var fs = require('fs') var resolve = require('path').resolve var osenv = require('osenv') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var test = require('tap').test var npm = require('../../lib/npm.js') var common = require('../common-tap.js') var pkg = resolve(__dirname, 'add-remote-git-shrinkwrap') var repo = resolve(__dirname, 'add-remote-git-shrinkwrap-repo') var daemon var daemonPID var git var pjParent = JSON.stringify({ name: 'parent', version: '1.2.3', dependencies: { 'child': 'git://localhost:1235/child.git#master' } }, null, 2) + '\n' var pjChild = JSON.stringify({ name: 'child', version: '1.0.3' }, null, 2) + '\n' test('setup', function (t) { bootstrap() setup(function (er, r) { t.ifError(er, 'git started up successfully') if (!er) { daemon = r[r.length - 2] daemonPID = r[r.length - 1] } t.end() }) }) test('install from repo', function (t) { process.chdir(pkg) npm.commands.install('.', [], function (er) { t.ifError(er, 'npm installed via git') t.end() }) }) test('shrinkwrap gets correct _from and _resolved (#7121)', function (t) { common.npm( [ 'shrinkwrap', '--loglevel', 'silent' ], { cwd: pkg }, function (er, code, stdout, stderr) { t.ifError(er, 'npm shrinkwrapped without errors') t.notOk(code, '`npm shrinkwrap` exited with 0') t.equal(stdout.trim(), 'wrote npm-shrinkwrap.json') t.notOk(stderr, 'no error output on successful shrinkwrap') var shrinkwrap = require(resolve(pkg, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json')) t.equal( shrinkwrap.dependencies.child.from, 'git://localhost:1235/child.git#master', 'npm shrinkwrapped from correctly' ) git.whichAndExec( ['rev-list', '-n1', 'master'], { cwd: repo, env: process.env }, function (er, stdout, stderr) { t.ifErr(er, 'git rev-list ran without error') t.notOk(stderr, 'no error output') var treeish = stdout.trim() t.equal( shrinkwrap.dependencies.child.resolved, 'git://localhost:1235/child.git#' + treeish, 'npm shrinkwrapped resolved correctly' ) t.end() } ) } ) }) test('clean', function (t) { daemon.on('close', function () { cleanup() t.end() }) process.kill(daemonPID) }) function bootstrap () { mkdirp.sync(pkg) fs.writeFileSync(resolve(pkg, 'package.json'), pjParent) } function setup (cb) { mkdirp.sync(repo) fs.writeFileSync(resolve(repo, 'package.json'), pjChild) npm.load({ prefix: pkg, registry: common.registry, loglevel: 'silent' }, function () { git = require('../../lib/utils/git.js') function startDaemon (cb) { // start git server var d = git.spawn( [ 'daemon', '--verbose', '--listen=localhost', '--export-all', '--base-path=.', '--port=1235' ], { cwd: pkg, env: process.env, stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe'] } ) d.stderr.on('data', childFinder) function childFinder (c) { var cpid = c.toString().match(/^\[(\d+)\]/) if (cpid[1]) { this.removeListener('data', childFinder) cb(null, [d, cpid[1]]) } } } common.makeGitRepo({ path: repo, commands: [ git.chainableExec( ['clone', '--bare', repo, 'child.git'], { cwd: pkg, env: process.env } ), startDaemon ] }, cb) }) } function cleanup () { process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir()) rimraf.sync(repo) rimraf.sync(pkg) }