-- Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following -- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided -- with the distribution. -- * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -- DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -- THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- This is main driver for gcmole tool. See README for more details. -- Usage: CLANG_BIN=clang-bin-dir lua tools/gcmole/gcmole.lua [arm|ia32|x64] local DIR = arg[0]:match("^(.+)/[^/]+$") local FLAGS = { -- Do not build gcsuspects file and reuse previously generated one. reuse_gcsuspects = false; -- Print commands to console before executing them. verbose = false; -- Perform dead variable analysis (generates many false positives). -- TODO add some sort of whiteliste to filter out false positives. dead_vars = false; -- When building gcsuspects whitelist certain functions as if they -- can be causing GC. Currently used to reduce number of false -- positives in dead variables analysis. See TODO for WHITELIST -- below. whitelist = true; } local ARGS = {} for i = 1, #arg do local flag = arg[i]:match "^%-%-([%w_-]+)$" if flag then local no, real_flag = flag:match "^(no)([%w_-]+)$" if real_flag then flag = real_flag end flag = flag:gsub("%-", "_") if FLAGS[flag] ~= nil then FLAGS[flag] = (no ~= "no") else error("Unknown flag: " .. flag) end else table.insert(ARGS, arg[i]) end end local ARCHS = ARGS[1] and { ARGS[1] } or { 'ia32', 'arm', 'x64' } local io = require "io" local os = require "os" function log(...) io.stderr:write(string.format(...)) io.stderr:write "\n" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clang invocation local CLANG_BIN = os.getenv "CLANG_BIN" local CLANG_PLUGINS = os.getenv "CLANG_PLUGINS" if not CLANG_BIN or CLANG_BIN == "" then error "CLANG_BIN not set" end if not CLANG_PLUGINS or CLANG_PLUGINS == "" then CLANG_PLUGINS = DIR end local function MakeClangCommandLine(plugin, plugin_args, triple, arch_define) if plugin_args then for i = 1, #plugin_args do plugin_args[i] = "-plugin-arg-" .. plugin .. " " .. plugin_args[i] end plugin_args = " " .. table.concat(plugin_args, " ") end return CLANG_BIN .. "/clang -cc1 -load " .. CLANG_PLUGINS .. "/libgcmole.so" .. " -plugin " .. plugin .. (plugin_args or "") .. " -triple " .. triple .. " -D" .. arch_define .. " -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT" .. " -Isrc" end function InvokeClangPluginForEachFile(filenames, cfg, func) local cmd_line = MakeClangCommandLine(cfg.plugin, cfg.plugin_args, cfg.triple, cfg.arch_define) for _, filename in ipairs(filenames) do log("-- %s", filename) local action = cmd_line .. " src/" .. filename .. " 2>&1" if FLAGS.verbose then print('popen ', action) end local pipe = io.popen(action) func(filename, pipe:lines()) local success = pipe:close() if not success then error("Failed to run: " .. action) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GYP file parsing local function ParseGYPFile() local f = assert(io.open("tools/gyp/v8.gyp"), "failed to open GYP file") local gyp = f:read('*a') f:close() local result = {} for condition, sources in gyp:gmatch "'sources': %[.-### gcmole%((.-)%) ###(.-)%]" do local files = {} for file in sources:gmatch "'%.%./%.%./src/([^']-%.cc)'" do table.insert(files, file) end result[condition] = files end return result end local function EvaluateCondition(cond, props) if cond == 'all' then return true end local p, v = cond:match "(%w+):(%w+)" assert(p and v, "failed to parse condition: " .. cond) assert(props[p] ~= nil, "undefined configuration property: " .. p) return props[p] == v end local function BuildFileList(sources, props) local list = {} for condition, files in pairs(sources) do if EvaluateCondition(condition, props) then for i = 1, #files do table.insert(list, files[i]) end end end return list end local sources = ParseGYPFile() local function FilesForArch(arch) return BuildFileList(sources, { os = 'linux', arch = arch, mode = 'debug', simulator = ''}) end local mtConfig = {} mtConfig.