common = require("../common"); assert = common.assert var url = require("url"), sys = require("sys"); // URLs to parse, and expected data // { url : parsed } var parseTests = { "//some_path" : { "href": "//some_path", "pathname": "//some_path" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "search": "?id=news", "query": "id=news", "pathname": "/blog/categories" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "search": "???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=", "query": "??&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=", "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "auth": "user:pass", "hostname": "", "search": "???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=", "query": "??&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=", "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114" }, "file:///etc/passwd" : { "href": "file:///etc/passwd", "protocol": "file:", "pathname": "///etc/passwd" }, "file:///etc/node/" : { "href": "file:///etc/node/", "protocol": "file:", "pathname": "///etc/node/" }, "http:/baz/../foo/bar" : { "href": "http:/baz/../foo/bar", "protocol": "http:", "pathname": "/baz/../foo/bar" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "auth": "user:pass", "port": "8000", "hostname": "", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "query": "baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar" }, "//" : { "href": "//", "host": "", "auth": "user:pass", "port": "8000", "hostname": "", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "query": "baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=bar", "query": "foo=bar" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=@bar", "query": "foo=@bar" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=/bar/", "query": "foo=/bar/" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=?bar/", "query": "foo=?bar/" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "http:", "host": "", "hostname": "", "hash": "#frag=?bar/#frag" }, "/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag" : { "href": "/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "query": "baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar" }, "http:/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag" : { "href": "http:/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag", "protocol": "http:", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "query": "baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "mailto:", "host": "", "auth" : "foo", "hostname" : "", "search": "?subject=hello", "query": "subject=hello" }, "javascript:alert('hello');" : { "href": "javascript:alert('hello');", "protocol": "javascript:", "host": "alert('hello')", "hostname": "alert('hello')", "pathname" : ";" }, "" : { "href": "", "protocol": "xmpp:", "host": "", "auth": "isaacschlueter", "hostname": "" } }; for (var u in parseTests) { var actual = url.parse(u), expected = parseTests[u]; for (var i in expected) { var e = JSON.stringify(expected[i]), a = JSON.stringify(actual[i]); assert.equal(e, a, "parse(" + u + ")."+i+" == "+e+"\nactual: "+a); } var expected = u, actual = url.format(parseTests[u]); assert.equal(expected, actual, "format("+u+") == "+u+"\nactual:"+actual); } var parseTestsWithQueryString = { "/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag" : { "href": "/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "query": { "baz": "quux" }, "pathname": "/foo/bar" }, }; for (var u in parseTestsWithQueryString) { var actual = url.parse(u,true); var expected = parseTestsWithQueryString[u]; for (var i in expected) { var e = JSON.stringify(expected[i]), a = JSON.stringify(actual[i]); assert.equal(e, a, "parse(" + u + ")."+i+" == "+e+"\nactual: "+a); } } // some extra formatting tests, just to verify that it'll format slightly wonky content to a valid url. var formatTests = { "" : { "protocol": "http", "host": "", "pathname": "a/b/c", "hash": "h", "search": "s" }, "" : { "href": "xmpp://", "protocol": "xmpp:", "host": "", "auth": "isaacschlueter", "hostname": "" } }; for (var u in formatTests) { var actual = url.format(formatTests[u]); assert.equal(actual, u, "wonky format("+u+") == "+u+"\nactual:"+actual); } [ // [from, path, expected] ["/foo/bar/baz", "quux", "/foo/bar/quux"], ["/foo/bar/baz", "quux/asdf", "/foo/bar/quux/asdf"], ["/foo/bar/baz", "quux/baz", "/foo/bar/quux/baz"], ["/foo/bar/baz", "../quux/baz", "/foo/quux/baz"], ["/foo/bar/baz", "/bar", "/bar"], ["/foo/bar/baz/", "quux", "/foo/bar/baz/quux"], ["/foo/bar/baz/", "quux/baz", "/foo/bar/baz/quux/baz"], ["/foo/bar/baz", "../../../../../../../../quux/baz", "/quux/baz"], ["/foo/bar/baz", "../../../../../../../quux/baz", "/quux/baz"], ["foo/bar", "../../../baz", "../../baz"], ["foo/bar/", "../../../baz", "../baz"], [";p?q#blarg","https:#hash2","https:///#hash2" ], [";p?q#blarg","https:/p/a/t/h?s#hash2","https://p/a/t/h?s#hash2" ], [";p?q#blarg","",""], [";p?q#blarg","https:/a/b/c/d","https://a/b/c/d"], [";p?q#blarg","http:#hash2",";p?q#hash2" ], [";p?q#blarg","http:/p/a/t/h?s#hash2","" ], [";p?q#blarg","","" ], [";p?q#blarg","http:/a/b/c/d",""], ["/foo/bar/baz", "/../etc/passwd", "/etc/passwd"] ].forEach(function (relativeTest) { var a = url.resolve(relativeTest[0], relativeTest[1]), e = relativeTest[2]; assert.equal(e, a, "resolve("+[relativeTest[0], relativeTest[1]]+") == "+e+ "\n actual="+a); }); // // Tests below taken from Chiron // // // Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Kris Kowal // used with permission under MIT License // // Changes marked with @isaacs var bases = [ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q', 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q=1/2', 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/2?q', 'fred:///s//a/b/c', 'http:///s//a/b/c' ]; //[to, from, result] [ // ['../c', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:c'], ['foo:.', 'foo:a', 'foo:'], ['/foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:/bar'], ['/foo/../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:/bar'], ['foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:bar'], // @isaacs Disagree. Not how web browsers resolve this. // ['foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:../../bar'], // @isaacs Added ['foo/../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:bar'], ['zz:.', 'zz:abc', 'zz:'], ['/.' , bases[0], 'http://a/'], ['/.foo' , bases[0], 'http://a/.foo'], ['.foo' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/.foo'], // // examples from RFC 2396 ['g:h' , bases[0], 'g:h'], ['g' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g'], ['./g' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g'], ['g/' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/'], ['/g' , bases[0], 'http://a/g'], ['//g' , bases[0], 'http://g'], // changed with RFC 2396bis //('?y' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'], ['?y' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'], ['g?y' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y'], // changed with RFC 2396bis //('#s' , bases[0], CURRENT_DOC_URI + '#s'], ['#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s'], ['g#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s'], ['g?y#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y#s'], [';x' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/;x'], ['g;x' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x'], ['g;x?y#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s'], // changed with RFC 2396bis //('' , bases[0], CURRENT_DOC_URI], ['' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q'], ['.' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/'], ['./' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/'], ['..' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/'], ['../' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/'], ['../g' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/g'], ['../..' , bases[0], 'http://a/'], ['../../' , bases[0], 'http://a/'], ['../../g' , bases[0], 'http://a/g'], ['../../../g', bases[0], ('http://a/../g', 'http://a/g')], ['../../../../g', bases[0], ('http://a/../../g', 'http://a/g')], // changed with RFC 2396bis //('/./g', bases[0], 'http://a/./g'], ['/./g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'], // changed with RFC 2396bis //('/../g', bases[0], 'http://a/../g'], ['/../g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'], ['g.', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g.'], ['.g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/.g'], ['g..', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g..'], ['..g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/..g'], ['./../g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/g'], ['./g/.', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/'], ['g/./h', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/h'], ['g/../h', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/h'], ['g;x=1/./y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y'], ['g;x=1/../y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/y'], ['g?y/./x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x'], ['g?y/../x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x'], ['g#s/./x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x'], ['g#s/../x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x'], ['http:g', bases[0], ('http:g', 