// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. function Profile(separateIc) { devtools.profiler.Profile.call(this); if (!separateIc) { this.skipThisFunction = function(name) { return Profile.IC_RE.test(name); }; } }; Profile.prototype = devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype; Profile.IC_RE = /^(?:CallIC|LoadIC|StoreIC)|(?:Builtin: (?:Keyed)?(?:Call|Load|Store)IC_)/; /** * A thin wrapper around shell's 'read' function showing a file name on error. */ function readFile(fileName) { try { return read(fileName); } catch (e) { print(fileName + ': ' + (e.message || e)); throw e; } } function inherits(childCtor, parentCtor) { childCtor.prototype.__proto__ = parentCtor.prototype; }; function SnapshotLogProcessor() { devtools.profiler.LogReader.call(this, { 'code-creation': { parsers: [null, this.createAddressParser('code'), parseInt, null], processor: this.processCodeCreation, backrefs: true }, 'code-move': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), this.createAddressParser('code-move-to')], processor: this.processCodeMove, backrefs: true }, 'code-delete': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code')], processor: this.processCodeDelete, backrefs: true }, 'snapshot-pos': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), parseInt], processor: this.processSnapshotPosition, backrefs: true }}); Profile.prototype.handleUnknownCode = function(operation, addr) { var op = devtools.profiler.Profile.Operation; switch (operation) { case op.MOVE: print('Snapshot: Code move event for unknown code: 0x' + addr.toString(16)); break; case op.DELETE: print('Snapshot: Code delete event for unknown code: 0x' + addr.toString(16)); break; } }; this.profile_ = new Profile(); this.serializedEntries_ = []; } inherits(SnapshotLogProcessor, devtools.profiler.LogReader); SnapshotLogProcessor.prototype.processCodeCreation = function( type, start, size, name) { var entry = this.profile_.addCode( this.expandAlias(type), name, start, size); }; SnapshotLogProcessor.prototype.processCodeMove = function(from, to) { this.profile_.moveCode(from, to); }; SnapshotLogProcessor.prototype.processCodeDelete = function(start) { this.profile_.deleteCode(start); }; SnapshotLogProcessor.prototype.processSnapshotPosition = function(addr, pos) { this.serializedEntries_[pos] = this.profile_.findEntry(addr); }; SnapshotLogProcessor.prototype.processLogFile = function(fileName) { var contents = readFile(fileName); this.processLogChunk(contents); }; SnapshotLogProcessor.prototype.getSerializedEntryName = function(pos) { var entry = this.serializedEntries_[pos]; return entry ? entry.getRawName() : null; }; function TickProcessor( cppEntriesProvider, separateIc, ignoreUnknown, stateFilter, snapshotLogProcessor) { devtools.profiler.LogReader.call(this, { 'shared-library': { parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt], processor: this.processSharedLibrary }, 'code-creation': { parsers: [null, this.createAddressParser('code'), parseInt, null], processor: this.processCodeCreation, backrefs: true }, 'code-move': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), this.createAddressParser('code-move-to')], processor: this.processCodeMove, backrefs: true }, 'code-delete': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code')], processor: this.processCodeDelete, backrefs: true }, 'function-creation': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), this.createAddressParser('function-obj')], processor: this.processFunctionCreation, backrefs: true }, 'function-move': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), this.createAddressParser('code-move-to')], processor: this.processFunctionMove, backrefs: true }, 'function-delete': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code')], processor: this.processFunctionDelete, backrefs: true }, 'snapshot-pos': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), parseInt], processor: this.processSnapshotPosition, backrefs: true }, 'tick': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), this.createAddressParser('stack'), this.createAddressParser('func'), parseInt, 'var-args'], processor: this.processTick, backrefs: true }, 'heap-sample-begin': { parsers: [null, null, parseInt], processor: this.processHeapSampleBegin }, 'heap-sample-end': { parsers: [null, null], processor: this.processHeapSampleEnd }, 'heap-js-prod-item': { parsers: [null, 'var-args'], processor: this.processJSProducer, backrefs: true }, // Ignored events. 