module.exports = get var GET = require("./request.js").GET , fs = require("graceful-fs") , npm = require("../../npm.js") , path = require("path") , log = require("../log.js") , mkdir = require("../mkdir-p.js") , cacheStat = null function get (project, version, timeout, nofollow, staleOk, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = staleOk, staleOk = false if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = nofollow, nofollow = false if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = timeout, timeout = -1 if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = version, version = null if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = project, project = null if (typeof cb !== "function") { throw new Error("No callback provided to registry.get") } if ( process.env.COMP_CWORD !== undefined && process.env.COMP_LINE !== undefined && process.env.COMP_POINT !== undefined ) timeout = Math.max(timeout, 60000) var uri = [] uri.push(project || "") if (version) uri.push(version) uri = uri.join("/") // /-/all is special. // It uses timestamp-based caching and partial updates, // because it is a monster. if (uri === "/-/all") { return requestAll(cb) } var cache = path.join(npm.cache, uri, ".cache.json") fs.stat(cache, function (er, stat) { if (!er) fs.readFile(cache, function (er, data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { data = null } get_(uri, timeout, cache, stat, data, nofollow, staleOk, cb) }) else get_(uri, timeout, cache, null, null, nofollow, staleOk, cb) }) } function requestAll (cb) { var cache = path.join(npm.cache, "/-/all", ".cache.json") mkdir(path.join(npm.cache, "-", "all"), function (er) { fs.readFile(cache, function (er, data) { if (er) return requestAll_(0, {}, cb) try { data = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { fs.writeFile(cache, "{}", function (er) { if (er) return cb(new Error("Broken cache. " +"Please run 'npm cache clean' " +"and try again.")) return requestAll_(0, {}, cb) }) } var t = +data._updated || 0 requestAll_(t, data, cb) }) }) } function requestAll_ (c, data, cb) { // use the cache and update in the background if it's not too old if ( - c < 60000) { cb(null, data) cb = function () {} } var uri = "/-/all/since?stale=update_after&startkey=" + c if (c === 0) { log.warn("Building the index for the first time, please be patient") uri = "/-/all" } var cache = path.join(npm.cache, "-/all", ".cache.json") GET(uri, function (er, updates, _, res) { if (er) return cb(er, data) var headers = res.headers , updated = Date.parse( Object.keys(updates).forEach(function (p) { data[p] = updates[p] }) data._updated = updated fs.writeFile( cache, JSON.stringify(data) , function (er) { delete data._updated return cb(er, data) }) }) } function get_ (uri, timeout, cache, stat, data, nofollow, staleOk, cb) { var etag if (data && data._etag) etag = data._etag if (timeout && timeout > 0 && stat && data) { if (( - stat.mtime.getTime())/1000 < timeout) { log.verbose("not expired, no request", "registry.get " +uri) delete data._etag return cb(null, data, JSON.stringify(data), {statusCode:304}) } if (staleOk) { log.verbose("staleOk, background update", "registry.get " +uri) delete data._etag process.nextTick(cb.bind( null, null, data, JSON.stringify(data) , {statusCode: 304} )) cb = function () {} } } GET(uri, etag, nofollow, function (er, remoteData, raw, response) { // if we get an error talking to the registry, but we have it // from the cache, then just pretend we got it. if (er && cache) { er = null response = {statusCode: 304} } if (response) { log.silly([response.statusCode, response.headers], "get cb") if (response.statusCode === 304 && etag) { remoteData = data log.verbose(uri+" from cache", "etag") } } data = remoteData if (!data) { er = new Error("failed to fetch from registry: " + uri) } if (er) return cb(er, data, raw, response) // just give the write the old college try. if it fails, whatever. function saved () { delete data._etag cb(er, data, raw, response) } saveToCache(cache, data, saved) }) } function saveToCache (cache, data, saved) { if (cacheStat) { return saveToCache_(cache, data, cacheStat.uid, cacheStat.gid, saved) } fs.stat(npm.cache, function (er, st) { if (er) { return fs.stat(process.env.HOME || "", function (er, st) { // if this fails, oh well. if (er) return saved() cacheStat = st return saveToCache(cache, data, saved) }) } cacheStat = st || { uid: null, gid: null } return saveToCache(cache, data, saved) }) } function saveToCache_ (cache, data, uid, gid, saved) { mkdir(path.dirname(cache), npm.modes.exec, uid, gid, function (er) { if (er) return saved() fs.writeFile(cache, JSON.stringify(data), function (er) { if (er || uid === null || gid === null) { return saved() } fs.chown(cache, uid, gid, saved) }) }) }