// XXX lib/utils/tar.js and this file need to be rewritten. /* adding a folder: 1. tar into tmp/random/package.tgz 2. untar into tmp/random/contents/package, stripping one dir piece 3. tar tmp/random/contents/package to cache/n/v/package.tgz 4. untar cache/n/v/package.tgz into cache/n/v/package 5. rm tmp/random Adding a url: 1. fetch to tmp/random/package.tgz 2. goto folder(2) adding a name@version: 1. registry.get(name/version) 2. if response isn't 304, add url(dist.tarball) adding a name@range: 1. registry.get(name) 2. Find a version that satisfies 3. add name@version adding a local tarball: 1. untar to tmp/random/{blah} 2. goto folder(2) */ exports = module.exports = cache exports.read = read exports.clean = clean exports.unpack = unpack var mkdir = require("mkdirp") , exec = require("./utils/exec.js") , fetch = require("./utils/fetch.js") , npm = require("./npm.js") , fs = require("graceful-fs") , rm = require("rimraf") , readJson = require("read-package-json") , registry = npm.registry , log = require("npmlog") , path = require("path") , output , sha = require("./utils/sha.js") , asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap , semver = require("semver") , tar = require("./utils/tar.js") , fileCompletion = require("./utils/completion/file-completion.js") , url = require("url") , chownr = require("chownr") cache.usage = "npm cache add " + "\nnpm cache add " + "\nnpm cache add " + "\nnpm cache add " + "\nnpm cache add @" + "\nnpm cache ls []" + "\nnpm cache clean [[@]]" cache.completion = function (opts, cb) { var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain if (argv.length === 2) { return cb(null, ["add", "ls", "clean"]) } switch (argv[2]) { case "clean": case "ls": // cache and ls are easy, because the completion is // what ls_ returns anyway. // just get the partial words, minus the last path part var p = path.dirname(opts.partialWords.slice(3).join("/")) if (p === ".") p = "" return ls_(p, 2, cb) case "add": // Same semantics as install and publish. return npm.commands.install.completion(opts, cb) } } function cache (args, cb) { var cmd = args.shift() switch (cmd) { case "rm": case "clear": case "clean": return clean(args, cb) case "list": case "sl": case "ls": return ls(args, cb) case "add": return add(args, cb) default: return cb(new Error( "Invalid cache action: "+cmd)) } } // if the pkg and ver are in the cache, then // just do a readJson and return. // if they're not, then fetch them from the registry. function read (name, ver, forceBypass, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = forceBypass, forceBypass = true var jsonFile = path.join(npm.cache, name, ver, "package", "package.json") function c (er, data) { if (data) deprCheck(data) return cb(er, data) } if (forceBypass && npm.config.get("force")) { log.verbose("using force", "skipping cache") return addNamed(name, ver, c) } readJson(jsonFile, function (er, data) { if (er) return addNamed(name, ver, c) deprCheck(data) c(er, data) }) } // npm cache ls [] function ls (args, cb) { output = output || require("./utils/output.js") args = args.join("/").split("@").join("/") if (args.substr(-1) === "/") args = args.substr(0, args.length - 1) var prefix = npm.config.get("cache") if (0 === prefix.indexOf(process.env.HOME)) { prefix = "~" + prefix.substr(process.env.HOME.length) } ls_(args, npm.config.get("depth"), function(er, files) { output.write(files.map(function (f) { return path.join(prefix, f) }).join("\n").trim(), function (er) { return cb(er, files) }) }) } // Calls cb with list of cached pkgs matching show. function ls_ (req, depth, cb) { return fileCompletion(npm.cache, req, depth, cb) } // npm cache clean [] function clean (args, cb) { if (!cb) cb = args, args = [] if (!args) args = [] args = args.join("/").split("@").join("/") if (args.substr(-1) === "/") args = args.substr(0, args.length - 1) var f = path.join(npm.cache, path.normalize(args)) if (f === npm.cache) { fs.readdir(npm.cache, function (er, files) { if (er) return cb() asyncMap( files.filter(function (f) { return npm.config.get("force") || f !