__index = mtConfig local function config (t) return setmetatable(t, mtConfig) end function mtConfig:extend(t) local e = {} for k, v in pairs(self) do e[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(t) do e[k] = v end return config(e) end local ARCHITECTURES = { ia32 = config { triple = "i586-unknown-linux", arch_define = "V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32" }, arm = config { triple = "i586-unknown-linux", arch_define = "V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM" }, x64 = config { triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux", arch_define = "V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64" } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GCSuspects Generation local gc, gc_caused, funcs local WHITELIST = { -- The following functions call CEntryStub which is always present. "MacroAssembler.*CallExternalReference", "MacroAssembler.*CallRuntime", "CompileCallLoadPropertyWithInterceptor", "CallIC.*GenerateMiss", -- DirectCEntryStub is a special stub used on ARM. -- It is pinned and always present. "DirectCEntryStub.*GenerateCall", -- TODO GCMole currently is sensitive enough to understand that certain -- functions only cause GC and return Failure simulataneously. -- Callsites of such functions are safe as long as they are properly -- check return value and propagate the Failure to the caller. -- It should be possible to extend GCMole to understand this. "Heap.*AllocateFunctionPrototype", -- Ignore all StateTag methods. "StateTag", -- Ignore printing of elements transition. "PrintElementsTransition" }; local function AddCause(name, cause) local t = gc_caused[name] if not t then t = {} gc_caused[name] = t end table.insert(t, cause) end local function resolve(name) local f = funcs[name] if not f then f = {} funcs[name] = f if name:match "Collect.*Garbage" then gc[name] = true AddCause(name, "") end if FLAGS.whitelist then for i = 1, #WHITELIST do if name:match(WHITELIST[i]) then gc[name] = false end end end end return f end local function parse (filename, lines) local scope for funcname in lines do if funcname:sub(1, 1) ~= '\t' then resolve(funcname) scope = funcname else local name = funcname:sub(2) resolve(name)[scope] = true end end end local function propagate () log "** Propagating GC information" local function mark(from, callers) for caller, _ in pairs(callers) do if gc[caller] == nil then gc[caller] = true mark(caller, funcs[caller]) end AddCause(caller, from) end end for funcname, callers in pairs(funcs) do if gc[funcname] then mark(funcname, callers) end end end local function GenerateGCSuspects(arch, files, cfg) -- Reset the global state. gc, gc_caused, funcs = {}, {}, {} log ("** Building GC Suspects for %s", arch) InvokeClangPluginForEachFile (files, cfg:extend { plugin = "dump-callees" }, parse) propagate() local out = assert(io.open("gcsuspects", "w")) for name, value in pairs(gc) do if value then out:write (name, '\n') end end out:close() local out = assert(io.open("gccauses", "w")) out:write "GC = {" for name, causes in pairs(gc_caused) do out:write("['", name, "'] = {") for i = 1, #causes do out:write ("'", causes[i], "';") end out:write("};\n") end out:write "}" out:close() log ("** GCSuspects generated for %s", arch) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Analysis local function CheckCorrectnessForArch(arch) local files = FilesForArch(arch) local cfg = ARCHITECTURES[arch] if not FLAGS.reuse_gcsuspects then GenerateGCSuspects(arch, files, cfg) end local processed_files = 0 local errors_found = false local function SearchForErrors(filename, lines) processed_files = processed_files + 1 for l in lines do errors_found = errors_found or l:match "^[^:]+:%d+:%d+:" or l:match "error" or l:match "warning" print(l) end end log("** Searching for evaluation order problems%s for %s", FLAGS.dead_vars and " and dead variables" or "", arch) local plugin_args if FLAGS.dead_vars then plugin_args = { "--dead-vars" } end InvokeClangPluginForEachFile(files, cfg:extend { plugin = "find-problems", plugin_args = plugin_args }, SearchForErrors) log("** Done processing %d files. %s", processed_files, errors_found and "Errors found" or "No errors found") return errors_found end local function SafeCheckCorrectnessForArch(arch) local status, errors = pcall(CheckCorrectnessForArch, arch) if not status then print(string.format("There was an error: %s", errors)) errors = true end return errors end local errors = false for _, arch in ipairs(ARCHS) do if not ARCHITECTURES[arch] then error ("Unknown arch: " .. arch) end errors = SafeCheckCorrectnessForArch(arch, report) or errors end os.exit(errors and 1 or 0)