#ifndef SRC_NODE_CRYPTO_H_ #define SRC_NODE_CRYPTO_H_ #include "node.h" #include "node_crypto_clienthello.h" // ClientHelloParser #include "node_crypto_clienthello-inl.h" #ifdef OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED #include "node_buffer.h" #endif #include "env.h" #include "async-wrap.h" #include "async-wrap-inl.h" #include "base-object.h" #include "base-object-inl.h" #include "v8.h" #include #include #include #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE # include #endif // !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EVP_F_EVP_DECRYPTFINAL 101 #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT) && defined(SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb) # define NODE__HAVE_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB #endif // !defined(OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT) && defined(SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb) namespace node { namespace crypto { // Forcibly clear OpenSSL's error stack on return. This stops stale errors // from popping up later in the lifecycle of crypto operations where they // would cause spurious failures. It's a rather blunt method, though. // ERR_clear_error() isn't necessarily cheap either. struct ClearErrorOnReturn { ~ClearErrorOnReturn() { ERR_clear_error(); } }; // Pop errors from OpenSSL's error stack that were added // between when this was constructed and destructed. struct MarkPopErrorOnReturn { MarkPopErrorOnReturn() { ERR_set_mark(); } ~MarkPopErrorOnReturn() { ERR_pop_to_mark(); } }; enum CheckResult { CHECK_CERT_REVOKED = 0, CHECK_OK = 1 }; extern int VerifyCallback(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx); extern X509_STORE* root_cert_store; // Forward declaration class Connection; class SecureContext : public BaseObject { public: ~SecureContext() override { FreeCTXMem(); } static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); X509_STORE* ca_store_; SSL_CTX* ctx_; X509* cert_; X509* issuer_; static const int kMaxSessionSize = 10 * 1024; // See TicketKeyCallback static const int kTicketKeyReturnIndex = 0; static const int kTicketKeyHMACIndex = 1; static const int kTicketKeyAESIndex = 2; static const int kTicketKeyNameIndex = 3; static const int kTicketKeyIVIndex = 4; protected: static const int64_t kExternalSize = sizeof(SSL_CTX); static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Init(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetCert(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void AddCACert(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void AddCRL(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void AddRootCerts(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetCiphers(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetECDHCurve(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetDHParam(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetOptions(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetSessionIdContext( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetSessionTimeout( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Close(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void LoadPKCS12(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetTicketKeys(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetTicketKeys(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetFreeListLength( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void EnableTicketKeyCallback( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void CtxGetter(v8::Local property, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info); template static void GetCertificate(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static int TicketKeyCallback(SSL* ssl, unsigned char* name, unsigned char* iv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX* ectx, HMAC_CTX* hctx, int enc); SecureContext(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : BaseObject(env, wrap), ca_store_(nullptr), ctx_(nullptr), cert_(nullptr), issuer_(nullptr) { MakeWeak(this); env->isolate()->AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(kExternalSize); } void FreeCTXMem() { if (ctx_) { env()->isolate()->AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(-kExternalSize); if (ctx_->cert_store == root_cert_store) { // SSL_CTX_free() will attempt to free the cert_store as well. // Since we want our root_cert_store to stay around forever // we just clear the field. Hopefully OpenSSL will not modify this // struct in future versions. ctx_->cert_store = nullptr; } SSL_CTX_free(ctx_); if (cert_ != nullptr) X509_free(cert_); if (issuer_ != nullptr) X509_free(issuer_); ctx_ = nullptr; ca_store_ = nullptr; cert_ = nullptr; issuer_ = nullptr; } else { CHECK_EQ(ca_store_, nullptr); } } }; // SSLWrap implicitly depends on the inheriting class' handle having an // internal pointer to the Base class. template class SSLWrap { public: enum Kind { kClient, kServer }; SSLWrap(Environment* env, SecureContext* sc, Kind kind) : env_(env), kind_(kind), next_sess_(nullptr), session_callbacks_(false), new_session_wait_(false), cert_cb_(nullptr), cert_cb_arg_(nullptr), cert_cb_running_(false) { ssl_ = SSL_new(sc->ctx_); env_->isolate()->AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(kExternalSize); CHECK_NE(ssl_, nullptr); } virtual ~SSLWrap() { DestroySSL(); if (next_sess_ != nullptr) { SSL_SESSION_free(next_sess_); next_sess_ = nullptr; } #ifdef OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED npn_protos_.Reset(); selected_npn_proto_.Reset(); #endif #ifdef SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CB sni_context_.Reset(); #endif #ifdef NODE__HAVE_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB ocsp_response_.Reset(); #endif // NODE__HAVE_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB } inline SSL* ssl() const { return ssl_; } inline void enable_session_callbacks() { session_callbacks_ = true; } inline bool is_server() const { return kind_ == kServer; } inline bool is_client() const { return kind_ == kClient; } inline bool is_waiting_new_session() const { return new_session_wait_; } inline bool is_waiting_cert_cb() const { return cert_cb_ != nullptr; } protected: typedef void (*CertCb)(void* arg); // Size allocated by OpenSSL: one for SSL structure, one for SSL3_STATE and // some for buffers. // NOTE: Actually it is much more than this static const int64_t kExternalSize = sizeof(SSL) + sizeof(SSL3_STATE) + 42 * 1024; static void InitNPN(SecureContext* sc); static void AddMethods(Environment* env, v8::Local t); static SSL_SESSION* GetSessionCallback(SSL* s, unsigned char* key, int len, int* copy); static int NewSessionCallback(SSL* s, SSL_SESSION* sess); static void OnClientHello(void* arg, const ClientHelloParser::ClientHello& hello); static void GetPeerCertificate( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetSession(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetSession(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void LoadSession(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void IsSessionReused(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void IsInitFinished(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void VerifyError(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetCurrentCipher(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void EndParser(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void CertCbDone(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Renegotiate(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Shutdown(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetTLSTicket(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void NewSessionDone(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetOCSPResponse(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void RequestOCSP(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); #ifdef SSL_set_max_send_fragment static void SetMaxSendFragment( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); #endif // SSL_set_max_send_fragment #ifdef OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED static void GetNegotiatedProto( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetNPNProtocols(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static int AdvertiseNextProtoCallback(SSL* s, const unsigned char** data, unsigned int* len, void* arg); static int SelectNextProtoCallback(SSL* s, unsigned char** out, unsigned char* outlen, const unsigned char* in, unsigned int inlen, void* arg); #endif // OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED static int TLSExtStatusCallback(SSL* s, void* arg); static int SSLCertCallback(SSL* s, void* arg); static void SSLGetter(v8::Local property, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info); void DestroySSL(); void WaitForCertCb(CertCb cb, void* arg); inline Environment* ssl_env() const { return env_; } Environment* const env_; Kind kind_; SSL_SESSION* next_sess_; SSL* ssl_; bool session_callbacks_; bool new_session_wait_; // SSL_set_cert_cb CertCb cert_cb_; void* cert_cb_arg_; bool cert_cb_running_; ClientHelloParser hello_parser_; #ifdef NODE__HAVE_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB v8::Persistent ocsp_response_; #endif // NODE__HAVE_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB #ifdef OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED v8::Persistent npn_protos_; v8::Persistent selected_npn_proto_; #endif // OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED #ifdef SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CB v8::Persistent sni_context_; #endif friend class SecureContext; }; // Connection inherits from AsyncWrap because SSLWrap makes calls to // MakeCallback, but SSLWrap doesn't store the handle itself. Instead it // assumes that any args.This() called will be the handle from Connection. class Connection : public SSLWrap, public AsyncWrap { public: ~Connection() override { #ifdef SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CB sniObject_.Reset(); servername_.Reset(); #endif } static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); void NewSessionDoneCb(); #ifdef OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED v8::Persistent npnProtos_; v8::Persistent selectedNPNProto_; #endif #ifdef SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CB v8::Persistent sniObject_; v8::Persistent servername_; #endif size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void EncIn(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void ClearOut(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void ClearPending(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void EncPending(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void EncOut(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void