== "-" }).map(function (f) { return path.join(npm.cache, f) }) , rm, cb ) }) } else rm(path.join(npm.cache, path.normalize(args)), cb) } // npm cache add // npm cache add // npm cache add // npm cache add exports.add = function (pkg, ver, scrub, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = scrub, scrub = false if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = ver, ver = null if (scrub) { return clean([], function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) add([pkg, ver], cb) }) } log.verbose("cache add", [pkg, ver]) return add([pkg, ver], cb) } function add (args, cb) { // this is hot code. almost everything passes through here. // the args can be any of: // ["url"] // ["pkg", "version"] // ["pkg@version"] // ["pkg", "url"] // This is tricky, because urls can contain @ // Also, in some cases we get [name, null] rather // that just a single argument. var usage = "Usage:\n" + " npm cache add \n" + " npm cache add @\n" + " npm cache add \n" + " npm cache add \n" , name , spec if (args[1] === undefined) args[1] = null // at this point the args length must ==2 if (args[1] !== null) { name = args[0] spec = args[1] } else if (args.length === 2) { spec = args[0] } log.silly("cache add", "name=%j spec=%j args=%j", name, spec, args) if (!name && !spec) return cb(usage) // see if the spec is a url // otherwise, treat as name@version var p = url.parse(spec) || {} log.verbose("parsed url", p) // it could be that we got name@http://blah // in that case, we will not have a protocol now, but if we // split and check, we will. if (!name && !p.protocol && spec.indexOf("@") !== -1) { spec = spec.split("@") name = spec.shift() spec = spec.join("@") return add([name, spec], cb) } switch (p.protocol) { case "http:": case "https:": return addRemoteTarball(spec, null, name, cb) case "git:": case "git+http:": case "git+https:": case "git+rsync:": case "git+ftp:": case "git+ssh:": //p.protocol = p.protocol.replace(/^git([^:])/, "$1") return addRemoteGit(spec, p, name, cb) default: // if we have a name and a spec, then try name@spec // if not, then try just spec (which may try name@"" if not found) return name ? addNamed(name, spec, cb) : addLocal(spec, cb) } } // Only have a single download action at once for a given url // additional calls stack the callbacks. var inFlightURLs = {} function addRemoteTarball (u, shasum, name, cb_) { if (typeof cb_ !== "function") cb_ = name, name = "" if (typeof cb_ !== "function") cb_ = shasum, shasum = null if (!inFlightURLs[u]) inFlightURLs[u] = [] var iF = inFlightURLs[u] iF.push(cb_) if (iF.length > 1) return function cb (er, data) { var c while (c = iF.shift()) c(er, data) delete inFlightURLs[u] } log.verbose("addRemoteTarball", [u, shasum]) var tmp = path.join(npm.tmp, Date.now()+"-"+Math.random(), "tmp.tgz") mkdir(path.dirname(tmp), function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) fetch(u, tmp, function (er) { if (er) { log.error("fetch failed", u) return cb(er) } if (!shasum) return done() // validate that the url we just downloaded matches the expected shasum. sha.check(tmp, shasum, done) }) }) function done (er) { if (er) return cb(er) addLocalTarball(tmp, name, cb) } } // For now, this is kind of dumb. Just basically treat git as // yet another "fetch and scrub" kind of thing. // Clone to temp folder, then proceed with the addLocal stuff. function addRemoteGit (u, parsed, name, cb_) { if (typeof cb_ !== "function") cb_ = name, name = null if (!inFlightURLs[u]) inFlightURLs[u] = [] var iF = inFlightURLs[u] iF.push(cb_) if (iF.length > 1) return function cb (er, data) { var c while (c = iF.shift()) c(er, data) delete inFlightURLs[u] } // figure out what we should check out. var co = parsed.hash && parsed.hash.substr(1) || "master" // git is so tricky! // if the path is like ssh://foo:22/some/path then it works, but // it needs the ssh:// // If the path is like ssh://foo:some/path then it works, but // only if you remove the ssh:// u = u.replace(/^git\+/, "") .replace(/#.*$/, "") // ssh paths that are scp-style urls don't need the ssh:// if (parsed.pathname.match(/^\/?:/)) { u = u.replace(/^ssh:\/\//, "") } log.verbose("addRemoteGit", [u, co]) var tmp = path.join(npm.tmp, Date.now()+"-"+Math.random()) mkdir(path.dirname(tmp), function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) exec( npm.config.get("git"), ["clone", u, tmp], null, false , function (er, code, stdout, stderr) { stdout = (stdout + "\n" + stderr).trim() if (er) { log.error("git clone " + u, stdout) return cb(er) } log.verbose("git clone "+u, stdout) exec( npm.config.get("git"), ["checkout", co], null, false, tmp , function (er, code, stdout, stderr) { stdout = (stdout + "\n" + stderr).trim() if (er) { log.error("git checkout " + co, stdout) return cb(er) } log.verbose("git checkout " + co, stdout) addLocalDirectory(tmp, cb) }) }) }) } // only have one request in flight for a given // name@blah thing. var inFlightNames = {} function addNamed (name, x, cb_) { log.verbose("addNamed", [name, x]) var k = name + "@" + x if (!inFlightNames[k]) inFlightNames[k] = [] var iF = inFlightNames[k] iF.push(cb_) if (iF.length > 1) return function cb (er, data) { var c while (c = iF.shift()) c(er, data) delete inFlightNames[k] } log.verbose("addNamed", [semver.valid(x), semver.validRange(x)]) return ( null !