var sys = require('sys'); var debug; var debugLevel = parseInt(process.env.NODE_DEBUG, 16); if (debugLevel & 0x4) { debug = function (x) { sys.error('HTTP: ' + x); }; } else { debug = function () { }; } var net = require('net'); var Utf8Decoder = require('utf8decoder').Utf8Decoder; var events = require('events'); var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; var FreeList = require('freelist').FreeList; var HTTPParser = process.binding('http_parser').HTTPParser; var parsers = new FreeList('parsers', 1000, function () { var parser = new HTTPParser('request'); parser.onMessageBegin = function () { parser.incoming = new IncomingMessage(parser.socket); parser.field = null; parser.value = null; }; // Only servers will get URL events. parser.onURL = function (b, start, len) { var slice = b.toString('ascii', start, start+len); if (parser.incoming.url) { parser.incoming.url += slice; } else { // Almost always will branch here. parser.incoming.url = slice; } }; parser.onHeaderField = function (b, start, len) { var slice = b.toString('ascii', start, start+len).toLowerCase(); if (parser.value) { parser.incoming._addHeaderLine(parser.field, parser.value); parser.field = null; parser.value = null; } if (parser.field) { parser.field += slice; } else { parser.field = slice; } }; parser.onHeaderValue = function (b, start, len) { var slice = b.toString('ascii', start, start+len); if (parser.value) { parser.value += slice; } else { parser.value = slice; } }; parser.onHeadersComplete = function (info) { if (parser.field && parser.value) { parser.incoming._addHeaderLine(parser.field, parser.value); } parser.incoming.httpVersionMajor = info.versionMajor; parser.incoming.httpVersionMinor = info.versionMinor; parser.incoming.httpVersion = info.versionMajor + '.' + info.versionMinor ; if (info.method) { // server only parser.incoming.method = info.method; } else { // client only parser.incoming.statusCode = info.statusCode; } parser.incoming.upgrade = info.upgrade; var isHeadResponse = false; if (!info.upgrade) { // For upgraded connections, we'll emit this after parser.execute // so that we can capture the first part of the new protocol isHeadResponse = parser.onIncoming(parser.incoming, info.shouldKeepAlive); } return isHeadResponse; }; parser.onBody = function (b, start, len) { // TODO body encoding? var enc = parser.incoming._encoding; if (!enc) { parser.incoming.emit('data', b.slice(start, start+len)); } else if (this._decoder) { this._decoder.write(pool.slice(start, end)); } else { var string = b.toString(enc, start, start+len); parser.incoming.emit('data', string); } }; parser.onMessageComplete = function () { if (!parser.incoming.upgrade) { // For upgraded connections, also emit this after parser.execute parser.incoming.emit("end"); } }; return parser; }); var CRLF = "\r\n"; var STATUS_CODES = exports.STATUS_CODES = { 100 : 'Continue', 101 : 'Switching Protocols', 102 : 'Processing', // RFC 2518, obsoleted by RFC 4918 200 : 'OK', 201 : 'Created', 202 : 'Accepted', 203 : 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 : 'No Content', 205 : 'Reset Content', 206 : 'Partial Content', 207 : 'Multi-Status', // RFC 4918 300 : 'Multiple Choices', 301 : 'Moved Permanently', 302 : 'Moved Temporarily', 303 : 'See Other', 304 : 'Not Modified', 305 : 'Use Proxy', 307 : 'Temporary Redirect', 400 : 'Bad Request', 401 : 'Unauthorized', 402 : 'Payment Required', 403 : 'Forbidden', 404 : 'Not Found', 405 : 'Method Not Allowed', 406 : 'Not Acceptable', 407 : 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 : 'Request Time-out', 409 : 'Conflict', 410 : 'Gone', 411 : 'Length Required', 412 : 'Precondition Failed', 413 : 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 : 'Request-URI Too Large', 415 : 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 : 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 : 'Expectation Failed', 418 : 'I\'m a teapot', // RFC 2324 422 : 'Unprocessable Entity', // RFC 4918 423 : 'Locked', // RFC 4918 424 : 'Failed Dependency', // RFC 4918 425 : 'Unordered Collection', // RFC 4918 426 : 'Upgrade Required', // RFC 2817 500 : 'Internal Server Error', 501 : 'Not Implemented', 502 : 'Bad Gateway', 503 : 'Service Unavailable', 504 : 'Gateway Time-out', 505 : 'HTTP Version not supported', 506 : 'Variant Also