'http://a/b/c/g')], ['http:', bases[0], ('http:', bases[0])], // not sure where this one originated ['/a/b/c/./../../g', bases[0], 'http://a/a/g'], // // slashes in base URI's query args ['g' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g'], ['./g' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g'], ['g/' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g/'], ['/g' , bases[1], 'http://a/g'], ['//g' , bases[1], 'http://g'], // changed in RFC 2396bis //('?y' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/?y'], ['?y' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'], ['g?y' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y'], ['g?y/./x' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x'], ['g?y/../x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x'], ['g#s' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s'], ['g#s/./x' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x'], ['g#s/../x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x'], ['./' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/'], ['../' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/'], ['../g' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/g'], ['../../' , bases[1], 'http://a/'], ['../../g' , bases[1], 'http://a/g'], // // slashes in path params // all of these changed in RFC 2396bis ['g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g'], ['./g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g'], ['g/' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g/'], ['g?y' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g?y'], [';x' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/;x'], ['g;x' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g;x'], ['g;x=1/./y', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g;x=1/y'], ['g;x=1/../y', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/y'], ['./' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/'], ['../' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/'], ['../g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/g'], ['../../' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/'], ['../../g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/g'], // // double and triple slash, unknown scheme ['g:h' , bases[3], 'g:h'], ['g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g'], ['./g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g'], ['g/' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g/'], ['/g' , bases[3], 'fred:///g'], // may change to fred:///s//a/g ['//g' , bases[3], 'fred://g'], // may change to fred:///s//g ['//g/x' , bases[3], 'fred://g/x'], // may change to fred:///s//g/x ['///g' , bases[3], 'fred:///g'], ['./' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/'], ['../' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/'], ['../g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/g'], ['../../' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//'], ['../../g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//g'], ['../../../g', bases[3], 'fred:///s/g'], ['../../../../g', bases[3], 'fred:///g'], // may change to fred:///s//a/../../../g // // double and triple slash, well-known scheme ['g:h' , bases[4], 'g:h'], ['g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g'], ['./g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g'], ['g/' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g/'], ['/g' , bases[4], 'http:///g'], // may change to http:///s//a/g ['//g' , bases[4], 'http://g'], // may change to http:///s//g ['//g/x' , bases[4], 'http://g/x'], // may change to http:///s//g/x ['///g' , bases[4], 'http:///g'], ['./' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/'], ['../' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/'], ['../g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/g'], ['../../' , bases[4], 'http:///s//'], ['../../g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//g'], ['../../../g', bases[4], 'http:///s/g'], // may change to http:///s//a/../../g ['../../../../g', bases[4], 'http:///g'], // may change to http:///s//a/../../../g // from Dan Connelly's tests in ["bar:abc", "foo:xyz", "bar:abc"], ['../abc', 'http://example/x/y/z', 'http://example/x/abc'], ['http://example/x/abc', 'http://example2/x/y/z', 'http://example/x/abc'], ['../r', 'http://ex/x/y/z', 'http://ex/x/r'], ['q/r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r'], ['q/r#s', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r#s'], ['q/r#s/t', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r#s/t'], ['ftp://ex/x/q/r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'ftp://ex/x/q/r'], ['', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/y'], ['', 