContext.add(headSegments); } break; case "loop": /* * Loops are addressed in popLoopContext(). * This is called from popLoopContext(). */ return context; /* istanbul ignore next */ default: throw new Error("unreachable"); } // Merges all paths. const prevForkContext = context.trueForkContext; prevForkContext.addAll(context.falseForkContext); forkContext.replaceHead(prevForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); return context; }, /** * Makes a code path segment of the right-hand operand of a logical * expression. * * @returns {void} */ makeLogicalRight() { const context = this.choiceContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; if (context.processed) { /* * This got segments already from the child choice context. * Creates the next path from own true/false fork context. */ const prevForkContext = context.kind === "&&" ? context.trueForkContext : /* kind === "||" */ context.falseForkContext; forkContext.replaceHead(prevForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); prevForkContext.clear(); context.processed = false; } else { /* * This did not get segments from the child choice context. * So addresses the head segments. * The head segments are the path of the left-hand operand. */ if (context.kind === "&&") { // The path does short-circuit if false. context.falseForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } else { // The path does short-circuit if true. context.trueForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } forkContext.replaceHead(forkContext.makeNext(-1, -1)); } }, /** * Makes a code path segment of the `if` block. * * @returns {void} */ makeIfConsequent() { const context = this.choiceContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; /* * If any result were not transferred from child contexts, * this sets the head segments to both cases. * The head segments are the path of the test expression. */ if (!context.processed) { context.trueForkContext.add(forkContext.head); context.falseForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } context.processed = false; // Creates new path from the `true` case. forkContext.replaceHead( context.trueForkContext.makeNext(0, -1) ); }, /** * Makes a code path segment of the `else` block. * * @returns {void} */ makeIfAlternate() { const context = this.choiceContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; /* * The head segments are the path of the `if` block. * Updates the `true` path with the end of the `if` block. */ context.trueForkContext.clear(); context.trueForkContext.add(forkContext.head); context.processed = true; // Creates new path from the `false` case. forkContext.replaceHead( context.falseForkContext.makeNext(0, -1) ); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SwitchStatement //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a context object of SwitchStatement and stacks it. * * @param {boolean} hasCase - `true` if the switch statement has one or more * case parts. * @param {string|null} label - The label text. * @returns {void} */ pushSwitchContext(hasCase, label) { this.switchContext = { upper: this.switchContext, hasCase, defaultSegments: null, defaultBodySegments: null, foundDefault: false, lastIsDefault: false, countForks: 0 }; this.pushBreakContext(true, label); }, /** * Pops the last context of SwitchStatement and finalizes it. * * - Disposes all forking stack for `case` and `default`. * - Creates the next code path segment from `context.brokenForkContext`. * - If the last `SwitchCase` node is not a `default` part, creates a path * to the `default` body. * * @returns {void} */ popSwitchContext() { const context = this.switchContext; this.switchContext = context.upper; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const brokenForkContext = this.popBreakContext().brokenForkContext; if (context.countForks === 0) { /* * When there is only one `default` chunk and there is one or more * `break` statements, even if forks are nothing, it needs to merge * those. */ if (!brokenForkContext.empty) { brokenForkContext.add(forkContext.makeNext(-1, -1)); forkContext.replaceHead(brokenForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); } return; } const lastSegments = forkContext.head; this.forkBypassPath(); const lastCaseSegments = forkContext.head; /* * `brokenForkContext` is used to make the next segment. * It must add the last segment into `brokenForkContext`. */ brokenForkContext.add(lastSegments); /* * A path which is failed in all case test should be connected to path * of `default` chunk. */ if (!context.lastIsDefault) { if (context.defaultBodySegments) { /* * Remove a link from `default` label to its chunk. * It's false route. */ removeConnection(context.defaultSegments, context.defaultBodySegments); makeLooped(this, lastCaseSegments, context.defaultBodySegments); } else { /* * It handles the last case body as broken if `default` chunk * does not exist. */ brokenForkContext.add(lastCaseSegments); } } // Pops the segment context stack until the entry segment. for (let i = 0; i < context.countForks; ++i) { this.forkContext = this.forkContext.upper; } /* * Creates a path from all brokenForkContext paths. * This is a path after switch statement. */ this.forkContext.replaceHead(brokenForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for a `SwitchCase` node. * * @param {boolean} isEmpty - `true` if the body is empty. * @param {boolean} isDefault - `true` if the body is the default case. * @returns {void} */ makeSwitchCaseBody(isEmpty, isDefault) { const context = this.switchContext; if (!context.hasCase) { return; } /* * Merge forks. * The parent fork context has two segments. * Those are from the current case and the body of the previous case. */ const parentForkContext = this.forkContext; const forkContext = this.pushForkContext(); forkContext.add(parentForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); /* * Save `default` chunk info. * If the `default` label is not at the last, we must make a path from * the last `case` to the `default` chunk. */ if (isDefault) { context.defaultSegments = parentForkContext.head; if (isEmpty) { context.foundDefault = true; } else { context.defaultBodySegments = forkContext.head; } } else { if (!isEmpty && context.foundDefault) { context.foundDefault = false; context.defaultBodySegments = forkContext.head; } } context.lastIsDefault = isDefault; context.countForks += 1; }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TryStatement //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a context object of TryStatement and stacks it. * * @param {boolean} hasFinalizer - `true` if the try statement has a * `finally` block. * @returns {void} */ pushTryContext(hasFinalizer) { this.tryContext = { upper: this.tryContext, position: "try", hasFinalizer, returnedForkContext: hasFinalizer ? ForkContext.newEmpty(this.forkContext) : null, thrownForkContext: ForkContext.newEmpty(this.forkContext), lastOfTryIsReachable: false, lastOfCatchIsReachable: false }; }, /** * Pops the last context of TryStatement and finalizes it. * * @returns {void} */ popTryContext() { const context = this.tryContext; this.tryContext = context.upper; if (context.position === "catch") { // Merges two paths from the `try` block and `catch` block merely. this.popForkContext(); return; } /* * The following process is executed only when there is the `finally` * block. */ const returned = context.returnedForkContext; const thrown = context.thrownForkContext; if (returned.empty && thrown.empty) { return; } // Separate head to normal paths and leaving paths. const headSegments = this.forkContext.head; this.forkContext = this.forkContext.upper; const normalSegments = headSegments.slice(0, headSegments.length / 2 | 0); const leavingSegments = headSegments.slice(headSegments.length / 2 | 0); // Forwards the leaving path to upper contexts. if (!returned.empty) { getReturnContext(this).returnedForkContext.add(leavingSegments); } if (!thrown.empty) { getThrowContext(this).thrownForkContext.add(leavingSegments); } // Sets the normal path as the next. this.forkContext.replaceHead(normalSegments); // If both paths of the `try` block and the `catch` block are // unreachable, the next path becomes unreachable as well. if (!context.lastOfTryIsReachable && !context.lastOfCatchIsReachable) { this.forkContext.makeUnreachable(); } }, /** * Makes a code path segment for a `catch` block. * * @returns {void} */ makeCatchBlock() { const context = this.tryContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const thrown = context.thrownForkContext; // Update state. context.position = "catch"; context.thrownForkContext = ForkContext.newEmpty(forkContext); context.lastOfTryIsReachable = forkContext.reachable; // Merge thrown paths. thrown.add(forkContext.head); const thrownSegments = thrown.makeNext(0, -1); // Fork to a bypass and the merged thrown path. this.pushForkContext(); this.forkBypassPath(); this.forkContext.add(thrownSegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for a `finally` block. * * In the `finally` block, parallel paths are created. The parallel paths * are used as leaving-paths. The leaving-paths are paths from `return` * statements and `throw` statements in a `try` block or a `catch` block. * * @returns {void} */ makeFinallyBlock() { const context = this.tryContext; let forkContext = this.forkContext; const returned = context.returnedForkContext; const thrown = context.thrownForkContext; const headOfLeavingSegments = forkContext.head; // Update