'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const http = require('http'); let onPause = null; const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.method === 'GET') return res.end(); res.writeHead(200); res.flushHeaders(); req.connection.on('pause', () => { res.end(); onPause(); }); }).listen(common.PORT, common.mustCall(() => { const agent = new http.Agent({ maxSockets: 1, keepAlive: true }); const post = http.request({ agent: agent, method: 'POST', port: common.PORT, }, common.mustCall((res) => { res.resume(); post.write(Buffer.alloc(16 * 1024).fill('X')); onPause = () => { post.end('something'); }; })); /* What happens here is that the server `end`s the response before we send * `something`, and the client thought that this is a green light for sending * next GET request */ post.write('initial'); http.request({ agent: agent, method: 'GET', port: common.PORT, }, common.mustCall((res) => { server.close(); res.connection.end(); })).end(); }));