{ 'variables': { 'v8_use_snapshot%': 'false', 'node_use_dtrace%': 'false', 'node_use_lttng%': 'false', 'node_use_etw%': 'false', 'node_use_perfctr%': 'false', 'node_no_browser_globals%': 'false', 'node_use_v8_platform%': 'true', 'node_use_bundled_v8%': 'true', 'node_shared%': 'false', 'node_module_version%': '', 'node_shared_zlib%': 'false', 'node_shared_http_parser%': 'false', 'node_shared_cares%': 'false', 'node_shared_libuv%': 'false', 'node_use_openssl%': 'true', 'node_shared_openssl%': 'false', 'node_v8_options%': '', 'node_enable_v8_vtunejit%': 'false', 'node_core_target_name%': 'node', 'library_files': [ 'lib/internal/bootstrap_node.js', 'lib/_debug_agent.js', 'lib/_debugger.js', 'lib/assert.js', 'lib/buffer.js', 'lib/child_process.js', 'lib/console.js', 'lib/constants.js', 'lib/crypto.js', 'lib/cluster.js', 'lib/dgram.js', 'lib/dns.js', 'lib/domain.js', 'lib/events.js', 'lib/fs.js', 'lib/http.js', 'lib/_http_agent.js', 'lib/_http_client.js', 'lib/_http_common.js', 'lib/_http_incoming.js', 'lib/_http_outgoing.js', 'lib/_http_server.js', 'lib/https.js', 'lib/_linklist.js', 'lib/module.js', 'lib/net.js', 'lib/os.js', 'lib/path.js', 'lib/process.js', 'lib/punycode.js', 'lib/querystring.js', 'lib/readline.js', 'lib/repl.js', 'lib/stream.js', 'lib/_stream_readable.js', 'lib/_stream_writable.js', 'lib/_stream_duplex.js', 'lib/_stream_transform.js', 'lib/_stream_passthrough.js', 'lib/_stream_wrap.js', 'lib/string_decoder.js', 'lib/sys.js', 'lib/timers.js', 'lib/tls.js', 'lib/_tls_common.js', 'lib/_tls_legacy.js', 'lib/_tls_wrap.js', 'lib/tty.js', 'lib/url.js', 'lib/util.js', 'lib/v8.js', 'lib/vm.js', 'lib/zlib.js', 'lib/internal/child_process.js', 'lib/internal/cluster.js', 'lib/internal/freelist.js', 'lib/internal/linkedlist.js', 'lib/internal/net.js', 'lib/internal/module.js', 'lib/internal/process/next_tick.js', 'lib/internal/process/promises.js', 'lib/internal/process/stdio.js', 'lib/internal/process/warning.js', 'lib/internal/process.js', 'lib/internal/readline.js', 'lib/internal/repl.js', 'lib/internal/socket_list.js', 'lib/internal/util.js', 'lib/internal/v8_prof_polyfill.js', 'lib/internal/v8_prof_processor.js', 'lib/internal/streams/lazy_transform.js', 'lib/internal/streams/BufferList.js', 'deps/v8/tools/splaytree.js', 'deps/v8/tools/codemap.js', 'deps/v8/tools/consarray.js', 'deps/v8/tools/csvparser.js', 'deps/v8/tools/profile.js', 'deps/v8/tools/profile_view.js', 'deps/v8/tools/logreader.js', 'deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor.js', 'deps/v8/tools/SourceMap.js', 'deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver.js', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'node_shared=="true"', { 'node_target_type%': 'shared_library', }, { 'node_target_type%': 'executable', }], [ 'OS=="win" and ' 'node_use_openssl=="true" and ' 'node_shared_openssl=="false"', { 'use_openssl_def': 1, }, { 'use_openssl_def': 0, }], ], }, 'targets': [ { 'target_name': '<(node_core_target_name)', 'type': '<(node_target_type)', 'dependencies': [ 'node_js2c#host', ], 'include_dirs': [ 'src', 'tools/msvs/genfiles', 'deps/uv/src/ares', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', # for node_natives.h ], 'sources': [ 'src/debug-agent.cc', 'src/async-wrap.cc', 'src/env.cc', 'src/fs_event_wrap.cc', 'src/cares_wrap.cc', 'src/handle_wrap.cc', 'src/js_stream.cc', 'src/node.cc', 'src/node_buffer.cc', 'src/node_config.cc', 'src/node_constants.cc', 'src/node_contextify.cc', 'src/node_file.cc', 'src/node_http_parser.cc', 