ClearIn(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Start(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Close(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); #ifdef SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CB // SNI static void GetServername(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetSNICallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static int SelectSNIContextCallback_(SSL* s, int* ad, void* arg); #endif static void OnClientHelloParseEnd(void* arg); int HandleBIOError(BIO* bio, const char* func, int rv); enum ZeroStatus { kZeroIsNotAnError, kZeroIsAnError }; enum SyscallStatus { kIgnoreSyscall, kSyscallError }; int HandleSSLError(const char* func, int rv, ZeroStatus zs, SyscallStatus ss); void ClearError(); void SetShutdownFlags(); Connection(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap, SecureContext* sc, SSLWrap::Kind kind) : SSLWrap(env, sc, kind), AsyncWrap(env, wrap, AsyncWrap::PROVIDER_CRYPTO), bio_read_(nullptr), bio_write_(nullptr), hello_offset_(0) { MakeWeak(this); hello_parser_.Start(SSLWrap::OnClientHello, OnClientHelloParseEnd, this); enable_session_callbacks(); } private: static void SSLInfoCallback(const SSL *ssl, int where, int ret); BIO *bio_read_; BIO *bio_write_; uint8_t hello_data_[18432]; size_t hello_offset_; friend class ClientHelloParser; friend class SecureContext; }; class CipherBase : public BaseObject { public: ~CipherBase() override { if (!initialised_) return; delete[] auth_tag_; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx_); } static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); protected: enum CipherKind { kCipher, kDecipher }; void Init(const char* cipher_type, const char* key_buf, int key_buf_len); void InitIv(const char* cipher_type, const char* key, int key_len, const char* iv, int iv_len); bool Update(const char* data, int len, unsigned char** out, int* out_len); bool Final(unsigned char** out, int *out_len); bool SetAutoPadding(bool auto_padding); bool IsAuthenticatedMode() const; bool GetAuthTag(char** out, unsigned int* out_len) const; bool SetAuthTag(const char* data, unsigned int len); bool SetAAD(const char* data, unsigned int len); static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Init(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void InitIv(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Update(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void Final(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetAutoPadding(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetAuthTag(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetAuthTag(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetAAD(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); CipherBase(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap, CipherKind kind) : BaseObject(env, wrap), cipher_(nullptr), initialised_(false), kind_(kind), auth_tag_(nullptr), auth_tag_len_(0) { MakeWeak(this); } private: EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ const EVP_CIPHER* cipher_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ bool initialised_; CipherKind kind_; char* auth_tag_; unsigned int auth_tag_len_; }; class Hmac : public BaseObject { public: ~Hmac() override { if (!initialised_) return; HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&ctx_); } static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); protected: void HmacInit(const char* hash_type, const char* key, int key_len); bool HmacUpdate(const char* data, int len); bool HmacDigest(unsigned char** md_value, unsigned int* md_len); static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void HmacInit(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void HmacUpdate(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void HmacDigest(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); Hmac(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : BaseObject(env, wrap), md_(nullptr), initialised_(false) { MakeWeak(this); } private: HMAC_CTX ctx_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ const EVP_MD* md_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ bool initialised_; }; class Hash : public BaseObject { public: ~Hash() override { if (!initialised_) return; EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&mdctx_); } static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); bool HashInit(const char* hash_type); bool HashUpdate(const char* data, int len); protected: static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void HashUpdate(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void HashDigest(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); Hash(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : BaseObject(env, wrap), md_(nullptr), initialised_(false) { MakeWeak(this); } private: EVP_MD_CTX mdctx_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ const EVP_MD* md_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ bool initialised_; }; class SignBase : public BaseObject { public: typedef enum { kSignOk, kSignUnknownDigest, kSignInit, kSignNotInitialised, kSignUpdate, kSignPrivateKey, kSignPublicKey } Error; SignBase(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : BaseObject(env, wrap), md_(nullptr), initialised_(false) { } ~SignBase() override { if (!initialised_) return; EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&mdctx_); } protected: void CheckThrow(Error error); EVP_MD_CTX