Negotiates', // RFC 2295 507 : 'Insufficient Storage', // RFC 4918 509 : 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510 : 'Not Extended' // RFC 2774 }; var connectionExpression = /Connection/i; var transferEncodingExpression = /Transfer-Encoding/i; var closeExpression = /close/i; var chunkExpression = /chunk/i; var contentLengthExpression = /Content-Length/i; /* Abstract base class for ServerRequest and ClientResponse. */ function IncomingMessage (socket) {; // TODO Remove one of these eventually. this.socket = socket; this.connection = socket; this.httpVersion = null; this.headers = {}; // request (server) only this.url = ""; this.method = null; // response (client) only this.statusCode = null; this.client = this.socket; } sys.inherits(IncomingMessage, events.EventEmitter); exports.IncomingMessage = IncomingMessage; IncomingMessage.prototype._parseQueryString = function () { throw new Error("_parseQueryString is deprecated. Use require(\"querystring\") to parse query strings.\n"); }; var setBodyEncodingWarning; IncomingMessage.prototype.setBodyEncoding = function (enc) { // deprecation message if (!setBodyEncodingWarning) { setBodyEncodingWarning = "setBodyEncoding has been renamed to setEncoding, please update your code."; sys.error(setBodyEncodingWarning); } this.setEncoding(enc); }; IncomingMessage.prototype.setEncoding = function (enc) { // TODO check values, error out on bad, and deprecation message? this._encoding = enc.toLowerCase(); if (this._encoding == 'utf-8' || this._encoding == 'utf8') { this._decoder = new Utf8Decoder(); this._decoder.onString = function(str) { this.emit('data', str); }; } else if (this._decoder) { delete this._decoder; } }; IncomingMessage.prototype.pause = function () { this.socket.pause(); }; IncomingMessage.prototype.resume = function () { this.socket.resume(); }; IncomingMessage.prototype._addHeaderLine = function (field, value) { if (field in this.headers) { // TODO Certain headers like 'Content-Type' should not be concatinated. // See this.headers[field] += ", " + value; } else { this.headers[field] = value; } }; function OutgoingMessage (socket) {, socket); // TODO Remove one of these eventually. this.socket = socket; this.connection = socket; this.output = []; this.outputEncodings = []; this._last = false; this.chunkedEncoding = false; this.shouldKeepAlive = true; this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = true; this._headerFlushed = false; this._header = null; // to be filled by _storeHeader this._hasBody = true; this.finished = false; } sys.inherits(OutgoingMessage, events.EventEmitter); exports.OutgoingMessage = OutgoingMessage; // This abstract either writing directly to the socket or buffering it. // Rename to _writeRaw() ? OutgoingMessage.prototype._send = function (data, encoding) { if (this.connection._outgoing[0] === this && this.connection.writable && this.output.length === 0) { // Directly write to socket. return this.connection.write(data, encoding); } else { // Buffer var length = this.output.length; if (length === 0 || typeof data != 'string') { this.output.push(data); encoding = encoding || "ascii"; this.outputEncodings.push(encoding); return false; } var lastEncoding = this.outputEncodings[length-1]; var lastData = this.output[length-1]; if ((lastEncoding === encoding) || (!encoding && data.constructor === lastData.constructor)) { this.output[length-1] = lastData + data; return false; } this.output.push(data); encoding = encoding || "ascii"; this.outputEncodings.push(encoding); return false; } }; OutgoingMessage.prototype._storeHeader = function (firstLine, headers) { var sentConnectionHeader = false; var sentContentLengthHeader = false; var sentTransferEncodingHeader = false; // firstLine in the case of request is: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n" // in the case of response it is: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" var messageHeader = firstLine; var field, value; if (headers) { var keys = Object.keys(headers); var isArray = (headers instanceof Array); for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (isArray) { field = headers[key][0]; value = headers[key][1]; } else { field = key; value = headers[key]; } messageHeader += field + ": " + value + CRLF; if (connectionExpression.test(field)) { sentConnectionHeader = true; if (closeExpression.test(value)) this._last = true; } else if (transferEncodingExpression.test(field)) { sentTransferEncodingHeader = true; if (chunkExpression.test(value)) this.chunkedEncoding = true; } else if (contentLengthExpression.test(field)) { sentContentLengthHeader = true; } } } // keep-alive logic if (sentConnectionHeader == false) { if (this.shouldKeepAlive && (sentContentLengthHeader || this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault)) { messageHeader += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"; } else { this._last = true; messageHeader += "Connection: close\r\n"; } } if (sentContentLengthHeader == false && sentTransferEncodingHeader == false) { if (this._hasBody) { if (this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault) { messageHeader += "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"; this.chunkedEncoding = true; } else { this._last = true; } } else { // Make sure we don't end the 0\r\n\r\n at the end of the message. this.chunkedEncoding = false; } } messageHeader += CRLF; this._header = messageHeader; // wait until the first body chunk, or close(), is sent to flush. }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.sendBody = function () { throw new Error("sendBody() has been renamed to write(). "); }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.write = function (chunk, encoding) { if (!this._header) { throw new Error("writeHead() must be called before write()") } if (!this._hasBody) { throw new Error("This type of response MUST NOT have a body."); } if (typeof chunk !== "string" && !(chunk instanceof Buffer) && !Array.isArray(chunk)) { throw new TypeError("first argument must be a string, Array, or Buffer"); } // write the header if (!this._headerFlushed) { this._send(this._header); this._headerFlushed = true; } if (chunk.length === 0) return false; var len, ret; if (this.chunkedEncoding) { if (typeof(chunk) === 'string') { len = Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding); var chunk = len.toString(16) + CRLF + chunk + CRLF; debug('string chunk = ' + sys.inspect(chunk)); ret = this._send(chunk, encoding); } else { // buffer len = chunk.length; this._send(len.toString(16) + CRLF); this._send(chunk); ret = this._send(CRLF); } } else { ret = this._send(chunk, encoding); } debug('write ret = ' + ret); return ret; }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.finish = function () { throw new Error("finish() has been renamed to close()."); }; var closeWarning; OutgoingMessage.prototype.close = function (data, encoding) { if (!closeWarning) { closeWarning = "OutgoingMessage.prototype.close has been renamed to end()"; sys.error(closeWarning); } return this.end(data, encoding); }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.end = function (data, encoding) { var ret; // maybe the header hasn't been sent. if not send it. if (!this._headerFlushed) { ret = this._send(this._header); this._headerFlushed = true; } if (data) { ret = this.write(data, encoding); } this.finished = true; if (this.chunkedEncoding) { ret = this._send("0\r\n\r\n"); // last chunk } // There is the first message on the outgoing queue, and we've sent // everything to the socket. if (this.output.length === 0 && this.connection._outgoing[0] === this) { debug('outgoing message end. shifting because was flushed'); this.connection._onOutgoingSent(); } return ret; }; function ServerResponse (req) {, req.socket); if (req.httpVersionMajor < 1 || req.httpVersionMinor < 1) { this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; this.shouldKeepAlive = false; } } sys.inherits(ServerResponse, OutgoingMessage); exports.ServerResponse = ServerResponse; ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead = function (statusCode) { var reasonPhrase, headers, headerIndex; if (typeof arguments[1] == 'string') { reasonPhrase = arguments[1]; headerIndex = 2; } else { reasonPhrase = STATUS_CODES[statusCode] || "unknown"; headerIndex = 1; } if (typeof arguments[headerIndex] == 'object') { headers = arguments[headerIndex]; } else { headers = {}; } var statusLine = "HTTP/1.1 " + statusCode.toString() + " " + reasonPhrase + CRLF; if (statusCode === 204 || statusCode === 304) { // RFC 2616, 10.2.5: // The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always // terminated