'src/node_javascript.cc', 'src/node_main.cc', 'src/node_os.cc', 'src/node_revert.cc', 'src/node_util.cc', 'src/node_v8.cc', 'src/node_stat_watcher.cc', 'src/node_watchdog.cc', 'src/node_zlib.cc', 'src/node_i18n.cc', 'src/pipe_wrap.cc', 'src/signal_wrap.cc', 'src/spawn_sync.cc', 'src/string_bytes.cc', 'src/stream_base.cc', 'src/stream_wrap.cc', 'src/tcp_wrap.cc', 'src/timer_wrap.cc', 'src/tty_wrap.cc', 'src/process_wrap.cc', 'src/udp_wrap.cc', 'src/uv.cc', # headers to make for a more pleasant IDE experience 'src/async-wrap.h', 'src/async-wrap-inl.h', 'src/base-object.h', 'src/base-object-inl.h', 'src/debug-agent.h', 'src/env.h', 'src/env-inl.h', 'src/handle_wrap.h', 'src/js_stream.h', 'src/node.h', 'src/node_buffer.h', 'src/node_constants.h', 'src/node_file.h', 'src/node_http_parser.h', 'src/node_internals.h', 'src/node_javascript.h', 'src/node_mutex.h', 'src/node_root_certs.h', 'src/node_version.h', 'src/node_watchdog.h', 'src/node_wrap.h', 'src/node_revert.h', 'src/node_i18n.h', 'src/pipe_wrap.h', 'src/tty_wrap.h', 'src/tcp_wrap.h', 'src/udp_wrap.h', 'src/req-wrap.h', 'src/req-wrap-inl.h', 'src/string_bytes.h', 'src/stream_base.h', 'src/stream_base-inl.h', 'src/stream_wrap.h', 'src/tree.h', 'src/util.h', 'src/util-inl.h', 'src/util.cc', 'src/string_search.cc', 'deps/http_parser/http_parser.h', 'deps/v8/include/v8.h', 'deps/v8/include/v8-debug.h', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/node_natives.h', # javascript files to make for an even more pleasant IDE experience '<@(library_files)', # node.gyp is added to the project by default. 'common.gypi', ], 'defines': [ 'NODE_ARCH="<(target_arch)"', 'NODE_PLATFORM="<(OS)"', 'NODE_WANT_INTERNALS=1', # Warn when using deprecated V8 APIs. 'V8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'node_shared=="false"', { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCManifestTool': { 'EmbedManifest': 'true', 'AdditionalManifestFiles': 'src/res/node.exe.extra.manifest' } }, }, { 'defines': [ 'NODE_SHARED_MODE', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'node_module_version!=""', { 'product_extension': 'so.<(node_module_version)', }] ], }], [ 'node_use_bundled_v8=="true"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', 'deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8_libplatform' ], }], [ 'node_use_v8_platform=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_USE_V8_PLATFORM=1', ], }, { 'defines': [ 'NODE_USE_V8_PLATFORM=0', ], }], [ 'node_tag!=""', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_TAG="<(node_tag)"' ], }], [ 'node_v8_options!=""', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_V8_OPTIONS="<(node_v8_options)"'], }], # No node_main.cc for anything except executable [ 'node_target_type!="executable"', { 'sources!': [ 'src/node_main.cc', ], }], [ 'node_release_urlbase!=""', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_RELEASE_URLBASE="<(node_release_urlbase)"', ] }], [ 'v8_enable_i18n_support==1', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_HAVE_I18N_SUPPORT=1' ], 'dependencies': [ '<(icu_gyp_path):icui18n', '<(icu_gyp_path):icuuc', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'icu_small=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_HAVE_SMALL_ICU=1' ], }]], }], [ 'node_use_bundled_v8=="true" and \ node_enable_v8_vtunejit=="true" and (target_arch=="x64" or \ target_arch=="ia32" or target_arch=="x32")', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_ENABLE_VTUNE_PROFILING' ], 'dependencies': [ 