state. if (context.position === "catch") { // Merges two paths from the `try` block and `catch` block. this.popForkContext(); forkContext = this.forkContext; context.lastOfCatchIsReachable = forkContext.reachable; } else { context.lastOfTryIsReachable = forkContext.reachable; } context.position = "finally"; if (returned.empty && thrown.empty) { // This path does not leave. return; } /* * Create a parallel segment from merging returned and thrown. * This segment will leave at the end of this finally block. */ const segments = forkContext.makeNext(-1, -1); let j; for (let i = 0; i < forkContext.count; ++i) { const prevSegsOfLeavingSegment = [headOfLeavingSegments[i]]; for (j = 0; j < returned.segmentsList.length; ++j) { prevSegsOfLeavingSegment.push(returned.segmentsList[j][i]); } for (j = 0; j < thrown.segmentsList.length; ++j) { prevSegsOfLeavingSegment.push(thrown.segmentsList[j][i]); } segments.push(CodePathSegment.newNext( this.idGenerator.next(), prevSegsOfLeavingSegment)); } this.pushForkContext(true); this.forkContext.add(segments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment from the first throwable node to the `catch` * block or the `finally` block. * * @returns {void} */ makeFirstThrowablePathInTryBlock() { const forkContext = this.forkContext; if (!forkContext.reachable) { return; } const context = getThrowContext(this); if (context === this || context.position !== "try" || !context.thrownForkContext.empty ) { return; } context.thrownForkContext.add(forkContext.head); forkContext.replaceHead(forkContext.makeNext(-1, -1)); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop Statements //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a context object of a loop statement and stacks it. * * @param {string} type - The type of the node which was triggered. One of * `WhileStatement`, `DoWhileStatement`, `ForStatement`, `ForInStatement`, * and `ForStatement`. * @param {string|null} label - A label of the node which was triggered. * @returns {void} */ pushLoopContext(type, label) { const forkContext = this.forkContext; const breakContext = this.pushBreakContext(true, label); switch (type) { case "WhileStatement": this.pushChoiceContext("loop", false); this.loopContext = { upper: this.loopContext, type, label, test: void 0, continueDestSegments: null, brokenForkContext: breakContext.brokenForkContext }; break; case "DoWhileStatement": this.pushChoiceContext("loop", false); this.loopContext = { upper: this.loopContext, type, label, test: void 0, entrySegments: null, continueForkContext: ForkContext.newEmpty(forkContext), brokenForkContext: breakContext.brokenForkContext }; break; case "ForStatement": this.pushChoiceContext("loop", false); this.loopContext = { upper: this.loopContext, type, label, test: void 0, endOfInitSegments: null, testSegments: null, endOfTestSegments: null, updateSegments: null, endOfUpdateSegments: null, continueDestSegments: null, brokenForkContext: breakContext.brokenForkContext }; break; case "ForInStatement": case "ForOfStatement": this.loopContext = { upper: this.loopContext, type, label, prevSegments: null, leftSegments: null, endOfLeftSegments: null, continueDestSegments: null, brokenForkContext: breakContext.brokenForkContext }; break; /* istanbul ignore next */ default: throw new Error("unknown type: \"" + type + "\""); } }, /** * Pops the last context of a loop statement and finalizes it. * * @returns {void} */ popLoopContext() { const context = this.loopContext; this.loopContext = context.upper; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const brokenForkContext = this.popBreakContext().brokenForkContext; let choiceContext; // Creates a looped path. switch (context.type) { case "WhileStatement": case "ForStatement": choiceContext = this.popChoiceContext(); makeLooped( this, forkContext.head, context.continueDestSegments); break; case "DoWhileStatement": { choiceContext = this.popChoiceContext(); if (!choiceContext.processed) { choiceContext.trueForkContext.add(forkContext.head); choiceContext.falseForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } if (context.test !