by the first empty line after the header fields. // RFC 2616, 10.3.5: // The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always // terminated by the first empty line after the header fields. this._hasBody = false; } this._storeHeader(statusLine, headers); }; // TODO Eventually remove var sendHeaderWarning, writeHeaderWarning; ServerResponse.prototype.sendHeader = function () { if (!sendHeaderWarning) { sendHeaderWarning = "sendHeader() has been renamed to writeHead()"; sys.error(sendHeaderWarning); } this.writeHead.apply(this, arguments); }; ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader = function () { if (!writeHeaderWarning) { writeHeaderWarning = "writeHeader() has been renamed to writeHead()"; sys.error(writeHeaderWarning); } this.writeHead.apply(this, arguments); }; function ClientRequest (socket, method, url, headers) {, socket); this.method = method; this.shouldKeepAlive = false; if (method === "GET" || method === "HEAD") { this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; } else { this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = true; } this._last = true; this._storeHeader(method + " " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n", headers); } sys.inherits(ClientRequest, OutgoingMessage); exports.ClientRequest = ClientRequest; ClientRequest.prototype.finish = function () { throw new Error( "finish() has been renamed to end() and no longer takes " + "a response handler as an argument. Manually add a 'response' listener " + "to the request object." ); }; var clientRequestCloseWarning; ClientRequest.prototype.close = function () { if (!clientRequestCloseWarning) { clientRequestCloseWarning = "Warning: ClientRequest.prototype.close has been renamed to end()"; sys.error(clientRequestCloseWarning); } if (typeof arguments[0] == "function") { throw new Error( "ClientRequest.prototype.end does not take a callback. " + "Add a 'response' listener manually to the request object." ); } return this.end(); }; ClientRequest.prototype.end = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == "function") { throw new Error( "ClientRequest.prototype.end does not take a callback. " + "Add a 'response' listener manually to get the response." ); } OutgoingMessage.prototype.end.apply(this, arguments); }; function outgoingFlush (socket) { // This logic is probably a bit confusing. Let me explain a bit: // // In both HTTP servers and clients it is possible to queue up several // outgoing messages. This is easiest to imagine in the case of a client. // Take the following situation: // // req1 = client.request('GET', '/'); // req2 = client.request('POST', '/'); // // The question is what happens when the user does // // req2.write("hello world\n"); // // It's possible that the first request has not been completely flushed to // the socket yet. Thus the outgoing messages need to be prepared to queue // up data internally before sending it on further to the socket's queue. // // This function, outgoingFlush(), is called by both the Server // implementation and the Client implementation to attempt to flush any // pending messages out to the socket. var message = socket._outgoing[0]; if (!message) return; var ret; while (message.output.length) { if (!socket.writable) return; // XXX Necessary? var data = message.output.shift(); var encoding = message.outputEncodings.shift(); ret = socket.write(data, encoding); } if (message.finished) { socket._onOutgoingSent(); } else if (ret) { message.emit('drain'); } } function httpSocketSetup (socket) { // An array of outgoing messages for the socket. In pipelined connections // we need to keep track of the order they were sent. socket._outgoing = []; // NOTE: be sure not to use ondrain elsewhere in this file! socket.ondrain = function () { var message = socket._outgoing[0]; if (message) message.emit('drain'); }; } function Server (requestListener) {; if(requestListener){ this.addListener("request", requestListener); } this.addListener("connection", connectionListener); } sys.inherits(Server, net.Server); Server.prototype.setSecure = function (credentials) { = true; this.credentials = credentials; } exports.Server = Server; exports.createServer = function (requestListener) { return new Server(requestListener); }; function connectionListener (socket) { var self = this; debug("new http connection"); httpSocketSetup(socket); socket.setTimeout(2*60*1000); // 2 minute timeout socket.addListener('timeout', function () { socket.destroy(); }); var parser = parsers.alloc(); parser.reinitialize('request'); parser.socket = socket; if ( { socket.setSecure(self.credentials); } socket.addListener('error', function (e) { self.emit('clientError', e); }); socket.ondata = function (d, start, end) { var ret = parser.execute(d, start, end - start); if (ret instanceof Error) { socket.destroy(ret); } else if (parser.incoming && parser.incoming.upgrade) { var bytesParsed = ret; socket.ondata = null; socket.onend = null; var req = parser.incoming; // This is start + byteParsed + 1 due to the error of getting \n // in the upgradeHead from the closing lines of the headers var upgradeHead = d.slice(start + bytesParsed + 1, end); if (self.listeners("upgrade").length) { self.emit('upgrade', req, req.socket, upgradeHead); } else { // Got upgrade header, but have no handler. socket.destroy(); } } }; socket.onend = function () { parser.finish(); if (socket._outgoing.length) { socket._outgoing[socket._outgoing.length-1]._last = true; outgoingFlush(socket); } else { socket.end(); } }; socket.addListener('close', function () { // unref the parser for easy gc; }); // At the end of each response message, after it has been flushed to the // socket. Here we insert logic about what to do next. socket._onOutgoingSent = function (message) { var message = socket._outgoing.shift(); if (message._last) { // No more messages to be pushed out. socket.end(); } else if (socket._outgoing.length) { // Push out the next message. outgoingFlush(socket); } }; // The following callback is issued after the headers have been read on a // new message. In this callback we setup the response object and pass it // to the user. parser.onIncoming = function (req, shouldKeepAlive) { var res = new ServerResponse(req); debug('server response shouldKeepAlive: ' + shouldKeepAlive); res.shouldKeepAlive = shouldKeepAlive; socket._outgoing.push(res); self.emit('request', req, res); return false; // Not a HEAD response. (Not even a response!) }; } function Client ( ) {; var self = this; httpSocketSetup(self); var parser; function initParser () { if (!parser) parser = parsers.alloc(); parser.reinitialize('response'); parser.socket = self; parser.onIncoming = function (res) { debug("incoming response!"); var req = self._outgoing[0]; // Responses to HEAD requests are AWFUL. Ask Ryan. // A major oversight in HTTP. Hence this nastiness. var isHeadResponse = req.method == "HEAD"; debug('isHeadResponse ' + isHeadResponse); res.addListener('end', function ( ) { debug("request complete disconnecting. readyState = " + self.readyState); // For the moment we reconnect for every request. FIXME! // All that should be required for keep-alive is to not reconnect, // but outgoingFlush instead. self.end(); }); req.emit("response", res); return isHeadResponse; }; }; self.ondata = function (d, start, end) { if (!parser) { throw new Error("parser not initialized prior to Client.ondata call"); } var ret = parser.execute(d, start, end - start); if (ret instanceof Error) { self.destroy(ret); } else if (parser.incoming && parser.incoming.upgrade) { var bytesParsed = ret; var upgradeHead = d.slice(start + bytesParsed, end - start); parser.incoming.upgradeHead = upgradeHead; var req = self._outgoing[0]; self.ondata = null; self.onend = null } }; self.addListener("connect", function () { debug('client connected'); if (this.https) { this.setSecure(this.credentials); } else { initParser(); debug('requests: ' + sys.inspect(self._outgoing)); outgoingFlush(self); } }); self.addListener("secure", function () { initParser(); debug('requests: ' + sys.inspect(self._outgoing)); outgoingFlush(self); }); self.onend = function () { parser.finish(); debug("self got end closing. readyState = " + self.readyState); self.end(); }; self.addListener("close", function (e) { if (e) return; debug("HTTP CLIENT onClose. readyState = " + self.readyState); // finally done with the request self._outgoing.shift(); // If there are more requests to handle, reconnect. if (self._outgoing.length) { self._reconnect(); } else if (parser) {; parser = null; } }); }; sys.inherits(Client, net.Stream); exports.Client = Client; exports.createClient = function (port, host, https, credentials) { var c = new Client(); c.port = port; = host; c.https = https; c.credentials = credentials; return c; }; // This is called each time a request has been pushed completely to the // socket. The message that was sent is still sitting at client._outgoing[0] // it is our responsibility to shift it off. // // We have to be careful when it we shift it because once we do any writes // to other requests will be flushed directly to the socket. // // At the moment we're implement a client which connects and disconnects on // each request/response cycle so we cannot shift off the request from // client._outgoing until we're completely disconnected after the response // comes back. Client.prototype._onOutgoingSent = function (message) { // We've just finished a message. We don't end/shutdown the connection here // because HTTP servers typically cannot handle half-closed connections // (Node servers can). // // Instead, we just check if the connection is closed, and if so // reconnect if we have pending messages. if (this._outgoing.length && this.readyState == "closed") { debug("HTTP client request flush. reconnect. readyState = " + this.readyState); this._reconnect(); } }; Client.prototype._reconnect = function () { if (this.readyState === "closed") { debug("HTTP CLIENT: reconnecting readyState = " + this.readyState); this.connect(this.port,; } }; Client.prototype.get = function () { throw new Error("client.get(...) is now client.request('GET', ...)"); }; Client.prototype.head = function () { throw new Error("client.head(...) is now client.request('HEAD', ...)"); }; = function () { throw new Error(" is now client.request('POST', ...)"); }; Client.prototype.del = function () { throw new Error("client.del(...) is now client.request('DELETE', ...)"); }; Client.prototype.put = function () { throw new Error("client.put(...) is now client.request('PUT', ...)"); }; Client.prototype.request = function (method, url, headers) { if (typeof(url) != "string") { // assume method was omitted, shift arguments headers = url; url = method; method = "GET"; } var req = new ClientRequest(this, method, url, headers); this._outgoing.push(req); if (this.readyState === 'closed') this._reconnect(); return req; }; = function (url, encoding_, headers_) { var encoding = 'utf8', headers = {}, callback = null; // parse the arguments for the various options... very ugly if (typeof(arguments[1]) == 'string') { encoding = arguments[1]; if (typeof(arguments[2]) == 'object') { headers = arguments[2]; if (typeof(arguments[3]) == 'function') callback = arguments[3]; } else { if (typeof(arguments[2]) == 'function') callback = arguments[2]; } } else { // didn't specify encoding if (typeof(arguments[1]) == 'object') { headers = arguments[1]; callback = arguments[2]; } else { callback = arguments[1]; } } var url = require("url").parse(url); var hasHost = false; if (headers instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0, l = headers.length; i < l; i++) { if (headers[i][0].toLowerCase() === 'host') { hasHost = true; break; } } } else if (typeof headers === "Object") { var keys = Object.keys(headers); for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (key.toLowerCase() == 'host') { hasHost = true; break; } } } if (!hasHost) headers["Host"] = url.hostname; var content = ""; var client = exports.createClient(url.port || 80, url.hostname); var req = client.request((url.pathname || "/")+( || "")+(url.hash || ""), headers); if (url.protocol=="https:") { client.https = true; } var callbackSent = false; req.addListener('response', function (res) { if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300) { if (callback && !callbackSent) { callback(res.statusCode); callbackSent = true; } client.end(); return; } res.setBodyEncoding(encoding); res.addListener('data', function (chunk) { content += chunk; }); res.addListener('end', function () { if (callback && !callbackSent) { callback(null, content); callbackSent = true; } }); }); client.addListener("error", function (err) { if (callback && !callbackSent) { callback(err); callbackSent = true; } }); client.addListener("close", function () { if (callback && !callbackSent) { callback(new Error('Connection closed unexpectedly')); callbackSent = true; } }); req.end(); };