'deps/v8/src/third_party/vtune/v8vtune.gyp:v8_vtune' ], }], [ 'v8_inspector=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_INSPECTOR=1', 'V8_INSPECTOR_USE_STL=1', ], 'sources': [ 'src/inspector_agent.cc', 'src/inspector_socket.cc', 'src/inspector_socket.h', 'src/inspector-agent.h', ], 'dependencies': [ 'deps/v8_inspector/platform/v8_inspector/v8_inspector.gyp:v8_inspector_stl', ], 'include_dirs': [ 'deps/v8_inspector', 'deps/v8_inspector/deps/wtf', # temporary '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/blink', # for inspector ], }, { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_INSPECTOR=0' ] }], [ 'node_use_openssl=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_OPENSSL=1' ], 'sources': [ 'src/node_crypto.cc', 'src/node_crypto_bio.cc', 'src/node_crypto_clienthello.cc', 'src/node_crypto.h', 'src/node_crypto_bio.h', 'src/node_crypto_clienthello.h', 'src/tls_wrap.cc', 'src/tls_wrap.h' ], 'conditions': [ ['openssl_fips != ""', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_FIPS_MODE' ], }], [ 'node_shared_openssl=="false"', { 'dependencies': [ './deps/openssl/openssl.gyp:openssl', # For tests './deps/openssl/openssl.gyp:openssl-cli', ], # Do not let unused OpenSSL symbols to slip away 'conditions': [ # -force_load or --whole-archive are not applicable for # the static library [ 'node_target_type!="static_library"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '-Wl,-force_load,<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(OPENSSL_PRODUCT)', ], }, 'conditions': [ ['OS in "linux freebsd" and node_shared=="false"', { 'ldflags': [ '-Wl,--whole-archive <(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(OPENSSL_PRODUCT)', '-Wl,--no-whole-archive', ], }], ['use_openssl_def==1', { 'sources': ['<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/openssl.def'], }], ], }], ], }]] }, { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_OPENSSL=0' ] }], [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_DTRACE=1' ], 'dependencies': [ 'node_dtrace_header', 'specialize_node_d', ], 'include_dirs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)' ], # # DTrace is supported on linux, solaris, mac, and bsd. There are # three object files associated with DTrace support, but they're # not all used all the time: # # node_dtrace.o all configurations # node_dtrace_ustack.o not supported on mac and linux # node_dtrace_provider.o All except OS X. "dtrace -G" is not # used on OS X. # # Note that node_dtrace_provider.cc and node_dtrace_ustack.cc do not # actually exist. They're listed here to trick GYP into linking the # corresponding object files into the final "node" executable. These # object files are generated by "dtrace -G" using custom actions # below, and the GYP-generated Makefiles will properly build them when # needed. # 'sources': [ 'src/node_dtrace.cc' ], 'conditions': [ [ 'OS=="linux"', { 'sources': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/node_dtrace_provider.o' ], }], [ 'OS!="mac" and OS!