== semver.valid(x) ? addNameVersion : null !== semver.validRange(x) ? addNameRange : addNameTag )(name, x, cb) } function addNameTag (name, tag, cb) { log.info("addNameTag", [name, tag]) var explicit = true if (!tag) { explicit = false tag = npm.config.get("tag") } registry.get(name, function (er, data, json, response) { if (er) return cb(er) engineFilter(data) if (data["dist-tags"] && data["dist-tags"][tag] && data.versions[data["dist-tags"][tag]]) { var ver = data["dist-tags"][tag] return addNameVersion(name, ver, data.versions[ver], cb) } if (!explicit && Object.keys(data.versions).length) { return addNameRange(name, "*", data, cb) } return cb(installTargetsError(tag, data)) }) } function engineFilter (data) { var npmv = npm.version , nodev = npm.config.get("node-version") if (!nodev || npm.config.get("force")) return data Object.keys(data.versions || {}).forEach(function (v) { var eng = data.versions[v].engines if (!eng) return if (eng.node && !semver.satisfies(nodev, eng.node) || eng.npm && !semver.satisfies(npmv, eng.npm)) { delete data.versions[v] } }) } function addNameRange (name, range, data, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = data, data = null range = semver.validRange(range) if (range === null) return cb(new Error( "Invalid version range: "+range)) log.silly("addNameRange", {name:name, range:range, hasData:!!data}) if (data) return next() registry.get(name, function (er, d, json, response) { if (er) return cb(er) data = d next() }) function next () { log.silly( "addNameRange", "number 2" , {name:name, range:range, hasData:!!data}) engineFilter(data) if (npm.config.get("registry")) return next_() cachedFilter(data, range, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) if (Object.keys(data.versions).length === 0) { return cb(new Error( "Can't fetch, and not cached: " + data.name + "@" + range)) } next_() }) } function next_ () { log.silly("addNameRange", "versions" , [data.name, Object.keys(data.versions)]) // if the tagged version satisfies, then use that. var tagged = data["dist-tags"][npm.config.get("tag")] if (tagged && data.versions[tagged] && semver.satisfies(tagged, range)) { return addNameVersion(name, tagged, data.versions[tagged], cb) } // find the max satisfying version. var ms = semver.maxSatisfying(Object.keys(data.versions || {}), range) if (!ms) { return cb(installTargetsError(range, data)) } // if we don't have a registry connection, try to see if // there's a cached copy that will be ok. addNameVersion(name, ms, data.versions[ms], cb) } } // filter the versions down based on what's already in cache. function cachedFilter (data, range, cb) { log.silly("cachedFilter", data.name) ls_(data.name, 1, function (er, files) { if (er) { log.error("cachedFilter", "Not in cache, can't fetch", data.name) return cb(er) } files = files.map(function (f) { return path.basename(f.replace(/(\\|\/)$/, "")) }).filter(function (f) { return semver.valid(f) && semver.satisfies(f, range) }) if (files.length === 0) { return cb(new Error("Not in cache, can't fetch: "+data.name+"@"+range)) } log.silly("cached", [data.name, files]) Object.keys(data.versions).forEach(function (v) { if (files.indexOf(v) === -1) delete data.versions[v] }) if (Object.keys(data.versions).length === 0) { log.error("cachedFilter", "Not in cache, can't fetch", data.name) return cb(new Error("Not in cache, can't fetch: "+data.name+"@"+range)) } log.silly("filtered", [data.name, Object.keys(data.versions)]) cb(null, data) }) } function installTargetsError (requested, data) { var targets = Object.keys(data["dist-tags"]).filter(function (f) { return (data.versions || {}).hasOwnProperty(f) }).concat(Object.keys(data.versions || {})) requested = data.name + (requested ? "@'" + requested + "'" : "") targets = targets.length ? "Valid install targets:\n" + JSON.stringify(targets) : "No valid targets found.