{ "author": { "name": "Isaac Z. Schlueter", "email": "i@izs.me", "url": "http://blog.izs.me/" }, "name": "ini", "description": "An ini encoder/decoder for node", "version": "1.0.5", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/isaacs/ini.git" }, "main": "ini.js", "scripts": { "test": "tap test/*.js" }, "engines": { "node": "*" }, "dependencies": {}, "devDependencies": { "tap": "~0.0.9" }, "readme": "An ini format parser and serializer for node.\n\nSections are treated as nested objects. Items before the first heading\nare saved on the object directly.\n\n## Usage\n\nConsider an ini-file `config.ini` that looks like this:\n\n ; this comment is being ignored\n scope = global\n\n [database]\n user = dbuser\n password = dbpassword\n database = use_this_database\n\n [paths.default]\n datadir = /var/lib/data\n\nYou can read, manipulate and write the ini-file like so:\n\n var fs = require('fs')\n , ini = require('ini')\n\n var config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync('./config.ini', 'utf-8'))\n\n config.scope = 'local'\n config.database.database = 'use_another_database'\n config.paths.default.tmpdir = '/tmp'\n delete config.paths.default.datadir\n\n fs.writeFileSync('./config_modified.ini', ini.stringify(config, 'section'))\n\nThis will result in a file called `config_modified.ini` being written to the filesystem with the following content:\n\n [section]\n scope = local\n [section.database]\n user = dbuser\n password = dbpassword\n database = use_another_database\n [section.paths.default]\n tmpdir = /tmp\n\n## API\n\n### decode(inistring)\nDecode the ini-style formatted `inistring` into a nested object.\n\n### parse(inistring)\nAlias for `decode(inistring)`\n\n### encode(object, [section])\nEncode the object `object` into an ini-style formatted string. If the optional parameter `section` is given, then all top-level properties of the object are put into this section and the `section`-string is prepended to all sub-sections, see the usage example above.\n\n### stringify(object, [section])\nAlias for `encode(object, [section])`\n\n### safe(val)\nEscapes the string `val` such that it is safe to be used as a key or value in an ini-file. Basically escapes quotes. For example\n\n ini.safe('\"unsafe string\"')\n\nwould result in\n\n \"\\\"unsafe string\\\"\"\n\n### unsafe(val)\nUnescapes the string `val`\n\n", "_id": "ini@1.0.5", "_from": "ini@latest" }