'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); // A module with an error in it should throw assert.throws(function() { require(common.fixturesDir + '/throws_error'); }); // Requiring the same module again should throw as well assert.throws(function() { require(common.fixturesDir + '/throws_error'); }); // Requiring a module that does not exist should throw an // error with its `code` set to MODULE_NOT_FOUND assertModuleNotFound('/DOES_NOT_EXIST'); assertExists('/module-require/not-found/trailingSlash.js'); assertExists('/module-require/not-found/node_modules/module1/package.json'); assertModuleNotFound('/module-require/not-found/trailingSlash'); function assertModuleNotFound(path) { assert.throws(function() { require(common.fixturesDir + path); }, function(e) { assert.strictEqual(e.code, 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'); return true; }); } function assertExists(fixture) { assert(common.fileExists(common.fixturesDir + fixture)); }