\n" + "Perhaps not compatible with your version of node?" return new Error( "No compatible version found: " + requested + "\n" + targets) } function addNameVersion (name, ver, data, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = data, data = null ver = semver.valid(ver) if (ver === null) return cb(new Error("Invalid version: "+ver)) var response if (data) { response = null return next() } registry.get(name + "/" + ver, function (er, d, json, resp) { if (er) return cb(er) data = d response = resp next() }) function next () { deprCheck(data) var dist = data.dist if (!dist) return cb(new Error("No dist in "+data._id+" package")) if (!dist.tarball) return cb(new Error( "No dist.tarball in " + data._id + " package")) if ((response && response.statusCode !== 304) || npm.config.get("force")) { return fetchit() } // we got cached data, so let's see if we have a tarball. fs.stat(path.join(npm.cache, name, ver, "package.tgz"), function (er, s) { if (!er) readJson( path.join( npm.cache, name, ver , "package", "package.json" ) , function (er, data) { if (er) return fetchit() return cb(null, data) }) else return fetchit() }) function fetchit () { if (!npm.config.get("registry")) { return cb(new Error("Cannot fetch: "+dist.tarball)) } // use the same protocol as the registry. // https registry --> https tarballs. var tb = url.parse(dist.tarball) tb.protocol = url.parse(npm.config.get("registry")).protocol delete tb.href tb = url.format(tb) return addRemoteTarball( tb , dist.shasum , name+"-"+ver , cb ) } } } function addLocal (p, name, cb_) { if (typeof cb_ !== "function") cb_ = name, name = "" function cb (er, data) { if (er) { // if it doesn't have a / in it, it might be a // remote thing. if (p.indexOf("/") === -1 && p.charAt(0) !== "." && (process.platform !== "win32" || p.indexOf("\\") === -1)) { return addNamed(p, "", cb_) } log.error("addLocal", "Could not install %s", p) return cb_(er) } return cb_(er, data) } // figure out if this is a folder or file. fs.stat(p, function (er, s) { if (er) return cb(er) if (s.isDirectory()) addLocalDirectory(p, name, cb) else addLocalTarball(p, name, cb) }) } function addLocalTarball (p, name, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = name, name = "" // if it's a tar, and not in place, // then unzip to .tmp, add the tmp folder, and clean up tmp if (p.indexOf(npm.tmp) === 0) return addTmpTarball(p, name, cb) if (p.indexOf(npm.cache) === 0) { if (path.basename(p) !== "package.tgz") return cb(new Error( "Not a valid cache tarball name: "+p)) return addPlacedTarball(p, name, cb) } // just copy it over and then add the temp tarball file. var tmp = path.join(npm.tmp, name + Date.now() + "-" + Math.random(), "tmp.tgz") mkdir(path.dirname(tmp), function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) var from = fs.createReadStream(p) , to = fs.createWriteStream(tmp) , errState = null function errHandler (er) { if (errState) return return cb(errState = er) } from.on("error", errHandler) to.on("error", errHandler) to.on("close", function () { if (errState) return log.verbose("chmod", tmp, npm.modes.file.toString(8)) fs.chmod(tmp, npm.modes.file, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) addTmpTarball(tmp, name, cb) }) }) from.pipe(to) }) } // to maintain the cache dir's permissions consistently. var cacheStat = null function getCacheStat (cb) { if (cacheStat) return cb(null, cacheStat) fs.stat(npm.cache, function (er, st) { if (er) return makeCacheDir(cb) if (!st.isDirectory()) { log.error("getCacheStat", "invalid cache dir %j", npm.cache) return cb(er) } return cb(null, cacheStat = st) }) } function makeCacheDir (cb) { if (!process.getuid) return mkdir(npm.cache, cb) var uid = +process.getuid() , gid = +process.getgid() if (uid === 0) { if (process.env.SUDO_UID) uid = +process.env.SUDO_UID if (process.env.SUDO_GID) gid = +process.env.SUDO_GID } if (uid !