== true) { brokenForkContext.addAll(choiceContext.falseForkContext); } // `true` paths go to looping. const segmentsList = choiceContext.trueForkContext.segmentsList; for (let i = 0; i < segmentsList.length; ++i) { makeLooped( this, segmentsList[i], context.entrySegments); } break; } case "ForInStatement": case "ForOfStatement": brokenForkContext.add(forkContext.head); makeLooped( this, forkContext.head, context.leftSegments); break; /* istanbul ignore next */ default: throw new Error("unreachable"); } // Go next. if (brokenForkContext.empty) { forkContext.replaceHead(forkContext.makeUnreachable(-1, -1)); } else { forkContext.replaceHead(brokenForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); } }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the test part of a WhileStatement. * * @param {boolean|undefined} test - The test value (only when constant). * @returns {void} */ makeWhileTest(test) { const context = this.loopContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const testSegments = forkContext.makeNext(0, -1); // Update state. context.test = test; context.continueDestSegments = testSegments; forkContext.replaceHead(testSegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the body part of a WhileStatement. * * @returns {void} */ makeWhileBody() { const context = this.loopContext; const choiceContext = this.choiceContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; if (!choiceContext.processed) { choiceContext.trueForkContext.add(forkContext.head); choiceContext.falseForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } // Update state. if (context.test !== true) { context.brokenForkContext.addAll(choiceContext.falseForkContext); } forkContext.replaceHead(choiceContext.trueForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the body part of a DoWhileStatement. * * @returns {void} */ makeDoWhileBody() { const context = this.loopContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const bodySegments = forkContext.makeNext(-1, -1); // Update state. context.entrySegments = bodySegments; forkContext.replaceHead(bodySegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the test part of a DoWhileStatement. * * @param {boolean|undefined} test - The test value (only when constant). * @returns {void} */ makeDoWhileTest(test) { const context = this.loopContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; context.test = test; // Creates paths of `continue` statements. if (!context.continueForkContext.empty) { context.continueForkContext.add(forkContext.head); const testSegments = context.continueForkContext.makeNext(0, -1); forkContext.replaceHead(testSegments); } }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the test part of a ForStatement. * * @param {boolean|undefined} test - The test value (only when constant). * @returns {void} */ makeForTest(test) { const context = this.loopContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const endOfInitSegments = forkContext.head; const testSegments = forkContext.makeNext(-1, -1); // Update state. context.test = test; context.endOfInitSegments = endOfInitSegments; context.continueDestSegments = context.testSegments = testSegments; forkContext.replaceHead(testSegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the update part of a ForStatement. * * @returns {void} */ makeForUpdate() { const context = this.loopContext; const choiceContext = this.choiceContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; // Make the next paths of the test. if (context.testSegments) { finalizeTestSegmentsOfFor( context, choiceContext, forkContext.head); } else { context.endOfInitSegments = forkContext.head; } // Update state. const updateSegments = forkContext.makeDisconnected(-1, -1); context.continueDestSegments = context.updateSegments = updateSegments; forkContext.replaceHead(updateSegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the body part of a ForStatement. * * @returns {void} */ makeForBody() { const context = this.loopContext; const choiceContext = this.choiceContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; // Update state. if (context.updateSegments) { context.endOfUpdateSegments = forkContext.head; // `update` -> `test` if (context.testSegments) { makeLooped( this, context.endOfUpdateSegments, context.testSegments); } } else if (context.testSegments) { finalizeTestSegmentsOfFor( context, choiceContext, forkContext.head); } else { context.endOfInitSegments = forkContext.head; } let bodySegments = context.endOfTestSegments; if (!bodySegments) { /* * If there is not the `test` part, the `body` path comes from the * `init` part and the `update` part. */ const prevForkContext = ForkContext.newEmpty(forkContext); prevForkContext.add(context.endOfInitSegments); if (context.endOfUpdateSegments) { prevForkContext.add(context.endOfUpdateSegments); } bodySegments = prevForkContext.makeNext(0, -1); } context.continueDestSegments = context.continueDestSegments || bodySegments; forkContext.replaceHead(bodySegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the left part of a ForInStatement and a * ForOfStatement. * * @returns {void} */ makeForInOfLeft() { const context = this.loopContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const leftSegments = forkContext.makeDisconnected(-1, -1); // Update state. context.prevSegments = forkContext.head; context.leftSegments = context.continueDestSegments = leftSegments; forkContext.replaceHead(leftSegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the right part of a ForInStatement and a * ForOfStatement. * * @returns {void} */ makeForInOfRight() { const context = this.loopContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const temp = ForkContext.newEmpty(forkContext); temp.add(context.prevSegments); const rightSegments = temp.makeNext(-1, -1); // Update state. context.endOfLeftSegments = forkContext.head; forkContext.replaceHead(rightSegments); }, /** * Makes a code path segment for the body part of a ForInStatement and a * ForOfStatement. * * @returns {void} */ makeForInOfBody() { const context = this.loopContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; const temp = ForkContext.newEmpty(forkContext); temp.add(context.endOfLeftSegments); const bodySegments = temp.makeNext(-1, -1); // Make a path: `right` -> `left`. makeLooped(this, forkContext.head, context.leftSegments); // Update state. context.brokenForkContext.add(forkContext.head); forkContext.replaceHead(bodySegments); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Control Statements //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates new context for BreakStatement. * * @param {boolean} breakable - The flag to indicate it can break by * an unlabeled BreakStatement. * @param {string|null} label - The label of this context. * @returns {Object} The new context. */ pushBreakContext(breakable, label) { this.breakContext = { upper: this.breakContext, breakable, label, brokenForkContext: ForkContext.newEmpty(this.forkContext) }; return this.breakContext; }, /** * Removes the top item of the break context stack. * * @returns {Object} The removed context. */ popBreakContext() { const context = this.breakContext; const forkContext = this.forkContext; this.breakContext = context.upper; // Process this context here for other than switches and loops. if (!context.breakable) { const brokenForkContext = context.brokenForkContext; if (!brokenForkContext.empty) { brokenForkContext.add(forkContext.head); forkContext.replaceHead(brokenForkContext.makeNext(0, -1)); } } return context; }, /** * Makes a path for a `break` statement. * * It registers the head segment to a context of `break`. * It makes new unreachable segment, then it set the head with the segment. * * @param {string} label - A label of the break statement. * @returns {void} */ makeBreak(label) { const forkContext = this.forkContext; if (!forkContext.reachable) { return; } const context = getBreakContext(this, label); /* istanbul ignore else: foolproof (syntax error) */ if (context) { context.brokenForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } forkContext.replaceHead(forkContext.makeUnreachable(-1, -1)); }, /** * Makes a path for a `continue` statement. * * It makes a looping path. * It makes new unreachable segment, then it set the head with the segment. * * @param {string} label - A label of the continue statement. * @returns {void} */ makeContinue(label) { const forkContext = this.forkContext; if (!forkContext.reachable) { return; } const context = getContinueContext(this, label); /* istanbul ignore else: foolproof (syntax error) */ if (context) { if (context.continueDestSegments) { makeLooped(this, forkContext.head, context.continueDestSegments); // If the context is a for-in/of loop, this effects a break also. if (context.type === "ForInStatement" || context.type === "ForOfStatement" ) { context.brokenForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } } else { context.continueForkContext.add(forkContext.head); } } forkContext.replaceHead(forkContext.makeUnreachable(-1, -1)); }, /** * Makes a path for a `return` statement. * * It registers the head segment to a context of `return`. * It makes new unreachable segment, then it set the head with the segment. * * @returns {void} */ makeReturn() { const forkContext = this.forkContext; if (forkContext.reachable) { getReturnContext(this).returnedForkContext.add(forkContext.head); forkContext.replaceHead(forkContext.makeUnreachable(-1, -1)); } }, /** * Makes a path for a `throw` statement. * * It registers the head segment to a context of `throw`. * It makes new unreachable segment, then it set the head with the segment. * * @returns {void} */ makeThrow() { const forkContext = this.forkContext; if (forkContext.reachable) { getThrowContext(this).thrownForkContext.add(forkContext.head); forkContext.replaceHead(forkContext.makeUnreachable(-1, -1)); } }, /** * Makes the final path. * @returns {void} */ makeFinal() { const segments = this.currentSegments; if (segments.length > 0 && segments[0].reachable) { this.returnedForkContext.add(segments); } } }; module.exports = CodePathState;