# Tiny Validator (for v4 JSON Schema) [](http://travis-ci.org/geraintluff/tv4) [](https://gemnasium.com/geraintluff/tv4) [](http://badge.fury.io/js/tv4) Use [json-schema](http://json-schema.org/) [draft v4](http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-core.html) to validate simple values and complex objects using a rich [validation vocabulary](http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html) ([examples](http://json-schema.org/examples.html)). There is support for `$ref` with JSON Pointer fragment paths (```other-schema.json#/properties/myKey```). ## Usage 1: Simple validation ```javascript var valid = tv4.validate(data, schema); ``` If validation returns ```false```, then an explanation of why validation failed can be found in ```tv4.error```. The error object will look something like: ```json { "code": 0, "message": "Invalid type: string", "dataPath": "/intKey", "schemaPath": "/properties/intKey/type" } ``` The `"code"` property will refer to one of the values in `tv4.errorCodes` - in this case, `tv4.errorCodes.INVALID_TYPE`. To enable external schema to be referenced, you use: ```javascript tv4.addSchema(url, schema); ``` If schemas are referenced (```$ref```) but not known, then validation will return ```true``` and the missing schema(s) will be listed in ```tv4.missing```. For more info see the API documentation below. ## Usage 2: Multi-threaded validation Storing the error and missing schemas does not work well in multi-threaded environments, so there is an alternative syntax: ```javascript var result = tv4.validateResult(data, schema); ``` The result will look something like: ```json { "valid": false, "error": {...}, "missing": [...] } ``` ## Usage 3: Multiple errors Normally, `tv4` stops when it encounters the first validation error. However, you can collect an array of validation errors using: ```javascript var result = tv4.validateMultiple(data, schema); ``` The result will look something like: ```json { "valid": false, "errors": [ {...}, ... ], "missing": [...] } ``` ## Asynchronous validation Support for asynchronous validation (where missing schemas are fetched) can be added by including an extra JavaScript file. Currently, the only version requires jQuery (`tv4.async-jquery.js`), but the code is very short and should be fairly easy to modify for other libraries (such as MooTools). Usage: ```javascript tv4.validate(data, schema, function (isValid, validationError) { ... }); ``` `validationFailure` is simply taken from `tv4.error`. ## Cyclical JavaScript objects While they don't occur in proper JSON, JavaScript does support self-referencing objects. Any of the above calls support an optional third argument: `checkRecursive`. If true, tv4 will handle self-referencing objects properly - this slows down validation slightly, but that's better than a hanging script. Consider this data, notice how both `a` and `b` refer to each other: ```javascript var a = {}; var b = { a: a }; a.b = b; var aSchema = { properties: { b: { $ref: 'bSchema' }}}; var bSchema = { properties: { a: { $ref: 'aSchema' }}}; tv4.addSchema('aSchema', aSchema); tv4.addSchema('bSchema', bSchema); ``` If the `checkRecursive` argument were missing, this would throw a "too much recursion" error. To enable support for this, pass `true` as additional argument to any of the regular validation methods: ```javascript tv4.validate(a, aSchema, true); tv4.validateResult(data, aSchema, true); tv4.validateMultiple(data, aSchema, true); ``` ## The `banUnknownProperties` flag Sometimes, it is desirable to flag all unknown properties as an error. This is especially useful during development, to catch typos and the like, even when extra custom-defined properties are allowed. As such, tv4 implements ["ban unknown properties" mode](https://github.com/json-schema/json-schema/wiki/ban-unknown-properties-mode-\(v5-proposal\)), enabled by a fourth-argument flag: ```javascript tv4.validate(data, schema, checkRecursive, true); tv4.validateResult(data, schema, checkRecursive, true); tv4.validateMultiple(data, schema, checkRecursive, true); ``` ## API There are additional api commands available for more complex use-cases: ##### addSchema(uri, schema) Pre-register a schema for reference by other schema and synchronous validation. ````js tv4.addSchema('http://example.com/schema', { ... }); ```` * `uri` the uri to identify this schema. * `schema` the schema object. Schemas that have their `id` property set can be added directly. ````js tv4.addSchema({ ... }); ```` ##### getSchema(uri) Return a schema from the cache. * `uri` the uri of the schema (may contain a `#` fragment) ````js var schema = tv4.getSchema('http://example.com/schema'); ```` ##### getSchemaMap() Return a shallow copy of the schema cache, mapping schema document URIs to schema objects. ```` var map = tv4.getSchemaMap(); var schema = map[uri]; ```` ##### getSchemaUris(filter) Return an Array with known schema document URIs. * `filter` optional RegExp to filter URIs ```` var arr = tv4.getSchemaUris(); // optional filter using a RegExp var arr = tv4.getSchemaUris(/^https?://example.com/); ```` ##### getMissingUris(filter) Return an Array with schema document URIs that are used as `$ref` in known schemas but which currently have no associated schema data. Use this in combination with `tv4.addSchema(uri, schema)` to preload the cache for complete synchronous validation with. * `filter` optional RegExp to filter URIs ```` var arr = tv4.getMissingUris(); // optional filter using a RegExp var arr = tv4.getMissingUris(/^https?://example.com/); ```` ##### dropSchemas() Drop all known schema document URIs from the cache. ```` tv4.dropSchemas(); ```` ##### freshApi() Return a new tv4 instance with no shared state. ```` var otherTV4 = tv4.freshApi(); ```` ##### reset() Manually reset validation status from the simple `tv4.validate(data, schema)`. Although tv4 will self reset on each validation there are some implementation scenarios where this is useful. ```` tv4.reset(); ```` ##### setErrorReporter(reporter) Sets a custom error reporter. This is a function that accepts three arguments, and returns an error message (string): ``` tv4.setErrorReporter(function (error, data, schema) { return "Error code: " + error.code; }); ``` The `error` object already has everything aside from the `.message` property filled in (so you can use `error.params`, `error.dataPath`, `error.schemaPath` etc.). If nothing is returned (or the empty string), then it falls back to the default error reporter. To remove a custom error reporter, call `tv4.setErrorReporter(null)`. ##### language(code) Sets the language used by the default error reporter. * `code` is a language code, like `'en'` or `'en-gb'` ```` tv4.language('en-gb'); ```` If you specify a multi-level language code (e.g. `fr-CH`), then it will fall back to the generic version (`fr`) if needed. ##### addLanguage(code, map) Add a new template-based language map for the default error reporter (used by `tv4.language(code)`) * `code` is new language code * `map` is an object mapping error IDs or constant names (e.g. `103` or `"NUMBER_MAXIMUM"`) to language strings. ```` tv4.addLanguage('fr', { ... }); // select for use tv4.language('fr') ```` If you register a multi-level language code (e.g. `fr-FR`), then it will also be registered for plain `fr` if that does not already exist. ##### addFormat(format, validationFunction) Add a custom format validator. (There are no built-in format validators. Several common ones can be found [here](https://github.com/ikr/tv4-formats) though) * `format` is a string, corresponding to the `"format"` value in schemas. * `validationFunction` is a function that either returns: * `null` (meaning no error) * an error string (explaining the reason for failure) ```` tv4.addFormat('decimal-digits', function (data, schema) { if (typeof data === 'string' && !/^[0-9]+$/.test(data)) { return null; } return "must be string of decimal digits"; }); ```` Alternatively, multiple formats can be added at the same time using an object: ```` tv4.addFormat({ 'my-format': function () {...}, 'other-format': function () {...} }); ```` ##### defineKeyword(keyword, validationFunction) Add a custom keyword validator. * `keyword` is a string, corresponding to a schema keyword * `validationFunction` is a function that either returns: * `null` (meaning no error) * an error string (explaining the reason for failure) * an error object (containing some of: `code`/`message`/`dataPath`/`schemaPath`) ```` tv4.defineKeyword('my-custom-keyword', function (data, value, schema) { if (simpleFailure()) { return "Failure"; } else if (detailedFailure()) { return {code: tv4.errorCodes.MY_CUSTOM_CODE, message: {param1: 'a', param2: 'b'}}; } else { return null; } }); ```` `schema` is the schema upon which the keyword is defined. In the above example, `value === schema['my-custom-keyword']`. If an object is returned from the custom validator, and its `message` is a string, then that is used as the message result. If `message` is an object, then that is used to populate the (localisable) error template. ##### defineError(codeName, codeNumber, defaultMessage) Defines a custom error code. * `codeName` is a string, all-caps underscore separated, e.g. `"MY_CUSTOM_ERROR"` * `codeNumber` is an integer > 10000, which will be stored in `tv4.errorCodes` (e.g. `tv4.errorCodes.MY_CUSTOM_ERROR`) * `defaultMessage` is an error message template to use (assuming translations have not been provided for this code) An example of `defaultMessage` might be: `"Incorrect moon (expected {expected}, got {actual}"`). This is filled out if a custom keyword returns a object `message` (see above). Translations will be used, if associated with the correct code name/number. ## Demos ### Basic usage
var schema = { "items": { "type": "boolean" } }; var data1 = [true, false]; var data2 = [true, 123]; alert("data 1: " + tv4.validate(data1, schema)); // true alert("data 2: " + tv4.validate(data2, schema)); // false alert("data 2 error: " + JSON.stringify(tv4.error, null, 4));
var schema = { "type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#"} }; var data1 = [[], [[]]]; var data2 = [[], [true, []]]; alert("data 1: " + tv4.validate(data1, schema)); // true alert("data 2: " + tv4.validate(data2, schema)); // false
var schema = { "type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "http://example.com/schema" } }; var data = [1, 2, 3]; alert("Valid: " + tv4.validate(data, schema)); // true alert("Missing schemas: " + JSON.stringify(tv4.missing));
tv4.addSchema("http://example.com/schema", { "definitions": { "arrayItem": {"type": "boolean"} } }); var schema = { "type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "http://example.com/schema#/definitions/arrayItem" } }; var data1 = [true, false, true]; var data2 = [1, 2, 3]; alert("data 1: " + tv4.validate(data1, schema)); // true alert("data 2: " + tv4.validate(data2, schema)); // false