2009.08.06, Version 0.1.3 * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.2 * Bugfix: node.http.ServerRequest.setBodyEncoding('ascii') not workin * Bugfix: node.encodeUtf8 was broken. (Connor Dunn) * Add ranlib to udns Makefile. * Upgrade evcom - fix accepting too many connections issue. * Initial support for shebang * Add simple command line switches * Add node.version API 2009.08.01, Version 0.1.2 * Add DNS API * node.tcp.Server's backlog option is now an argument to listen() * Upgrade V8 to 1.3.1 * Bugfix: Default to chunked for client requests without C-Length. * Bugfix: Line numbers in stack traces. * Bugfix: negative integers in raw encoding stream * Bugfix: node.fs.File was not passing args to promise callbacks. 2009.07.27, Version 0.1.1 * Simplify and clean up ObjectWrap. * Upgrade liboi (which is now called evcom) Upgrade libev to 3.7 Upgrade V8 to 1.2.14 * Array.prototype.encodeUtf8 renamed to node.encodeUtf8(array) * Move EventEmitter.prototype.emit() completely into C++. * Bugfix: Fix memory leak in event emitters. http://groups.google.com/group/nodejs/browse_thread/thread/a8d1dfc2fd57a6d1 * Bugfix: Had problems reading scripts with non-ascii characters. * Bugfix: Fix Detach() in node::Server * Bugfix: Sockets not properly reattached if reconnected during disconnect event. * Bugfix: Server-side clients not attached between creation and on_connect. * Add 'close' event to node.tcp.Server * Simplify and clean up http.js. (Takes more advantage of event infrastructure). * Add benchmark scripts. Run with "make benchmark". 2009.06.30, Version 0.1.0 * Update documentation, use asciidoc. * EventEmitter and Promise interfaces. (Breaks previous API.) * Remove node.Process constructor in favor of node.createProcess * Add -m32 flags for compiling on x64 platforms. (Thanks to András Bártházi) * Upgrade v8 to 1.2.10 and libev to 3.6 * Bugfix: Timer::RepeatSetter wasn't working. * Bugfix: Spawning many processes in a loop (reported by Felix Geisendoerfer) 2009.06.24, Version 0.0.6 * Load modules via HTTP URLs (Urban Hafner) * Bugfix: Add HTTPConnection->size() and HTTPServer->size() * New node.Process API * Clean up build tools, use v8's test runner. * Use ev_unref() instead of starting/stopping the eio thread pool watcher. 2009.06.18, Version 0.0.5 * Support for IPv6 * Remove namespace node.constants * Upgrade v8 to * Accept ports as strings in the TCP client and server. * Bugfix: HTTP Client race * Bugfix: freeaddrinfo() wasn't getting called after getaddrinfo() for TCP servers * Add "opening" to TCP client readyState * Add remoteAddress to TCP client * Add global print() function. 2009.06.13, Version 0.0.4 * Add interrupt() method to server-side HTTP requests. * Bugfix: onBodyComplete was not getting called on server-side HTTP 2009.06.11, Version 0.0.3 * Many bug fixes including the problem with http.Client on macintosh * Upgrades v8 to 1.2.7 * Adds onExit hook * Guard against buffer overflow in http parser * require() and include() now need the ".js" extension * http.Client uses identity transfer encoding by default.