mdctx_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ const EVP_MD* md_; /* coverity[member_decl] */ bool initialised_; }; class Sign : public SignBase { public: static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); Error SignInit(const char* sign_type); Error SignUpdate(const char* data, int len); Error SignFinal(const char* key_pem, int key_pem_len, const char* passphrase, unsigned char** sig, unsigned int *sig_len); protected: static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SignInit(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SignUpdate(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SignFinal(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); Sign(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : SignBase(env, wrap) { MakeWeak(this); } }; class Verify : public SignBase { public: static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); Error VerifyInit(const char* verify_type); Error VerifyUpdate(const char* data, int len); Error VerifyFinal(const char* key_pem, int key_pem_len, const char* sig, int siglen, bool* verify_result); protected: static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void VerifyInit(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void VerifyUpdate(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void VerifyFinal(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); Verify(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : SignBase(env, wrap) { MakeWeak(this); } }; class PublicKeyCipher { public: typedef int (*EVP_PKEY_cipher_init_t)(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx); typedef int (*EVP_PKEY_cipher_t)(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen, const unsigned char *in, size_t inlen); enum Operation { kPublic, kPrivate }; template static bool Cipher(const char* key_pem, int key_pem_len, const char* passphrase, int padding, const unsigned char* data, int len, unsigned char** out, size_t* out_len); template static void Cipher(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); }; class DiffieHellman : public BaseObject { public: ~DiffieHellman() override { if (dh != nullptr) { DH_free(dh); } } static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); bool Init(int primeLength, int g); bool Init(const char* p, int p_len, int g); bool Init(const char* p, int p_len, const char* g, int g_len); protected: static void DiffieHellmanGroup( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GenerateKeys(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetPrime(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetGenerator(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetPublicKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetPrivateKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void ComputeSecret(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetPublicKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetPrivateKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void VerifyErrorGetter( v8::Local property, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& args); DiffieHellman(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : BaseObject(env, wrap), initialised_(false), verifyError_(0), dh(nullptr) { MakeWeak(this); } private: bool VerifyContext(); bool initialised_; int verifyError_; DH* dh; }; class ECDH : public BaseObject { public: ~ECDH() override { if (key_ != nullptr) EC_KEY_free(key_); key_ = nullptr; group_ = nullptr; } static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); protected: ECDH(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap, EC_KEY* key) : BaseObject(env, wrap), generated_(false), key_(key), group_(EC_KEY_get0_group(key_)) { MakeWeak(this); ASSERT_NE(group_, nullptr); } static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GenerateKeys(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void ComputeSecret(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetPrivateKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetPrivateKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void GetPublicKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void SetPublicKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); EC_POINT* BufferToPoint(char* data, size_t len); bool generated_; EC_KEY* key_; const EC_GROUP* group_; }; class Certificate : public AsyncWrap { public: static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local target); v8::Local CertificateInit(const char* sign_type); bool VerifySpkac(const char* data, unsigned int len); const char* ExportPublicKey(const char* data, int len); const char* ExportChallenge(const char* data, int len); size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void VerifySpkac(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void ExportPublicKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); static void ExportChallenge(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); Certificate(Environment* env, v8::Local wrap) : AsyncWrap(env, wrap, AsyncWrap::PROVIDER_CRYPTO) { MakeWeak(this); } }; bool EntropySource(unsigned char* buffer, size_t length); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE void SetEngine(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args); #endif // !OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE void InitCrypto(v8::Local target); } // namespace crypto } // namespace node #endif // SRC_NODE_CRYPTO_H_