/** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module parse-entities * @fileoverview Parse HTML character references: fast, spec-compliant, * positional information. */ 'use strict'; /* Dependencies. */ var has = require('has'); var characterEntities = require('character-entities'); var legacy = require('character-entities-legacy'); var invalid = require('character-reference-invalid'); var decimal = require('is-decimal'); var hexadecimal = require('is-hexadecimal'); var alphanumerical = require('is-alphanumerical'); /* Expose. */ module.exports = wrapper; /* Methods. */ var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; var noop = Function.prototype; /* Characters. */ var REPLACEMENT = '\uFFFD'; var FORM_FEED = '\f'; var AMPERSAND = '&'; var OCTOTHORP = '#'; var SEMICOLON = ';'; var NEWLINE = '\n'; var X_LOWER = 'x'; var X_UPPER = 'X'; var SPACE = ' '; var LESS_THAN = '<'; var EQUAL = '='; var EMPTY = ''; var TAB = '\t'; /* Default settings. */ var defaults = { warning: null, reference: null, text: null, warningContext: null, referenceContext: null, textContext: null, position: {}, additional: null, attribute: false, nonTerminated: true }; /* Reference types. */ var NAMED = 'named'; var HEXADECIMAL = 'hexadecimal'; var DECIMAL = 'decimal'; /* Map of bases. */ var BASE = {}; BASE[HEXADECIMAL] = 16; BASE[DECIMAL] = 10; /* Map of types to tests. Each type of character reference * accepts different characters. This test is used to * detect whether a reference has ended (as the semicolon * is not strictly needed). */ var TESTS = {}; TESTS[NAMED] = alphanumerical; TESTS[DECIMAL] = decimal; TESTS[HEXADECIMAL] = hexadecimal; /* Warning messages. */ var NAMED_NOT_TERMINATED = 1; var NUMERIC_NOT_TERMINATED = 2; var NAMED_EMPTY = 3; var NUMERIC_EMPTY = 4; var NAMED_UNKNOWN = 5; var NUMERIC_DISALLOWED = 6; var NUMERIC_PROHIBITED = 7; var NUMERIC_REFERENCE = 'Numeric character references'; var NAMED_REFERENCE = 'Named character references'; var TERMINATED = ' must be terminated by a semicolon'; var VOID = ' cannot be empty'; var MESSAGES = {}; MESSAGES[NAMED_NOT_TERMINATED] = NAMED_REFERENCE + TERMINATED; MESSAGES[NUMERIC_NOT_TERMINATED] = NUMERIC_REFERENCE + TERMINATED; MESSAGES[NAMED_EMPTY] = NAMED_REFERENCE + VOID; MESSAGES[NUMERIC_EMPTY] = NUMERIC_REFERENCE + VOID; MESSAGES[NAMED_UNKNOWN] = NAMED_REFERENCE + ' must be known'; MESSAGES[NUMERIC_DISALLOWED] = NUMERIC_REFERENCE + ' cannot be disallowed'; MESSAGES[NUMERIC_PROHIBITED] = NUMERIC_REFERENCE + ' cannot be outside the ' + 'permissible Unicode range'; /** * Wrap to ensure clean parameters are given to `parse`. * * @param {string} value - Value with entities. * @param {Object?} [options] - Configuration. */ function wrapper(value, options) { var settings = {}; var key; if (!options) { options = {}; } for (key in defaults) { settings[key] = options[key] == null ? defaults[key] : options[key]; } if (settings.position.indent || settings.position.start) { settings.indent = settings.position.indent || []; settings.position = settings.position.start; } return parse(value, settings); } /** * Parse entities. * * @param {string} value - Value to tokenise. * @param {Object?} [settings] - Configuration. */ function parse(value, settings) { var additional = settings.additional; var nonTerminated = settings.nonTerminated; var handleText = settings.text; var handleReference = settings.reference; var handleWarning = settings.warning; var textContext = settings.textContext; var referenceContext = settings.referenceContext; var warningContext = settings.warningContext; var pos = settings.position; var indent = settings.indent || []; var length = value.length; var index = 0; var lines = -1; var column = pos.column || 1; var line = pos.line || 1; var queue = EMPTY; var result = []; var entityCharacters; var terminated; var characters; var character; var reference; var following; var warning; var reason; var output; var entity; var begin; var start; var type; var test; var prev; var next; var diff; var end; /* Cache the current point. */ prev = now(); /* Wrap `handleWarning`. */ warning = handleWarning ? parseError : noop; /* Ensure the algorithm walks over the first character * and the end (inclusive). */ index--; length++; while (++index < length) { /* If the previous character was a newline. */ if (character === NEWLINE) { column = indent[lines] || 1; } character = at(index); /* Handle anything other than an ampersand, * including newlines and EOF. */ if (character !== AMPERSAND) { if (character === NEWLINE) { line++; lines++; column = 0; } if (character) { queue += character; column++; } else { flush(); } } else { following = at(index + 1); /* The behaviour depends on the identity of the next * character. */ if ( following === TAB || following === NEWLINE || following === FORM_FEED || following === SPACE || following === LESS_THAN || following === AMPERSAND || following === EMPTY || (additional && following === additional) ) { /* Not a character reference. No characters * are consumed, and nothing is returned. * This is not an error, either. */ queue += character; column++; continue; } start = begin = end = index + 1; /* Numerical entity. */ if (following !