'use strict'; const tls = require('tls'); const url = require('url'); const http = require('http'); const util = require('util'); const inherits = util.inherits; const debug = util.debuglog('https'); function Server(opts, requestListener) { if (!(this instanceof Server)) return new Server(opts, requestListener); if (process.features.tls_npn && !opts.NPNProtocols) { opts.NPNProtocols = ['http/1.1', 'http/1.0']; } if (process.features.tls_alpn && !opts.ALPNProtocols) { // http/1.0 is not defined as Protocol IDs in IANA // http://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values // /tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids opts.ALPNProtocols = ['http/1.1']; } tls.Server.call(this, opts, http._connectionListener); this.httpAllowHalfOpen = false; if (requestListener) { this.addListener('request', requestListener); } this.addListener('tlsClientError', function(err, conn) { if (!this.emit('clientError', err, conn)) conn.destroy(err); }); this.timeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; } inherits(Server, tls.Server); exports.Server = Server; Server.prototype.setTimeout = http.Server.prototype.setTimeout; exports.createServer = function(opts, requestListener) { return new Server(opts, requestListener); }; // HTTPS agents. function createConnection(port, host, options) { if (port !== null && typeof port === 'object') { options = port; } else if (host !== null && typeof host === 'object') { options = host; } else if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') { options = {}; } if (typeof port === 'number') { options.port = port; } if (typeof host === 'string') { options.host = host; } debug('createConnection', options); if (options._agentKey) { const session = this._getSession(options._agentKey); if (session) { debug('reuse session for %j', options._agentKey); options = util._extend({ session: session }, options); } } const self = this; const socket = tls.connect(options, function() { if (!options._agentKey) return; self._cacheSession(options._agentKey, socket.getSession()); }); return socket; } function Agent(options) { http.Agent.call(this, options); this.defaultPort = 443; this.protocol = 'https:'; this.maxCachedSessions = this.options.maxCachedSessions; if (this.maxCachedSessions === undefined) this.maxCachedSessions = 100; this._sessionCache = { map: {}, list: [] }; } inherits(Agent, http.Agent); Agent.prototype.createConnection = createConnection; Agent.prototype.getName = function(options) { var name = http.Agent.prototype.getName.call(this, options); name += ':'; if (options.ca) name += options.ca; name += ':'; if (options.cert) name += options.cert; name += ':'; if (options.ciphers) name += options.ciphers; name += ':'; if (options.key) name += options.key; name += ':'; if (options.pfx) name += options.pfx; name += ':'; if (options.rejectUnauthorized !== undefined) name += options.rejectUnauthorized; name += ':'; if (options.servername && options.servername !== options.host) name += options.servername; return name; }; Agent.prototype._getSession = function _getSession(key) { return this._sessionCache.map[key]; }; Agent.prototype._cacheSession = function _cacheSession(key, session) { // Cache is disabled if (this.maxCachedSessions === 0) return; // Fast case - update existing entry if (this._sessionCache.map[key]) { this._sessionCache.map[key] = session; return; } // Put new entry if (this._sessionCache.list.length >= this.maxCachedSessions) { const oldKey = this._sessionCache.list.shift(); debug('evicting %j', oldKey); delete this._sessionCache.map[oldKey]; } this._sessionCache.list.push(key); this._sessionCache.map[key] = session; }; const globalAgent = new Agent(); exports.globalAgent = globalAgent; exports.Agent = Agent; exports.request = function(options, cb) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = url.parse(options); if (!options.hostname) { throw new Error('Unable to determine the domain name'); } } else { options = util._extend({}, options); } options._defaultAgent = globalAgent; return http.request(options, cb); }; exports.get = function(options, cb) { var req = exports.request(options, cb); req.end(); return req; };