// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Array.prototype.top = function() { if (this.length == 0) return undefined; return this[this.length - 1]; } function PlotScriptComposer(kResX, kResY) { // Constants. var kV8BinarySuffixes = ["/d8", "/libv8.so"]; var kStackFrames = 8; // Stack frames to display in the plot. var kTimerEventWidth = 0.33; // Width of each timeline. var kExecutionFrameWidth = 0.2; // Width of the top stack frame line. var kStackFrameWidth = 0.1; // Width of the lower stack frame lines. var kGapWidth = 0.05; // Gap between stack frame lines. var kY1Offset = 11; // Offset for stack frame vs. event lines. var kDeoptRow = 7; // Row displaying deopts. var kMaxDeoptLength = 4; // Draw size of the largest deopt. var kPauseLabelPadding = 5; // Padding for pause time labels. var kNumPauseLabels = 7; // Number of biggest pauses to label. var kCodeKindLabelPadding = 100; // Padding for code kind labels. var kTickHalfDuration = 0.5; // Duration of half a tick in ms. var kMinRangeLength = 0.0005; // Minimum length for an event in ms. var kNumThreads = 2; // Number of threads. var kExecutionThreadId = 0; // ID of main thread. // Init values. var num_timer_event = kY1Offset + 0.5; // Data structures. function TimerEvent(label, color, pause, thread_id) { assert(thread_id >= 0 && thread_id < kNumThreads, "invalid thread id"); this.label = label; this.color = color; this.pause = pause; this.ranges = []; this.thread_id = thread_id; this.index = ++num_timer_event; } function CodeKind(color, kinds) { this.color = color; this.in_execution = []; this.stack_frames = []; for (var i = 0; i < kStackFrames; i++) this.stack_frames.push([]); this.kinds = kinds; } function Range(start, end) { this.start = start; // In milliseconds. this.end = end; // In milliseconds. } function Deopt(time, size) { this.time = time; // In milliseconds. this.size = size; // In bytes. } Range.prototype.duration = function() { return this.end - this.start; } function Tick(tick) { this.tick = tick; } var TimerEvents = { 'V8.Execute': new TimerEvent("execution", "#000000", false, 0), 'V8.External': new TimerEvent("external", "#3399FF", false, 0), 'V8.CompileFullCode': new TimerEvent("compile unopt", "#CC0000", true, 0), 'V8.RecompileSynchronous': new TimerEvent("recompile sync", "#CC0044", true, 0), 'V8.RecompileParallel': new TimerEvent("recompile async", "#CC4499", false, 1), 'V8.CompileEval': new TimerEvent("compile eval", "#CC4400", true, 0), 'V8.Parse': new TimerEvent("parse", "#00CC00", true, 0), 'V8.PreParse': new TimerEvent("preparse", "#44CC00", true, 0), 'V8.ParseLazy': new TimerEvent("lazy parse", "#00CC44", true, 0), 'V8.GCScavenger': new TimerEvent("gc scavenge", "#0044CC", true, 0), 'V8.GCCompactor': new TimerEvent("gc compaction", "#4444CC", true, 0), 'V8.GCContext': new TimerEvent("gc context", "#4400CC", true, 0), }; var CodeKinds = { 'external ': new CodeKind("#3399FF", [-2]), 'runtime ': new CodeKind("#000000", [-1]), 'full code': new CodeKind("#DD0000", [0]), 'opt code ': new CodeKind("#00EE00", [1]), 'code stub': new CodeKind("#FF00FF", [2]), 'built-in ': new CodeKind("#AA00AA", [3]), 'inl.cache': new CodeKind("#4444AA", [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]), 'reg.exp. ': new CodeKind("#0000FF", [15]), }; var code_map = new CodeMap(); var execution_pauses = []; var deopts = []; var event_stack = []; var last_time_stamp = []; for (var i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) { event_stack[i] = []; last_time_stamp[i] = -1; } var range_start = undefined; var range_end = undefined; var obj_index = 0; var pause_tolerance = 0.005; // Milliseconds. var distortion = 0; // Utility functions. function assert(something, message) { if (!something) print(new Error(message).stack); } function FindCodeKind(kind) { for (name in CodeKinds) { if (CodeKinds[name].kinds.indexOf(kind) >= 0) { return CodeKinds[name]; } } } function TicksToRanges(ticks) { var ranges = []; for (var i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { var tick = ticks[i].tick; ranges.push( new Range(tick - kTickHalfDuration, tick + kTickHalfDuration)); } return ranges; } function MergeRanges(ranges) { ranges.sort(function(a, b) { return a.start - b.start; }); var result = []; var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i = j) { var merge_start = ranges[i].start; if (merge_start > range_end) break; // Out of plot range. var merge_end = ranges[i].end; for (j = i + 1; j < ranges.length; j++) { var