/** * uri.js * A URI parser, compliant with assorted RFCs, providing parsing and resolution utilities. **/ /* Blatantly stolen with permission from Narwhal, which did the same from Chiron, and bits taken from parseUri 1.2.1 (c) 2007 Steven Levithan MIT License, and probably also plagiarizing http://code.google.com/p/js-uri/ in some ways. Most lines have been changed, please don't blame any of the above persons for any errors in this file. */ exports.parse = uri_parse; exports.format = uri_format; exports.resolve = uri_resolve; exports.resolveObject = uri_resolveObject; exports.decode = uri_decode; /**** Decode a URI, replacing + with space */ function uri_decode (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } /**** expressionKeys members of a parsed URI object that you get from evaluting the strict regular expression. */ var expressionKeys = [ "url", "protocol", "authorityRoot", "authority", "userInfo", "user", "password", "domain", "port", "path", "root", "directory", "file", "query", "anchor" ], strictExpression = new RegExp( /* url */ "^" + "(?:" + "([^:/?#]+):" + /* protocol */ ")?" + "(?:" + "(//)" + /* authorityRoot */ "(" + /* authority */ "(?:" + "(" + /* userInfo */ "([^:@/]*)" + /* user */ ":?" + "([^@/]*)" + /* password */ ")?" + "@" + ")?" + "([^:/?#]*)" + /* domain */ "(?::(\\d*))?" + /* port */ ")" + ")?" + "(" + /* path */ "(/?)" + /* root */ "((?:[^?#/]*/)*)" + "([^?#]*)" + /* file */ ")" + "(?:\\?([^#]*))?" + /* query */ "(?:#(.*))?" /*anchor */ ); /**** parse a URI parser function that uses the `strictExpression` and `expressionKeys` and returns an `Object` mapping all `keys` to values. */ function uri_parse (url) { var items = {}, parts = strictExpression.exec(url); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { items[expressionKeys[i]] = parts[i] ? parts[i] : ""; } items.root = (items.root || items.authorityRoot) ? '/' : ''; items.directories = items.directory.split("/"); if (items.directories[items.directories.length - 1] == "") { items.directories.pop(); } /* normalize */ items.directories = require("path").normalizeArray(items.directories); items.domains = items.domain.split("."); return items; }; /**** format accepts a parsed URI object and returns the corresponding string. */ function uri_format (object) { if (typeof(object) == 'undefined') throw new Error("UrlError: URL undefined for urls#format"); if (object instanceof String || typeof(object) === 'string') return object; var domain = object.domains ? object.domains.join(".") : object.domain; var userInfo = ( object.user || object.password ) ? ( (object.user || "") + (object.password ? ":" + object.password : "") ) : object.userInfo; var authority = object.authority || (( userInfo || domain || object.port ) ? ( (userInfo ? userInfo + "@" : "") + (domain || "") + (object.port ? ":" + object.port : "") ) : ""); var directory = object.directories ? object.directories.join("/") : object.directory; var path = object.path ? object.path.substr(1) : ( (directory || object.file) ? ( (directory ? directory + "/" : "") + (object.file || "") ) : ""); var authorityRoot = object.authorityRoot || authority ? "//" : ""; return object.url = (( (object.protocol ? object.protocol + ":" : "") + (authorityRoot) + (authority) + (object.root || (authority && path) ? "/" : "") + (path ? path : "") + (object.query ? "?" + object.query : "") + (object.anchor ? "#" + object.anchor : "") ) || object.url || ""); }; function uri_resolveObject (source, relative) { if (!source) return relative; // parse a string, or get new objects source = uri_parse(uri_format(source)); relative = uri_parse(uri_format(relative)); if (relative.url === "") return source; // links to xyz:... from abc:... are always absolute. if (relative.protocol && source.protocol && relative.protocol !== source.protocol) { return relative; } // if there's an authority root, but no protocol, then keep the current protocol if (relative.authorityRoot && !relative.protocol) { relative.protocol = source.protocol; } // if we have an authority root, then it's absolute if (relative.authorityRoot) return relative; // at this point, we start doing the tricky stuff // we know that relative doesn't have an authority, but might have root, // path, file, query, etc. // also, the directory segments might contain .. or . // start mutating "source", and then return that. // relative urls that start with / are absolute to the authority/protocol if (relative.root) { [ "path", "root", "directory", "directories", "file", "query", "anchor" ].forEach(function (part) { source[part] = relative[part] }); } else { // if you have /a/b/c and you're going to x/y/z, then that's /a/b/x/y/z // if you have /a/b/c/ and you're going ot x/y/z, then that's /a/b/c/x/y/z // if you have /a/b/c and you're going to ?foo, then that's /a/b/c?foo if (relative.file || relative.directory) { source.file = relative.file; source.query = relative.query; source.anchor = relative.anchor; } if (relative.query) source.query = relative.query; if (relative.query || relative.anchor) source.anchor = relative.anchor; // just append the dirs. we'll sort out .. and . later source.directories = source.directories.concat(relative.directories); } // back up "file" to the first non-dot // one step for ., two for .. var file = source.file; while (file === ".." || file === ".") { if (file === "..") source.directories.pop(); file = source.directories.pop(); } source.file = file || ""; // walk over the dirs, replacing a/b/c/.. with a/b/ and a/b/c/. with a/b/c var dirs = []; source.directories.forEach(function (dir, i) { if (dir === "..") dirs.pop(); else if (dir !== "." && dir !== "") dirs.push(dir); }); // now construct path/etc. source.directories = dirs; source.directory = dirs.concat("").join("/"); source.path = source.root + source.directory + source.file; source.url = uri_format(source); return source; }; /**** resolve returns a URL resovled to a relative URL from a source URL. */ function uri_resolve (source, relative) { return uri_format(uri_resolveObject(source, relative)); };