'use strict'; require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); // This test verifies that: // 1. unshift() does not cause colliding _read() calls. // 2. unshift() after the 'end' event is an error, but after the EOF // signalling null, it is ok, and just creates a new readable chunk. // 3. push() after the EOF signaling null is an error. // 4. _read() is not called after pushing the EOF null chunk. var stream = require('stream'); var hwm = 10; var r = stream.Readable({ highWaterMark: hwm }); var chunks = 10; var t = (chunks * 5); var data = new Buffer(chunks * hwm + Math.ceil(hwm / 2)); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var c = 'asdf'.charCodeAt(i % 4); data[i] = c; } var pos = 0; var pushedNull = false; r._read = function(n) { assert(!pushedNull, '_read after null push'); // every third chunk is fast push(!(chunks % 3)); function push(fast) { assert(!pushedNull, 'push() after null push'); var c = pos >= data.length ? null : data.slice(pos, pos + n); pushedNull = c === null; if (fast) { pos += n; r.push(c); if (c === null) pushError(); } else { setTimeout(function() { pos += n; r.push(c); if (c === null) pushError(); }); } } }; function pushError() { assert.throws(function() { r.push(new Buffer(1)); }); } var w = stream.Writable(); var written = []; w._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { written.push(chunk.toString()); cb(); }; var ended = false; r.on('end', function() { assert(!ended, 'end emitted more than once'); assert.throws(function() { r.unshift(new Buffer(1)); }); ended = true; w.end(); }); r.on('readable', function() { var chunk; while (null !== (chunk = r.read(10))) { w.write(chunk); if (chunk.length > 4) r.unshift(new Buffer('1234')); } }); var finished = false; w.on('finish', function() { finished = true; // each chunk should start with 1234, and then be asfdasdfasdf... // The first got pulled out before the first unshift('1234'), so it's // lacking that piece. assert.equal(written[0], 'asdfasdfas'); var asdf = 'd'; console.error('0: %s', written[0]); for (var i = 1; i < written.length; i++) { console.error('%s: %s', i.toString(32), written[i]); assert.equal(written[i].slice(0, 4), '1234'); for (var j = 4; j < written[i].length; j++) { var c = written[i].charAt(j); assert.equal(c, asdf); switch (asdf) { case 'a': asdf = 's'; break; case 's': asdf = 'd'; break; case 'd': asdf = 'f'; break; case 'f': asdf = 'a'; break; } } } }); process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(written.length, 18); assert(ended, 'stream ended'); assert(finished, 'stream finished'); console.log('ok'); });