== OCTOTHORP) { type = NAMED; } else { end = ++begin; /* The behaviour further depends on the * character after the U+0023 NUMBER SIGN. */ following = at(end); if (following === X_LOWER || following === X_UPPER) { /* ASCII hex digits. */ type = HEXADECIMAL; end = ++begin; } else { /* ASCII digits. */ type = DECIMAL; } } entityCharacters = entity = characters = EMPTY; test = TESTS[type]; end--; while (++end < length) { following = at(end); if (!test(following)) { break; } characters += following; /* Check if we can match a legacy named * reference. If so, we cache that as the * last viable named reference. This * ensures we do not need to walk backwards * later. */ if (type === NAMED && has(legacy, characters)) { entityCharacters = characters; entity = legacy[characters]; } } terminated = at(end) === SEMICOLON; if (terminated) { end++; if (type === NAMED && has(characterEntities, characters)) { entityCharacters = characters; entity = characterEntities[characters]; } } diff = 1 + end - start; if (!terminated && !nonTerminated) { /* Empty. */ } else if (!characters) { /* An empty (possible) entity is valid, unless * its numeric (thus an ampersand followed by * an octothorp). */ if (type !== NAMED) { warning(NUMERIC_EMPTY, diff); } } else if (type === NAMED) { /* An ampersand followed by anything * unknown, and not terminated, is invalid. */ if (terminated && !entity) { warning(NAMED_UNKNOWN, 1); } else { /* If theres something after an entity * name which is not known, cap the * reference. */ if (entityCharacters !== characters) { end = begin + entityCharacters.length; diff = 1 + end - begin; terminated = false; } /* If the reference is not terminated, * warn. */ if (!terminated) { reason = entityCharacters ? NAMED_NOT_TERMINATED : NAMED_EMPTY; if (!settings.attribute) { warning(reason, diff); } else { following = at(end); if (following === EQUAL) { warning(reason, diff); entity = null; } else if (alphanumerical(following)) { entity = null; } else { warning(reason, diff); } } } } reference = entity; } else { if (!terminated) { /* All non-terminated numeric entities are * not rendered, and trigger a warning. */ warning(NUMERIC_NOT_TERMINATED, diff); } /* When terminated and number, parse as * either hexadecimal or decimal. */ reference = parseInt(characters, BASE[type]); /* Trigger a warning when the parsed number * is prohibited, and replace with * replacement character. */ if (isProhibited(reference)) { warning(NUMERIC_PROHIBITED, diff); reference = REPLACEMENT; } else if (reference in invalid) { /* Trigger a warning when the parsed number * is disallowed, and replace by an * alternative. */ warning(NUMERIC_DISALLOWED, diff); reference = invalid[reference]; } else { /* Parse the number. */ output = EMPTY; /* Trigger a warning when the parsed * number should not be used. */ if (isWarning(reference)) { warning(NUMERIC_DISALLOWED, diff); } /* Stringify the number. */ if (reference > 0xFFFF) { reference -= 0x10000; output += fromCharCode((reference >>> (10 & 0x3FF)) | 0xD800); reference = 0xDC00 | (reference & 0x3FF); } reference = output + fromCharCode(reference); } } /* If we could not find a reference, queue the * checked characters (as normal characters), * and move the pointer to their end. This is * possible because we can be certain neither * newlines nor ampersands are included. */ if (!reference) { characters = value.slice(start - 1, end); queue += characters; column += characters.length; index = end - 1; } else { /* Found it! First eat the queued * characters as normal text, then eat * an entity. */ flush(); prev = now(); index = end - 1; column += end - start + 1; result.push(reference); next = now(); next.offset++; if (handleReference) { handleReference.call(referenceContext, reference, { start: prev, end: next }, value.slice(start - 1, end)); } prev = next; } } } /* Return the reduced nodes, and any possible warnings. */ return result.join(EMPTY); /** * Get current position. * * @return {Object} - Positional information of a * single point. */ function now() { return { line: line, column: column, offset: index + (pos.offset || 0) }; } /** * “Throw” a parse-error: a warning. * * @param {number} code - Identifier of reason for * failing. * @param {number} offset - Offset in characters from * the current position point at which the * parse-error ocurred, cannot point past newlines. */ function parseError(code, offset) { var position = now(); position.column += offset; position.offset += offset; handleWarning.call(warningContext, MESSAGES[code], position, code); } /** * Get character at position. * * @param {number} position - Indice of character in `value`. * @return {string} - Character at `position` in * `value`. */ function at(position) { return value.charAt(position); } /** * Flush `queue` (normal text). Macro invoked before * each entity and at the end of `value`. * * Does nothing when `queue` is empty. */ function flush() { if (queue) { result.push(queue); if (handleText) { handleText.call(textContext, queue, { start: prev, end: now() }); } queue = EMPTY; } } } /** * Check whether `character` is outside the permissible * unicode range. * * @param {number} code - Value. * @return {boolean} - Whether `character` is an * outside the permissible unicode range. */ function isProhibited(code) { return (code >= 0xD800 && code <= 0xDFFF) || (code > 0x10FFFF); } /** * Check whether `character` is disallowed. * * @param {number} code - Value. * @return {boolean} - Whether `character` is disallowed. */ function isWarning(code) { if ( (code >= 0x0001 && code <= 0x0008) || code === 0x000B || (code >= 0x000D && code <= 0x001F) || (code >= 0x007F && code <= 0x009F) || (code >= 0xFDD0 && code <= 0xFDEF) || (code & 0xFFFF) === 0xFFFF || (code & 0xFFFF) === 0xFFFE ) { return true; } return false; }