'http://ex/x/y/', 'http://ex/x/y/'], ['', 'http://ex/x/y/pdq', 'http://ex/x/y/pdq'], ['z/', 'http://ex/x/y/', 'http://ex/x/y/z/'], ['#Animal', 'file:/swap/test/animal.rdf', 'file:/swap/test/animal.rdf#Animal'], ['../abc', 'file:/e/x/y/z', 'file:/e/x/abc'], ['/example/x/abc', 'file:/example2/x/y/z', 'file:/example/x/abc'], ['../r', 'file:/ex/x/y/z', 'file:/ex/x/r'], ['/r', 'file:/ex/x/y/z', 'file:/r'], ['q/r', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r'], ['q/r#s', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#s'], ['q/r#', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#'], ['q/r#s/t', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#s/t'], ['ftp://ex/x/q/r', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'ftp://ex/x/q/r'], ['', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/y'], ['', 'file:/ex/x/y/', 'file:/ex/x/y/'], ['', 'file:/ex/x/y/pdq', 'file:/ex/x/y/pdq'], ['z/', 'file:/ex/x/y/', 'file:/ex/x/y/z/'], ['file://', 'file:/devel/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reluri-1.n3', 'file://'], ['file://', 'file:/home/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reluri-1.n3', 'file://'], ['./#blort', 'file:/some/dir/foo', 'file:/some/dir/#blort'], ['./#', 'file:/some/dir/foo', 'file:/some/dir/#'], // Ryan Lee ["./", "http://example/x/abc.efg", "http://example/x/"], // Graham Klyne's tests // // 01-31 are from Connelly's cases // 32-49 ['./q:r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q:r'], ['./p=q:r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/p=q:r'], ['?pp/rr', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/qq', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/rr'], ['y/z', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/qq', 'http://ex/x/y/z'], ['local/', 'mailto:local', 'mailto:local/'], ['more/', 'mailto:local/', 'mailto:local/more/'], ['y?q', 'http://ex/x/y?q', 'http://ex/x/y?q'], ['/x/y?q', 'http://ex?p', 'http://ex/x/y?q'], ['c/d', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:a/c/d'], ['/c/d', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:/c/d'], ['', 'foo:a/b?c#d', 'foo:a/b?c'], ['b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:b/c'], ['../b/c', 'foo:/a/y/z', 'foo:/a/b/c'], ['./b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:b/c'], ['/./b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:/b/c'], ['../../d', 'foo://a//b/c', 'foo://a/d'], ['.', 'foo:a', 'foo:'], ['..', 'foo:a', 'foo:'], // 50-57[cf. TimBL comments -- //, // ['abc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x/abc'], ['../../x%2Fabc', 'http://example/a/x/y/z', 'http://example/a/x%2Fabc'], ['../x%2Fabc', 'http://example/a/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/a/x%2Fabc'], ['abc', 'http://example/x%2Fy/z', 'http://example/x%2Fy/abc'], ['q%3Ar', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q%3Ar'], ['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'], ['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y/z', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'], ['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'], // 70-77 ['local2@domain2', 'mailto:local1@domain1?query1', 'mailto:local2@domain2'], ['local2@domain2?query2', 'mailto:local1@domain1', 'mailto:local2@domain2?query2'], ['local2@domain2?query2', 'mailto:local1@domain1?query1', 'mailto:local2@domain2?query2'], ['?query2', 'mailto:local@domain?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'], ['local@domain?query2', 'mailto:?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'], ['?query2', 'mailto:local@domain?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'], ['http://example/a/b?c/../d', 'foo:bar', 'http://example/a/b?c/../d'], ['http://example/a/b#c/../d', 'foo:bar', 'http://example/a/b#c/../d'], // 82-88 // ['http:this', '', 'http:this'], // @isaacs Disagree. Not how browsers do it. ['http:this', '', ""], // @isaacs Added ['http:this', 'http:base', 'http:this'], ['.//g', 'f:/a', 'f://g'], ['b/c//d/e', 'f://', 'f://'], ['m2@example.ord/', 'mid:m@example.ord/', 'mid:m@example.ord/m2@example.ord/'], ['mini1.xml', 'file:///C:/DEV/Haskell/lib/HXmlToolbox-3.01/examples/', 'file:///C:/DEV/Haskell/lib/HXmlToolbox-3.01/examples/mini1.xml'], ['../b/c', 'foo:a/y/z', 'foo:a/b/c'] ].forEach(function (relativeTest) { var a = url.resolve(relativeTest[1], relativeTest[0]), e = relativeTest[2]; assert.equal(e, a, "resolve("+[relativeTest[1], relativeTest[0]]+") == "+e+ "\n actual="+a); });