="linux"', { 'sources': [ 'src/node_dtrace_ustack.cc', 'src/node_dtrace_provider.cc', ] } ] ] } ], [ 'node_use_lttng=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_LTTNG=1' ], 'include_dirs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)' ], 'libraries': [ '-llttng-ust' ], 'sources': [ 'src/node_lttng.cc' ], } ], [ 'node_use_etw=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_ETW=1' ], 'dependencies': [ 'node_etw' ], 'sources': [ 'src/node_win32_etw_provider.h', 'src/node_win32_etw_provider-inl.h', 'src/node_win32_etw_provider.cc', 'src/node_dtrace.cc', 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_etw_provider.h', 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_etw_provider.rc', ] } ], [ 'node_use_perfctr=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_PERFCTR=1' ], 'dependencies': [ 'node_perfctr' ], 'sources': [ 'src/node_win32_perfctr_provider.h', 'src/node_win32_perfctr_provider.cc', 'src/node_counters.cc', 'src/node_counters.h', 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_perfctr_provider.rc', ] } ], [ 'node_no_browser_globals=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'NODE_NO_BROWSER_GLOBALS' ], } ], [ 'node_use_bundled_v8=="true" and v8_postmortem_support=="true"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:postmortem-metadata' ], 'conditions': [ # -force_load is not applicable for the static library [ 'node_target_type!="static_library"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '-Wl,-force_load,<(V8_BASE)', ], }, }], ], }], [ 'node_shared_zlib=="false"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/zlib/zlib.gyp:zlib' ], }], [ 'node_shared_http_parser=="false"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/http_parser/http_parser.gyp:http_parser' ], }], [ 'node_shared_cares=="false"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/cares/cares.gyp:cares' ], }], [ 'node_shared_libuv=="false"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/uv/uv.gyp:libuv' ], }], [ 'OS=="win"', { 'sources': [ 'src/backtrace_win32.cc', 'src/res/node.rc', ], 'defines!': [ 'NODE_PLATFORM="win"', ], 'defines': [ 'FD_SETSIZE=1024', # we need to use node's preferred "win32" rather than gyp's preferred "win" 'NODE_PLATFORM="win32"', '_UNICODE=1', ], 'libraries': [ '-lpsapi.lib' ] }, { # POSIX 'defines': [ '__POSIX__' ], 'sources': [ 'src/backtrace_posix.cc' ], }], [ 'OS=="mac"', { # linking Corefoundation is needed since certain OSX debugging tools # like Instruments require it for some features 'libraries': [ '-framework CoreFoundation' ], 'defines!': [ 'NODE_PLATFORM="mac"', ], 'defines': [ # we need to use node's preferred "darwin" rather than gyp's preferred "mac" 'NODE_PLATFORM="darwin"', ], }], [ 'OS=="freebsd"', { 'libraries': [ '-lutil', '-lkvm', ], }], [ 'OS=="aix"', { 'defines': [ '_LINUX_SOURCE_COMPAT', ], }], [ 'OS=="solaris"', { 'libraries': [ '-lkstat', '-lumem', ], 'defines!': [ 'NODE_PLATFORM="solaris"', ], 'defines': [ # we need to use node's preferred "sunos" # rather than gyp's preferred "solaris" 'NODE_PLATFORM="sunos"', ], }], [ '(OS=="freebsd" or OS=="linux") and node_shared=="false"', { 'ldflags': [ '-Wl,-z,noexecstack', '-Wl,--whole-archive <(V8_BASE)', '-Wl,--no-whole-archive' ] }], [ 'OS=="sunos"', { 'ldflags': [ '-Wl,-M,/usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk' ], }], ], }, { 'target_name': 'mkssldef', 'type': 'none', # TODO(bnoordhuis) Make all platforms export the same list of symbols. # Teach mkssldef.py to generate linker maps that UNIX linkers understand. 'conditions': [ [ 'use_openssl_def==1', { 'variables': { 'mkssldef_flags': [ # Categories to export. '-CAES,BF,BIO,DES,DH,DSA,EC,ECDH,ECDSA,ENGINE,EVP,HMAC,MD4,MD5,' 'NEXTPROTONEG,PSK,RC2,RC4,RSA,SHA,SHA0,SHA1,SHA256,SHA512,TLSEXT', # Defines. '-DWIN32', # Symbols to filter from the export list. '-X^DSO', '-X^_', '-X^private_', ], }, 'conditions': [ ['openssl_fips!