'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync; const path = require('path'); const node = process.execPath; // test both sets of arguments that check syntax const syntaxArgs = [ ['-c'], ['--check'] ]; // test good syntax with and without shebang [ 'syntax/good_syntax.js', 'syntax/good_syntax', 'syntax/good_syntax_shebang.js', 'syntax/good_syntax_shebang', 'syntax/illegal_if_not_wrapped.js' ].forEach(function(file) { file = path.join(common.fixturesDir, file); // loop each possible option, `-c` or `--check` syntaxArgs.forEach(function(args) { const _args = args.concat(file); const c = spawnSync(node, _args, {encoding: 'utf8'}); // no output should be produced assert.strictEqual(c.stdout, '', 'stdout produced'); assert.strictEqual(c.stderr, '', 'stderr produced'); assert.strictEqual(c.status, 0, 'code === ' + c.status); }); }); // test bad syntax with and without shebang [ 'syntax/bad_syntax.js', 'syntax/bad_syntax', 'syntax/bad_syntax_shebang.js', 'syntax/bad_syntax_shebang' ].forEach(function(file) { file = path.join(common.fixturesDir, file); // loop each possible option, `-c` or `--check` syntaxArgs.forEach(function(args) { const _args = args.concat(file); const c = spawnSync(node, _args, {encoding: 'utf8'}); // no stdout should be produced assert.strictEqual(c.stdout, '', 'stdout produced'); // stderr should include the filename assert(c.stderr.startsWith(file), "stderr doesn't start with the filename"); // stderr should have a syntax error message const match = c.stderr.match(/^SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier$/m); assert(match, 'stderr incorrect'); assert.strictEqual(c.status, 1, 'code === ' + c.status); }); }); // test file not found [ 'syntax/file_not_found.js', 'syntax/file_not_found' ].forEach(function(file) { file = path.join(common.fixturesDir, file); // loop each possible option, `-c` or `--check` syntaxArgs.forEach(function(args) { const _args = args.concat(file); const c = spawnSync(node, _args, {encoding: 'utf8'}); // no stdout should be produced assert.strictEqual(c.stdout, '', 'stdout produced'); // stderr should have a module not found error message const match = c.stderr.match(/^Error: Cannot find module/m); assert(match, 'stderr incorrect'); assert.strictEqual(c.status, 1, 'code === ' + c.status); }); }); // should not execute code piped from stdin with --check // loop each possible option, `-c` or `--check` syntaxArgs.forEach(function(args) { const stdin = 'throw new Error("should not get run");'; const c = spawnSync(node, args, {encoding: 'utf8', input: stdin}); // no stdout or stderr should be produced assert.strictEqual(c.stdout, '', 'stdout produced'); assert.strictEqual(c.stderr, '', 'stderr produced'); assert.strictEqual(c.status, 0, 'code === ' + c.status); }); // should throw if code piped from stdin with --check has bad syntax // loop each possible option, `-c` or `--check` syntaxArgs.forEach(function(args) { const stdin = 'var foo bar;'; const c = spawnSync(node, args, {encoding: 'utf8', input: stdin}); // stderr should include '[stdin]' as the filename assert(c.stderr.startsWith('[stdin]'), "stderr doesn't start with [stdin]"); // no stdout or stderr should be produced assert.strictEqual(c.stdout, '', 'stdout produced'); // stderr should have a syntax error message const match = c.stderr.match(/^SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier$/m); assert(match, 'stderr incorrect'); assert.strictEqual(c.status, 1, 'code === ' + c.status); }); // should throw if -c and -e flags are both passed ['-c', '--check'].forEach(function(checkFlag) { ['-e', '--eval'].forEach(function(evalFlag) { const args = [checkFlag, evalFlag, 'foo']; const c = spawnSync(node, args, {encoding: 'utf8'}); assert( c.stderr.startsWith( `${node}: either --check or --eval can be used, not both` ) ); assert.strictEqual(c.status, 9, 'code === ' + c.status); }); });