{ 'target_defaults': { 'default_configuration': 'Debug', 'configurations': { # TODO: hoist these out and put them somewhere common, because # RuntimeLibrary MUST MATCH across the entire project 'Debug': { 'defines': [ 'DEBUG', '_DEBUG' ], 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'RuntimeLibrary': 1, # static debug } } }, 'Release': { 'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ], 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'RuntimeLibrary': 0, # static release } } } }, }, 'variables': { 'v8_use_snapshot': 'true', 'target_arch': 'ia32', 'node_use_dtrace': 'false', 'node_use_openssl': 'true' }, 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'node', 'type': 'executable', 'dependencies': [ '../deps/http_parser/http_parser.gyp:http_parser', '../deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', '../deps/uv/build/all.gyp:uv', 'node_js2c#host', ], 'include_dirs': [ '../src', '../deps/uv/src/ares', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)' # for node_natives.h ], 'sources': [ '../src/cares_wrap.cc', '../src/handle_wrap.cc', '../src/node.cc', '../src/node_buffer.cc', '../src/node_constants.cc', '../src/node_dtrace.cc', '../src/node_extensions.cc', '../src/node_file.cc', '../src/node_http_parser.cc', '../src/node_javascript.cc', '../src/node_main.cc', '../src/node_os.cc', '../src/node_script.cc', '../src/node_string.cc', '../src/pipe_wrap.cc', '../src/stdio_wrap.cc', '../src/stream_wrap.cc', '../src/tcp_wrap.cc', '../src/timer_wrap.cc', '../src/process_wrap.cc', ], 'defines': [ 'ARCH="<(target_arch)"', 'PLATFORM="<(OS)"', '_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', '_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_openssl=="true"', { 'libraries': [ '-lssl', '-lcrypto' ], 'defines': [ 'HAVE_OPENSSL=1' ], 'sources': [ '../src/node_crypto.cc' ], }, { 'defines': [ 'HAVE_OPENSSL=0' ] }], [ 'OS=="win"', { # until we figure out a good way to get openssl into the build system 'node_use_openssl': 'false', 'defines': [ 'PTW32_STATIC_LIB', # we'll need to add pthread-win32 and build/depend on that. 'FD_SETSIZE=1024' ], 'libraries': [ '-lws2_32.lib', '-lwinmm.lib', ], 'sources': [ '../src/platform_win32.cc', '../src/node_stdio_win32.cc', '../deps/uv/src/eio/eio.c', # file operations depend on eio to link. uv contains eio in unix builds, but not win32. So we need to compile it here instead. ], 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'WarningLevel': '3', }, }, },{ # POSIX 'defines': [ '__POSIX__' ], 'sources': [ '../src/node_cares.cc', '../src/node_net.cc', '../src/node_signal_watcher.cc', '../src/node_stat_watcher.cc', '../src/node_io_watcher.cc', '../src/node_stdio.cc', '../src/node_child_process.cc', '../src/node_timer.cc' ] }], [ 'OS=="mac"', { 'sources': [ '../src/platform_darwin.cc' ], 'libraries': [ '-framework Carbon' ], }] ] }, { 'target_name': 'node_js2c', 'type': 'none', 'toolsets': ['host'], 'variables': { 'library_files': [ '../src/node.js', '../lib/_debugger.js', '../lib/_linklist.js', '../lib/assert.js', '../lib/buffer.js', '../lib/buffer_ieee754.js', '../lib/child_process_legacy.js', '../lib/child_process_uv.js', '../lib/console.js', '../lib/constants.js', '../lib/crypto.js', '../lib/dgram.js', '../lib/dns_legacy.js', '../lib/dns_uv.js', '../lib/events.js', '../lib/freelist.js', '../lib/fs.js', '../lib/http.js', '../lib/http2.js', '../lib/https.js', '../lib/https2.js', '../lib/module.js', '../lib/net_legacy.js', '../lib/net_uv.js', '../lib/os.js', '../lib/path.js', '../lib/punycode.js', '../lib/querystring.js', '../lib/readline.js', '../lib/repl.js', '../lib/stream.js', '../lib/string_decoder.js', '../lib/sys.js', '../lib/timers_legacy.js', '../lib/timers_uv.js', '../lib/tls.js', '../lib/tty.js', '../lib/tty_posix.js', '../lib/tty_win32.js', '../lib/url.js', '../lib/util.js', '../lib/vm.js', ], }, 'actions': [ # { # 'action_name': 'test', # 'inputs': [], # 'outputs': [], # 'action': [ # 'python', # '../tools/test.py', # ], # }, { 'action_name': 'node_js2c', 'inputs': [ '../tools/js2c.py', '<@(library_files)', ], 'outputs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/node_natives.h', ], # FIXME can the following conditions be shorted by just setting # macros.py into some variable which then gets included in the # action? 'conditions': [ [ 'node_use_dtrace=="true"', { 'action': [ 'python', '../tools/js2c.py', '<@(_outputs)', '<@(library_files)' ], }, { # No Dtrace 'action': [ 'python', '../tools/js2c.py', '<@(_outputs)', '<@(library_files)', '../src/macros.py' ], }] ], 'msvs_cygwin_shell': 0, }, ], }, # end node_js2c ] # end targets }