=""', { 'variables': { 'mkssldef_flags': ['-DOPENSSL_FIPS'] }, }], ], 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'mkssldef', 'inputs': [ 'deps/openssl/openssl/util/libeay.num', 'deps/openssl/openssl/util/ssleay.num', ], 'outputs': ['<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/openssl.def'], 'action': [ 'python', 'tools/mkssldef.py', '<@(mkssldef_flags)', '-o', '<@(_outputs)', '<@(_inputs)', ], }, ], }], ], }, # generate ETW header and resource files { 'target_name': 'node_etw', 'type': 'none', 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_etw=="true"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_etw', 'inputs': [ 'src/res/node_etw_provider.man' ], 'outputs': [ 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_etw_provider.rc', 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_etw_provider.h', 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_etw_providerTEMP.BIN', ], 'action': [ 'mc <@(_inputs) -h tools/msvs/genfiles -r tools/msvs/genfiles' ] } ] } ] ] }, # generate perf counter header and resource files { 'target_name': 'node_perfctr', 'type': 'none', 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_perfctr=="true"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_perfctr_man', 'inputs': [ 'src/res/node_perfctr_provider.man' ], 'outputs': [ 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_perfctr_provider.h', 'tools/msvs/genfiles/node_perfctr_provider.rc', 'tools/msvs/genfiles/MSG00001.BIN', ], 'action': [ 'ctrpp <@(_inputs) ' '-o tools/msvs/genfiles/node_perfctr_provider.h ' '-rc tools/msvs/genfiles/node_perfctr_provider.rc' ] }, ], } ] ] }, { 'target_name': 'node_js2c', 'type': 'none', 'toolsets': ['host'], 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_js2c', 'inputs': [ '<@(library_files)', './config.gypi', ], 'outputs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/node_natives.h', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_dtrace=="false" and node_use_etw=="false"', { 'inputs': [ 'src/notrace_macros.py' ] }], ['node_use_lttng=="false"', { 'inputs': [ 'src/nolttng_macros.py' ] }], [ 'node_use_perfctr=="false"', { 'inputs': [ 'src/perfctr_macros.py' ] }] ], 'action': [ 'python', 'tools/js2c.py', '<@(_outputs)', '<@(_inputs)', ], }, ], }, # end node_js2c { 'target_name': 'node_dtrace_header', 'type': 'none', 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true" and OS!="linux"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_dtrace_header', 'inputs': [ 'src/node_provider.d' ], 'outputs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/node_provider.h' ], 'action': [ 'dtrace', '-h', '-xnolibs', '-s', '<@(_inputs)', '-o', '<@(_outputs)' ] } ] } ], [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true" and OS=="linux"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_dtrace_header', 'inputs': [ 'src/node_provider.d' ], 'outputs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/node_provider.h' ], 'action': [ 'dtrace', '-h', '-s', '<@(_inputs)', '-o', '<@(_outputs)' ] } ] } ], ] }, { 'target_name': 'node_dtrace_provider', 'type': 'none', 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true" and OS!="mac" and OS!="linux"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_dtrace_provider_o', 'inputs': [ '<(OBJ_DIR)/node/src/node_dtrace.o', ], 'outputs': [ '<(OBJ_DIR)/node/src/node_dtrace_provider.o' ], 'action': [ 'dtrace', '-G', '-xnolibs', '-s', 'src/node_provider.d', '<@(_inputs)', '-o', '<@(_outputs)' ] } ] }], [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true" and OS=="linux"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_dtrace_provider_o', 'inputs': [ 'src/node_provider.d' ], 'outputs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/node_dtrace_provider.o' ], 'action': [ 'dtrace', '-C', '-G', '-s', '<@(_inputs)', '-o', '<@(_outputs)' ], } ], }], ] }, { 'target_name': 'node_dtrace_ustack', 'type': 'none', 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true" and OS!