'use strict'; const binding = process.binding('contextify'); const Script = binding.ContextifyScript; // The binding provides a few useful primitives: // - Script(code, { filename = "evalmachine.anonymous", // displayErrors = true } = {}) // with methods: // - runInThisContext({ displayErrors = true } = {}) // - runInContext(sandbox, { displayErrors = true, timeout = undefined } = {}) // - makeContext(sandbox) // - isContext(sandbox) // From this we build the entire documented API. const realRunInThisContext = Script.prototype.runInThisContext; const realRunInContext = Script.prototype.runInContext; Script.prototype.runInThisContext = function(options) { if (options && options.breakOnSigint) { return sigintHandlersWrap(() => { return realRunInThisContext.call(this, options); }); } else { return realRunInThisContext.call(this, options); } }; Script.prototype.runInContext = function(contextifiedSandbox, options) { if (options && options.breakOnSigint) { return sigintHandlersWrap(() => { return realRunInContext.call(this, contextifiedSandbox, options); }); } else { return realRunInContext.call(this, contextifiedSandbox, options); } }; Script.prototype.runInNewContext = function(sandbox, options) { var context = createContext(sandbox); return this.runInContext(context, options); }; function createContext(sandbox) { if (sandbox === undefined) { sandbox = {}; } else if (binding.isContext(sandbox)) { return sandbox; } binding.makeContext(sandbox); return sandbox; } function createScript(code, options) { return new Script(code, options); } // Remove all SIGINT listeners and re-attach them after the wrapped function // has executed, so that caught SIGINT are handled by the listeners again. function sigintHandlersWrap(fn) { // Using the internal list here to make sure `.once()` wrappers are used, // not the original ones. let sigintListeners = process._events.SIGINT; if (!Array.isArray(sigintListeners)) sigintListeners = sigintListeners ? [sigintListeners] : []; else sigintListeners = sigintListeners.slice(); process.removeAllListeners('SIGINT'); try { return fn(); } finally { // Add using the public methods so that the `newListener` handler of // process can re-attach the listeners. for (const listener of sigintListeners) { process.addListener('SIGINT', listener); } } } function runInDebugContext(code) { return binding.runInDebugContext(code); } function runInContext(code, contextifiedSandbox, options) { return createScript(code, options) .runInContext(contextifiedSandbox, options); } function runInNewContext(code, sandbox, options) { return createScript(code, options).runInNewContext(sandbox, options); } function runInThisContext(code, options) { return createScript(code, options).runInThisContext(options); } module.exports = { Script, createContext, createScript, runInDebugContext, runInContext, runInNewContext, runInThisContext, isContext: binding.isContext };