'profiler': null, 'heap-sample-stats': null, 'heap-sample-item': null, 'heap-js-cons-item': null, 'heap-js-ret-item': null, // Obsolete row types. 'code-allocate': null, 'begin-code-region': null, 'end-code-region': null }); this.cppEntriesProvider_ = cppEntriesProvider; this.ignoreUnknown_ = ignoreUnknown; this.stateFilter_ = stateFilter; this.snapshotLogProcessor_ = snapshotLogProcessor; this.deserializedEntriesNames_ = []; var ticks = this.ticks_ = { total: 0, unaccounted: 0, excluded: 0, gc: 0 }; Profile.prototype.handleUnknownCode = function( operation, addr, opt_stackPos) { var op = devtools.profiler.Profile.Operation; switch (operation) { case op.MOVE: print('Code move event for unknown code: 0x' + addr.toString(16)); break; case op.DELETE: print('Code delete event for unknown code: 0x' + addr.toString(16)); break; case op.TICK: // Only unknown PCs (the first frame) are reported as unaccounted, // otherwise tick balance will be corrupted (this behavior is compatible // with the original tickprocessor.py script.) if (opt_stackPos == 0) { ticks.unaccounted++; } break; } }; this.profile_ = new Profile(separateIc); this.codeTypes_ = {}; // Count each tick as a time unit. this.viewBuilder_ = new devtools.profiler.ViewBuilder(1); this.lastLogFileName_ = null; this.generation_ = 1; this.currentProducerProfile_ = null; }; inherits(TickProcessor, devtools.profiler.LogReader); TickProcessor.VmStates = { JS: 0, GC: 1, COMPILER: 2, OTHER: 3, EXTERNAL: 4 }; TickProcessor.CodeTypes = { CPP: 0, SHARED_LIB: 1 }; // Otherwise, this is JS-related code. We are not adding it to // codeTypes_ map because there can be zillions of them. TickProcessor.CALL_PROFILE_CUTOFF_PCT = 2.0; /** * @override */ TickProcessor.prototype.printError = function(str) { print(str); }; TickProcessor.prototype.setCodeType = function(name, type) { this.codeTypes_[name] = TickProcessor.CodeTypes[type]; }; TickProcessor.prototype.isSharedLibrary = function(name) { return this.codeTypes_[name] == TickProcessor.CodeTypes.SHARED_LIB; }; TickProcessor.prototype.isCppCode = function(name) { return this.codeTypes_[name] == TickProcessor.CodeTypes.CPP; }; TickProcessor.prototype.isJsCode = function(name) { return !(name in this.codeTypes_); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processLogFile = function(fileName) { this.lastLogFileName_ = fileName; var contents = readFile(fileName); this.processLogChunk(contents); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processSharedLibrary = function( name, startAddr, endAddr) { var entry = this.profile_.addLibrary(name, startAddr, endAddr); this.setCodeType(entry.getName(), 'SHARED_LIB'); var self = this; var libFuncs = this.cppEntriesProvider_.parseVmSymbols( name, startAddr, endAddr, function(fName, fStart, fEnd) { self.profile_.addStaticCode(fName, fStart, fEnd); self.setCodeType(fName, 'CPP'); }); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processCodeCreation = function( type, start, size, name) { name = this.deserializedEntriesNames_[start] || name; var entry = this.profile_.addCode( this.expandAlias(type), name, start, size); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processCodeMove = function(from, to) { this.profile_.moveCode(from, to); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processCodeDelete = function(start) { this.profile_.deleteCode(start); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processFunctionCreation = function( functionAddr, codeAddr) { this.profile_.addCodeAlias(functionAddr, codeAddr); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processFunctionMove = function(from, to) { this.profile_.safeMoveDynamicCode(from, to); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processFunctionDelete = function(start) { this.profile_.safeDeleteDynamicCode(start); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processSnapshotPosition = function(addr, pos) { if (this.snapshotLogProcessor_) { this.deserializedEntriesNames_[addr] = this.snapshotLogProcessor_.getSerializedEntryName(pos); } }; TickProcessor.prototype.includeTick = function(vmState) { return this.stateFilter_ == null || this.stateFilter_ == vmState; }; TickProcessor.prototype.processTick = function(pc, sp, func, vmState, stack) { this.ticks_.total++; if (vmState == TickProcessor.VmStates.GC) this.ticks_.gc++; if (!this.includeTick(vmState)) { this.ticks_.excluded++; return; } if (func) { var funcEntry = this.profile_.findEntry(func); if (!funcEntry || !funcEntry.isJSFunction || !funcEntry.isJSFunction()) { func = 0; } else { var currEntry = this.profile_.findEntry(pc); if (!currEntry || !currEntry.isJSFunction || currEntry.isJSFunction()) { func = 0; } } } this.profile_.recordTick(this.processStack(pc, func, stack)); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processHeapSampleBegin = function(space, state, ticks) { if (space != 'Heap') return; this.currentProducerProfile_ = new devtools.profiler.CallTree(); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processHeapSampleEnd = function(space, state) { if (space != 'Heap' || !this.currentProducerProfile_) return; print('Generation ' + this.generation_ + ':'); var tree = this.currentProducerProfile_; tree.computeTotalWeights(); var producersView = this.viewBuilder_.buildView(tree); // Sort by total time, desc, then by name, desc. producersView.sort(function(rec1, rec2) { return rec2.totalTime - rec1.totalTime || (rec2.internalFuncName < rec1.internalFuncName ? -1 : 1); }); this.printHeavyProfile(producersView.head.children); this.currentProducerProfile_ = null; this.generation_++; }; TickProcessor.prototype.processJSProducer = function(constructor, stack) { if (!this.currentProducerProfile_) return; if (stack.length == 0) return; var first = stack.shift(); var processedStack = this.profile_.resolveAndFilterFuncs_(this.processStack(first, 0, stack)); processedStack.unshift(constructor); this.currentProducerProfile_.addPath(processedStack); }; TickProcessor.prototype.printStatistics = function() { print('Statistical profiling result from ' + this.lastLogFileName_ + ', (' + this.ticks_.total + ' ticks, ' + this.ticks_.unaccounted + ' unaccounted, ' + this.ticks_.excluded + ' excluded).'); if (this.ticks_.total == 0) return; // Print the unknown ticks percentage if they are not ignored. if (!this.ignoreUnknown_ && this.ticks_.unaccounted > 0) { this.printHeader('Unknown'); this.printCounter(this.ticks_.unaccounted, this.ticks_.total); } var flatProfile = this.profile_.getFlatProfile(); var flatView = this.viewBuilder_.buildView(flatProfile); // Sort by self time, desc, then by name, desc. flatView.sort(function(rec1, rec2) { return rec2.selfTime - rec1.selfTime || (rec2.internalFuncName < rec1.internalFuncName ? -1 : 1); }); var totalTicks = this.ticks_.total; if (this.ignoreUnknown_) { totalTicks -= this.ticks_.unaccounted; } // Our total time contains all the ticks encountered, // while profile only knows about the filtered ticks. flatView.head.totalTime = totalTicks; // Count library ticks var flatViewNodes = flatView.head.children; var self = this; var libraryTicks = 0; this.processProfile(flatViewNodes, function(name) { return self.isSharedLibrary(name); }, function(rec) { libraryTicks += rec.selfTime; }); var nonLibraryTicks = totalTicks - libraryTicks; this.printHeader('Shared libraries'); this.printEntries(flatViewNodes, null, function(name) { return self.isSharedLibrary(name); }); this.printHeader('JavaScript'); this.printEntries(flatViewNodes, nonLibraryTicks, function(name) { return self.isJsCode(name); }); this.printHeader('C++'); this.printEntries(flatViewNodes, nonLibraryTicks, function(name) { return self.isCppCode(name); }); this.printHeader('GC'); this.printCounter(this.ticks_.gc, totalTicks); this.printHeavyProfHeader(); var heavyProfile = this.profile_.getBottomUpProfile(); var heavyView = this.viewBuilder_.buildView(heavyProfile); // To show the same percentages as in the flat profile. heavyView.head.totalTime = totalTicks; // Sort by total time, desc, then by name, desc. heavyView.sort(function(rec1, rec2) { return rec2.totalTime - rec1.totalTime || (rec2.internalFuncName < rec1.internalFuncName ? -1 : 1); }); this.printHeavyProfile(heavyView.head.children); }; function padLeft(s, len) { s = s.toString(); if (s.length < len) { var padLength = len - s.length; if (!(padLength in padLeft)) { padLeft[padLength] = new Array(padLength + 1).join(' '); } s = padLeft[padLength] + s; } return s; }; TickProcessor.prototype.printHeader = function(headerTitle) { print('\n [' + headerTitle + ']:'); print(' ticks total nonlib name'); }; TickProcessor.prototype.printHeavyProfHeader = function() { print('\n [Bottom up (heavy) profile]:'); print(' Note: percentage shows a share of a particular caller in the ' + 'total\n' + ' amount of its parent calls.'); print(' Callers occupying less than ' + TickProcessor.CALL_PROFILE_CUTOFF_PCT.toFixed(1) + '% are not shown.\n'); print(' ticks parent name'); }; TickProcessor.prototype.printCounter = function(ticksCount, totalTicksCount) { var pct = ticksCount * 100.0 / totalTicksCount; print(' ' + padLeft(ticksCount, 5) + ' ' + padLeft(pct.toFixed(1), 5) + '%'); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processProfile = function( profile, filterP, func) { for (var i = 0, n = profile.length; i < n; ++i) { var rec = profile[i]; if (!filterP(rec.internalFuncName)) { continue; } func(rec); } }; TickProcessor.prototype.printEntries = function( profile, nonLibTicks, filterP) { this.processProfile(profile, filterP, function (rec) { if (rec.selfTime == 0) return; var nonLibPct = nonLibTicks != null ? rec.selfTime * 100.0 / nonLibTicks : 0.0; print(' ' + padLeft(rec.selfTime, 5) + ' ' + padLeft(rec.selfPercent.toFixed(1), 5) + '% ' + padLeft(nonLibPct.toFixed(1), 5) + '% ' + rec.internalFuncName); }); }; TickProcessor.prototype.printHeavyProfile = function(profile, opt_indent) { var self = this; var indent = opt_indent || 0; var indentStr = padLeft('', indent); this.processProfile(profile, function() { return true; }, function (rec) { // Cut off too infrequent callers. if (rec.parentTotalPercent < TickProcessor.CALL_PROFILE_CUTOFF_PCT) return; print(' ' + padLeft(rec.totalTime, 5) + ' ' + padLeft(rec.parentTotalPercent.toFixed(1), 5) + '% ' + indentStr + rec.internalFuncName); // Limit backtrace depth. if (indent < 10) { self.printHeavyProfile(rec.children, indent + 2); } // Delimit top-level functions. if (indent == 0) { print(''); } }); }; function CppEntriesProvider() { }; CppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseVmSymbols = function( libName, libStart, libEnd, processorFunc) { this.loadSymbols(libName); var prevEntry; function addEntry(funcInfo) { // Several functions can be mapped onto the same address. To avoid // creating zero-sized entries, skip such duplicates. // Also double-check that function belongs to the library address space. if (prevEntry && !prevEntry.end && prevEntry.start < funcInfo.start && prevEntry.start >= libStart && funcInfo.start <= libEnd) { processorFunc(prevEntry.name, prevEntry.start, funcInfo.start); } if (funcInfo.end && (!prevEntry || prevEntry.start != funcInfo.start) && funcInfo.start >= libStart && funcInfo.end <= libEnd) { processorFunc(funcInfo.name, funcInfo.start, funcInfo.end); } prevEntry = funcInfo; } while (true) { var funcInfo = this.parseNextLine(); if (funcInfo === null) { continue; } else if (funcInfo === false) { break; } if (funcInfo.start < libStart && funcInfo.start < libEnd - libStart) { funcInfo.start += libStart; } if (funcInfo.size) { funcInfo.end = funcInfo.start + funcInfo.size; } addEntry(funcInfo); } addEntry({name: '', start: libEnd}); }; CppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { }; CppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseNextLine = function() { return false; }; function UnixCppEntriesProvider(nmExec) { this.symbols = []; this.parsePos = 0; this.nmExec = nmExec; this.FUNC_RE = /^([0-9a-fA-F]{8,16}) ([0-9a-fA-F]{8,16} )?[tTwW] (.*)$/; }; inherits(UnixCppEntriesProvider, CppEntriesProvider); UnixCppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { this.parsePos = 0; try { this.symbols = [ os.system(this.nmExec, ['-C', '-n', '-S', libName], -1, -1), os.system(this.nmExec, ['-C', '-n', '-S', '-D', libName], -1, -1) ]; } catch (e) { // If the library cannot be found on this system let's not panic. this.symbols = ['', '']; } }; UnixCppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseNextLine = function() { if (this.symbols.length == 0) { return false; } var lineEndPos = this.symbols[0].indexOf('\n', this.parsePos); if (lineEndPos == -1) { this.symbols.shift(); this.parsePos = 0; return this.parseNextLine(); } var line = this.symbols[0].substring(this.parsePos, lineEndPos); this.parsePos = lineEndPos + 1; var fields = line.match(this.FUNC_RE); var funcInfo = null; if (fields) { funcInfo = { name: fields[3], start: parseInt(fields[1], 16) }; if (fields[2]) { funcInfo.size = parseInt(fields[2], 16); } } return funcInfo; }; function MacCppEntriesProvider(nmExec) { UnixCppEntriesProvider.call(this, nmExec); // Note an empty group. It is required, as UnixCppEntriesProvider expects 3 groups. this.FUNC_RE = /^([0-9a-fA-F]{8,16}) ()[iItT] (.*)$/; }; inherits(MacCppEntriesProvider, UnixCppEntriesProvider); MacCppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { this.parsePos = 0; try { this.symbols = [os.system(this.nmExec, ['-n', '-f', libName], -1, -1), '']; } catch (e) { // If the library cannot be found on this system let's not panic. this.symbols = ''; } }; function WindowsCppEntriesProvider() { this.symbols = ''; this.parsePos = 0; }; inherits(WindowsCppEntriesProvider, CppEntriesProvider); WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FILENAME_RE = /^(.*)\.([^.]+)$/; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FUNC_RE = /^\s+0001:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\s+([_\?@$0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]{8}).*$/; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.IMAGE_BASE_RE = /^\s+0000:00000000\s+___ImageBase\s+([0-9a-fA-F]{8}).*$/; // This is almost a constant on Windows. WindowsCppEntriesProvider.EXE_IMAGE_BASE = 0x00400000; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { var fileNameFields = libName.match(WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FILENAME_RE); if (!fileNameFields) return; var mapFileName = fileNameFields[1] + '.map'; this.moduleType_ = fileNameFields[2].toLowerCase(); try { this.symbols = read(mapFileName); } catch (e) { // If .map file cannot be found let's not panic. this.symbols = ''; } }; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseNextLine = function() { var lineEndPos = this.symbols.indexOf('\r\n', this.parsePos); if (lineEndPos == -1) { return false; } var line = this.symbols.substring(this.parsePos, lineEndPos); this.parsePos = lineEndPos + 2; // Image base entry is above all other symbols, so we can just // terminate parsing. var imageBaseFields = line.match(WindowsCppEntriesProvider.IMAGE_BASE_RE); if (imageBaseFields) { var imageBase = parseInt(imageBaseFields[1], 16); if ((this.moduleType_ == 'exe') != (imageBase == WindowsCppEntriesProvider.EXE_IMAGE_BASE)) { return false; } } var fields = line.match(WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FUNC_RE); return fields ? { name: this.unmangleName(fields[1]), start: parseInt(fields[2], 16) } : null; }; /** * Performs very simple unmangling of C++ names. * * Does not handle arguments and template arguments. The mangled names have * the form: * * ?LookupInDescriptor@JSObject@internal@v8@@...arguments info... */ WindowsCppEntriesProvider.prototype.unmangleName = function(name) { // Empty or non-mangled name. if (name.length < 1 || name.charAt(0) != '?') return name; var nameEndPos = name.indexOf('@@'); var components = name.substring(1, nameEndPos).split('@'); components.reverse(); return components.join('::'); }; function ArgumentsProcessor(args) { this.args_ = args; this.result_ = ArgumentsProcessor.DEFAULTS; this.argsDispatch_ = { '-j': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.JS, 'Show only ticks from JS VM state'], '-g': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.GC, 'Show only ticks from GC VM state'], '-c': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.COMPILER, 'Show only ticks from COMPILER VM state'], '-o': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.OTHER, 'Show only ticks from OTHER VM state'], '-e': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.EXTERNAL, 'Show only ticks from EXTERNAL VM state'], '--ignore-unknown': ['ignoreUnknown', true, 'Exclude ticks of unknown code entries from processing'], '--separate-ic': ['separateIc', true, 'Separate IC entries'], '--unix': ['platform', 'unix', 'Specify that we are running on *nix platform'], '--windows': ['platform', 'windows', 'Specify that we are running on Windows platform'], '--mac': ['platform', 'mac', 'Specify that we are running on Mac OS X platform'], '--nm': ['nm', 'nm', 'Specify the \'nm\' executable to use (e.g. --nm=/my_dir/nm)'], '--snapshot-log': ['snapshotLogFileName', 'snapshot.log', 'Specify snapshot log file to use (e.g. --snapshot-log=snapshot.log)'] }; this.argsDispatch_['--js'] = this.argsDispatch_['-j']; this.argsDispatch_['--gc'] = this.argsDispatch_['-g']; this.argsDispatch_['--compiler'] = this.argsDispatch_['-c']; this.argsDispatch_['--other'] = this.argsDispatch_['-o']; this.argsDispatch_['--external'] = this.argsDispatch_['-e']; }; ArgumentsProcessor.DEFAULTS = { logFileName: 'v8.log', snapshotLogFileName: null, platform: 'unix', stateFilter: null, ignoreUnknown: false, separateIc: false, nm: 'nm' }; ArgumentsProcessor.prototype.parse = function() { while (this.args_.length) { var arg = this.args_[0]; if (arg.charAt(0) != '-') { break; } this.args_.shift(); var userValue = null; var eqPos = arg.indexOf('='); if (eqPos != -1) { userValue = arg.substr(eqPos + 1); arg = arg.substr(0, eqPos); } if (arg in this.argsDispatch_) { var dispatch = this.argsDispatch_[arg]; this.result_[dispatch[0]] = userValue == null ? dispatch[1] : userValue; } else { return false; } } if (this.args_.length >= 1) { this.result_.logFileName = this.args_.shift(); } return true; }; ArgumentsProcessor.prototype.result = function() { return this.result_; }; ArgumentsProcessor.prototype.printUsageAndExit = function() { function padRight(s, len) { s = s.toString(); if (s.length < len) { s = s + (new Array(len - s.length + 1).join(' ')); } return s; } print('Cmdline args: [options] [log-file-name]\n' + 'Default log file name is "' + ArgumentsProcessor.DEFAULTS.logFileName + '".\n'); print('Options:'); for (var arg in this.argsDispatch_) { var synonims = [arg]; var dispatch = this.argsDispatch_[arg]; for (var synArg in this.argsDispatch_) { if (arg !== synArg && dispatch === this.argsDispatch_[synArg]) { synonims.push(synArg); delete this.argsDispatch_[synArg]; } } print(' ' + padRight(synonims.join(', '), 20) + dispatch[2]); } quit(2); };