// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --allow-natives-syntax load('test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-constants.js'); load('test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-module-builder.js'); // ============================================================================= // Tests in this file test the interaction between the wasm interpreter and // compiled code. // ============================================================================= (function testGrowMemoryBetweenInterpretedAndCompiled() { // grow_memory can be called from interpreted or compiled code, and changes // should be reflected in either execution. var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var grow_body = [kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprGrowMemory, kMemoryZero]; var load_body = [kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprI32LoadMem, 0, 0]; var store_body = [kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprGetLocal, 1, kExprI32StoreMem, 0, 0]; builder.addFunction('grow_memory', kSig_i_i).addBody(grow_body).exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('load', kSig_i_i).addBody(load_body).exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('store', kSig_v_ii).addBody(store_body).exportFunc(); var grow_interp_function = builder.addFunction('grow_memory_interpreted', kSig_i_i) .addBody(grow_body) .exportFunc(); var load_interp_function = builder.addFunction('load_interpreted', kSig_i_i) .addBody(load_body) .exportFunc(); var kNumPages = 2; var kMaxPages = 10; builder.addMemory(kNumPages, kMaxPages, false); var instance = builder.instantiate(); var exp = instance.exports; %RedirectToWasmInterpreter(instance, grow_interp_function.index); %RedirectToWasmInterpreter(instance, load_interp_function.index); // Initially, we can load from offset 12, but not OOB. var oob_index = kNumPages * kPageSize; var initial_interpreted = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); assertEquals(0, exp.load(12)); assertEquals(0, exp.load_interpreted(12)); assertTraps(kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load(oob_index)); assertTraps( kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load_interpreted(oob_index)); // Grow by 2 pages from compiled code, and ensure that this is reflected in // the interpreter. assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory(2)); kNumPages += 2; assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(0)); assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory(0)); // Now we can load from the previous OOB index. assertEquals(0, exp.load(oob_index)); assertEquals(0, exp.load_interpreted(oob_index)); // Set new OOB index and ensure that it traps. oob_index = kNumPages * kPageSize; assertTraps(kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load(oob_index)); assertTraps( kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load_interpreted(oob_index)); // Grow by another page in the interpreter, and ensure that this is reflected // in compiled code. assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(1)); kNumPages += 1; assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(0)); assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory(0)); // Now we can store to the previous OOB index and read it back in both // environments. exp.store(oob_index, 47); assertEquals(47, exp.load(oob_index)); assertEquals(47, exp.load_interpreted(oob_index)); // We cannot grow beyong kMaxPages. assertEquals(-1, exp.grow_memory(kMaxPages - kNumPages + 1)); assertEquals(-1, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(kMaxPages - kNumPages + 1)); // Overall, we executed 9 functions in the interpreter. assertEquals(initial_interpreted + 9, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); })();