="mac" and OS!="linux"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'node_dtrace_ustack_constants', 'inputs': [ '<(V8_BASE)' ], 'outputs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/v8constants.h' ], 'action': [ 'tools/genv8constants.py', '<@(_outputs)', '<@(_inputs)' ] }, { 'action_name': 'node_dtrace_ustack', 'inputs': [ 'src/v8ustack.d', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/v8constants.h' ], 'outputs': [ '<(OBJ_DIR)/node/src/node_dtrace_ustack.o' ], 'conditions': [ [ 'target_arch=="ia32"', { 'action': [ 'dtrace', '-32', '-I<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', '-Isrc', '-C', '-G', '-s', 'src/v8ustack.d', '-o', '<@(_outputs)', ] } ], [ 'target_arch=="x64"', { 'action': [ 'dtrace', '-64', '-I<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', '-Isrc', '-C', '-G', '-s', 'src/v8ustack.d', '-o', '<@(_outputs)', ] } ], ] }, ] } ], ] }, { 'target_name': 'specialize_node_d', 'type': 'none', 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true"', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'specialize_node_d', 'inputs': [ 'src/node.d' ], 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/node.d', ], 'action': [ 'tools/specialize_node_d.py', '<@(_outputs)', '<@(_inputs)', '<@(OS)', '<@(target_arch)', ], }, ], } ], ] }, { 'target_name': 'cctest', 'type': 'executable', 'dependencies': [ 'deps/gtest/gtest.gyp:gtest' ], 'include_dirs': [ 'src', 'deps/v8/include' ], 'defines': [ # gtest's ASSERT macros conflict with our own. 'GTEST_DONT_DEFINE_ASSERT_EQ=1', 'GTEST_DONT_DEFINE_ASSERT_GE=1', 'GTEST_DONT_DEFINE_ASSERT_GT=1', 'GTEST_DONT_DEFINE_ASSERT_LE=1', 'GTEST_DONT_DEFINE_ASSERT_LT=1', 'GTEST_DONT_DEFINE_ASSERT_NE=1', 'NODE_WANT_INTERNALS=1', ], 'sources': [ 'test/cctest/util.cc', ], 'conditions': [ ['v8_inspector=="true"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/openssl/openssl.gyp:openssl', 'deps/http_parser/http_parser.gyp:http_parser', 'deps/uv/uv.gyp:libuv' ], 'sources': [ 'src/inspector_socket.cc', 'test/cctest/test_inspector_socket.cc' ] }], [ 'node_use_v8_platform=="true"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8_libplatform', ], }], [ 'node_use_bundled_v8=="true"', { 'dependencies': [ 'deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', 'deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8_libplatform' ], }], ] } ], # end targets 'conditions': [ ['OS=="aix"', { 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'node', 'type': 'executable', 'dependencies': ['<(node_core_target_name)', 'node_exp'], 'include_dirs': [ 'src', 'deps/v8/include', ], 'sources': [ 'src/node_main.cc', '<@(library_files)', # node.gyp is added to the project by default. 'common.gypi', ], 'ldflags': ['-Wl,-bE:<(PRODUCT_DIR)/node.exp'], }, { 'target_name': 'node_exp', 'type': 'none', 'dependencies': [ '<(node_core_target_name)', ], 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'expfile', 'inputs': [ '<(OBJ_DIR)' ], 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/node.exp' ], 'action': [ 'sh', 'tools/create_expfile.sh', '<@(_inputs)', '<@(_outputs)' ], } ] } ], # end targets }], # end aix section ], # end conditions block }