== 0 || !process.env.HOME) { cacheStat = {uid: uid, gid: gid} return mkdir(npm.cache, afterMkdir) } fs.stat(process.env.HOME, function (er, st) { if (er) { log.error("makeCacheDir", "homeless?") return cb(er) } cacheStat = st log.silly("makeCacheDir", "cache dir uid, gid", [st.uid, st.gid]) return mkdir(npm.cache, afterMkdir) }) function afterMkdir (er, made) { if (er || !cacheStat || isNaN(cacheStat.uid) || isNaN(cacheStat.gid)) { return cb(er, cacheStat) } if (!made) return cb(er, cacheStat) // ensure that the ownership is correct. chownr(made, cacheStat.uid, cacheStat.gid, function (er) { return cb(er, cacheStat) }) } } function addPlacedTarball (p, name, cb) { if (!cb) cb = name, name = "" getCacheStat(function (er, cs) { if (er) return cb(er) return addPlacedTarball_(p, name, cs.uid, cs.gid, cb) }) } function addPlacedTarball_ (p, name, uid, gid, cb) { // now we know it's in place already as .cache/name/ver/package.tgz // unpack to .cache/name/ver/package/, read the package.json, // and fire cb with the json data. var target = path.dirname(p) , folder = path.join(target, "package") rm(folder, function (er) { if (er) { log.error("addPlacedTarball", "Could not remove %j", folder) return cb(er) } tar.unpack(p, folder, null, null, uid, gid, function (er) { if (er) { log.error("addPlacedTarball", "Could not unpack %j to %j", p, target) return cb(er) } // calculate the sha of the file that we just unpacked. // this is so that the data is available when publishing. sha.get(p, function (er, shasum) { if (er) { log.error("addPlacedTarball", "shasum fail", p) return cb(er) } readJson(path.join(folder, "package.json"), function (er, data) { if (er) { log.error("addPlacedTarball", "Couldn't read json in %j" , folder) return cb(er) } data.dist = data.dist || {} if (shasum) data.dist.shasum = shasum deprCheck(data) asyncMap([p], function (f, cb) { log.verbose("chmod", f, npm.modes.file.toString(8)) fs.chmod(f, npm.modes.file, cb) }, function (f, cb) { if (process.platform === "win32") { log.silly("chown", "skipping for windows", f) cb() } else if (typeof uid === "number" && typeof gid === "number" && parseInt(uid, 10) === uid && parseInt(gid, 10) === gid) { log.verbose("chown", f, [uid, gid]) fs.chown(f, uid, gid, cb) } else { log.verbose("chown", "skip for invalid uid/gid", [f, uid, gid]) cb() } }, function (er) { cb(er, data) }) }) }) }) }) } function addLocalDirectory (p, name, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = name, name = "" // if it's a folder, then read the package.json, // tar it to the proper place, and add the cache tar if (p.indexOf(npm.cache) === 0) return cb(new Error( "Adding a cache directory to the cache will make the world implode.")) readJson(path.join(p, "package.json"), function (er, data) { if (er) return cb(er) deprCheck(data) var random = Date.now() + "-" + Math.random() , tmp = path.join(npm.tmp, random) , tmptgz = path.resolve(tmp, "tmp.tgz") , placed = path.resolve( npm.cache, data.name , data.version, "package.tgz" ) , placeDirect = path.basename(p) === "package" , tgz = placeDirect ? placed : tmptgz , doFancyCrap = p.indexOf(npm.tmp) !== 0 && p.indexOf(npm.cache) !== 0 getCacheStat(function (er, cs) { mkdir(path.dirname(tgz), function (er, made) { if (er) return cb(er) tar.pack(tgz, p, data, doFancyCrap, function (er) { if (er) { log.error( "addLocalDirectory", "Could not pack %j to %j" , p, tgz ) return cb(er) } // if we don't get a cache stat, or if the gid/uid is not // a number, then just move on. chown would fail anyway. if (!cs || isNaN(cs.uid) || isNaN(cs.gid)) return cb() chownr(made || tgz, cs.uid, cs.gid, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) addLocalTarball(tgz, name, cb) }) }) }) }) }) } function addTmpTarball (tgz, name, cb) { if (!cb) cb = name, name = "" getCacheStat(function (er, cs) { if (er) return cb(er) var contents = path.dirname(tgz) tar.unpack( tgz, path.resolve(contents, "package") , null, null , cs.uid, cs.gid , function (er) { if (er) { return cb(er) } addLocalDirectory(path.resolve(contents, "package"), name, cb) }) }) } function unpack (pkg, ver, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = gid, gid = null if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = uid, uid = null if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = fMode, fMode = null if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = dMode, dMode = null read(pkg, ver, false, function (er, data) { if (er) { log.error("unpack", "Could not read data for %s", pkg + "@" + ver) return cb(er) } npm.commands.unbuild([unpackTarget], function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) tar.unpack( path.join(npm.cache, pkg, ver, "package.tgz") , unpackTarget , dMode, fMode , uid, gid , cb ) }) }) } var deprecated = {} , deprWarned = {} function deprCheck (data) { if (deprecated[data._id]) data.deprecated = deprecated[data._id] if (data.deprecated) deprecated[data._id] = data.deprecated else return if (!deprWarned[data._id]) { deprWarned[data._id] = true log.warn("deprecated", "%s: %s", data._id, data.deprecated) } }