next_range = ranges[j]; // Don't merge ranges if there is no overlap (incl. merge tolerance). if (next_range.start > merge_end + pause_tolerance) break; // Merge ranges. if (next_range.end > merge_end) { // Extend range end. merge_end = next_range.end; } } if (merge_end < range_start) continue; // Out of plot range. if (merge_end < merge_start) continue; // Not an actual range. result.push(new Range(merge_start, merge_end)); } return result; } function RestrictRangesTo(ranges, start, end) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { if (ranges[i].start <= end && ranges[i].end >= start) { result.push(new Range(Math.max(ranges[i].start, start), Math.min(ranges[i].end, end))); } } return result; } // Public methods. this.collectData = function(input, distortion_per_entry) { // Parse functions. var parseTimeStamp = function(timestamp) { distortion += distortion_per_entry; return parseInt(timestamp) / 1000 - distortion; } var processTimerEventStart = function(name, start) { // Find out the thread id. var new_event = TimerEvents[name]; if (new_event === undefined) return; var thread_id = new_event.thread_id; start = Math.max(last_time_stamp[thread_id] + kMinRangeLength, start); // Last event on this thread is done with the start of this event. var last_event = event_stack[thread_id].top(); if (last_event !== undefined) { var new_range = new Range(last_time_stamp[thread_id], start); last_event.ranges.push(new_range); } event_stack[thread_id].push(new_event); last_time_stamp[thread_id] = start; }; var processTimerEventEnd = function(name, end) { // Find out about the thread_id. var finished_event = TimerEvents[name]; var thread_id = finished_event.thread_id; assert(finished_event === event_stack[thread_id].pop(), "inconsistent event stack"); end = Math.max(last_time_stamp[thread_id] + kMinRangeLength, end); var new_range = new Range(last_time_stamp[thread_id], end); finished_event.ranges.push(new_range); last_time_stamp[thread_id] = end; }; var processCodeCreateEvent = function(type, kind, address, size, name) { var code_entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(size, name); code_entry.kind = kind; code_map.addCode(address, code_entry); }; var processCodeMoveEvent = function(from, to) { code_map.moveCode(from, to); }; var processCodeDeleteEvent = function(address) { code_map.deleteCode(address); }; var processSharedLibrary = function(name, start, end) { var code_entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(end - start, name); code_entry.kind = -2; // External code kind. for (var i = 0; i < kV8BinarySuffixes.length; i++) { var suffix = kV8BinarySuffixes[i]; if (name.indexOf(suffix, name.length - suffix.length) >= 0) { code_entry.kind = -1; // V8 runtime code kind. break; } } code_map.addLibrary(start, code_entry); }; var processTimerEventStart = function(name, start) { // Find out the thread id. var new_event = TimerEvents[name]; if (new_event === undefined) return; var thread_id = new_event.thread_id; start = Math.max(last_time_stamp[thread_id] + kMinRangeLength, start); // Last event on this thread is done with the start of this event. var last_event = event_stack[thread_id].top(); if (last_event !== undefined) { var new_range = new Range(last_time_stamp[thread_id], start); last_event.ranges.push(new_range); } event_stack[thread_id].push(new_event); last_time_stamp[thread_id] = start; }; var processTimerEventEnd = function(name, end) { // Find out about the thread_id. var finished_event = TimerEvents[name]; var thread_id = finished_event.thread_id; assert(finished_event === event_stack[thread_id].pop(), "inconsistent event stack"); end = Math.max(last_time_stamp[thread_id] + kMinRangeLength, end); var new_range = new Range(last_time_stamp[thread_id], end); finished_event.ranges.push(new_range); last_time_stamp[thread_id] = end; }; var processCodeCreateEvent = function(type, kind, address, size, name) { var code_entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(size, name); code_entry.kind = kind; code_map.addCode(address, code_entry); }; var processCodeMoveEvent = function(from, to) { code_map.moveCode(from, to); }; var processCodeDeleteEvent = function(address) { code_map.deleteCode(address); }; var processCodeDeoptEvent = function(time, size) { deopts.push(new Deopt(time, size)); } var processSharedLibrary = function(name, start, end) { var code_entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(end - start, name); code_entry.kind = -3; // External code kind. for (var i = 0; i < kV8BinarySuffixes.length; i++) { var suffix = kV8BinarySuffixes[i]; if (name.indexOf(suffix, name.length - suffix.length) >= 0) { code_entry.kind = -1; // V8 runtime code kind. break; } } code_map.addLibrary(start, code_entry); }; var processTickEvent = function( pc, timer, unused_x, unused_y, vmstate, stack) { var tick = new Tick(timer); var entry = code_map.findEntry(pc); if (entry) FindCodeKind(entry.kind).in_execution.push(tick); for (var i = 0; i < kStackFrames; i++) { if (!stack[i]) break; var entry = code_map.findEntry(stack[i]); if (entry) FindCodeKind(entry.kind).stack_frames[i].push(tick); } }; // Collect data from log. var logreader = new LogReader( { 'timer-event-start': { parsers: [null, parseTimeStamp], processor: processTimerEventStart }, 'timer-event-end': { parsers: [null, parseTimeStamp], processor: processTimerEventEnd }, 'shared-library': { parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt], processor: processSharedLibrary }, 'code-creation': { parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt, parseInt, null], processor: processCodeCreateEvent }, 'code-move': { parsers: [parseInt, parseInt], processor: processCodeMoveEvent }, 'code-delete': { parsers: [parseInt], processor: processCodeDeleteEvent }, 'code-deopt': { parsers: [parseTimeStamp, parseInt], processor: processCodeDeoptEvent }, 'tick': { parsers: [parseInt, parseTimeStamp, null, null, parseInt, 'var-args'], processor: processTickEvent } }); var line; while (line = input()) { logreader.processLogLine(line); } // Collect execution pauses. for (name in TimerEvents) { var event = TimerEvents[name]; if (!event.pause) continue; var ranges = event.ranges; for (var j = 0; j < ranges.length; j++) execution_pauses.push(ranges[j]); } execution_pauses = MergeRanges(execution_pauses); }; this.findPlotRange = function( range_start_override, range_end_override, result_callback) { var start_found = (range_start_override || range_start_override == 0); var end_found = (range_end_override || range_end_override == 0); range_start = start_found ? range_start_override : Infinity; range_end = end_found ? range_end_override : -Infinity; if (!start_found || !end_found) { for (name in TimerEvents) { var ranges = TimerEvents[name].ranges; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { if (ranges[i].start < range_start && !start_found) { range_start = ranges[i].start; } if (ranges[i].end > range_end && !end_found) { range_end = ranges[i].end; } } } for (codekind in CodeKinds) { var ticks = CodeKinds[codekind].in_execution; for (var i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { if (ticks[i].tick < range_start && !start_found) { range_start = ticks[i].tick; } if (ticks[i].tick > range_end && !end_found) { range_end = ticks[i].tick; } } } } // Set pause tolerance to something appropriate for the plot resolution // to make it easier for gnuplot. pause_tolerance = (range_end - range_start) / kResX / 10; if (typeof result_callback === 'function') { result_callback(range_start, range_end); } }; this.assembleOutput = function(output) { output("set yrange [0:" + (num_timer_event + 1) + "]"); output("set xlabel \"execution time in ms\""); output("set xrange [" + range_start + ":" + range_end + "]"); output("set style fill pattern 2 bo 1"); output("set style rect fs solid 1 noborder"); output("set style line 1 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb \"#000000\""); output("set border 15 lw 0.2"); // Draw thin border box. output("set style line 2 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb \"#9944CC\""); output("set xtics out nomirror"); output("unset key"); function DrawBarBase(color, start, end, top, bottom) { obj_index++; command = "set object " + obj_index + " rect"; command += " from " + start + ", " + top; command += " to " + end + ", " + bottom; command += " fc rgb \"" + color + "\""; output(command); } function DrawBar(row, color, start, end, width) { DrawBarBase(color, start, end, row + width, row - width); } function DrawHalfBar(row, color, start, end, width) { DrawBarBase(color, start, end, row, row - width); } var percentages = {}; var total = 0; for (var name in TimerEvents) { var event = TimerEvents[name]; var ranges = RestrictRangesTo(event.ranges, range_start, range_end); ranges = MergeRanges(ranges); var sum = ranges.map(function(range) { return range.duration(); }) .reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0); percentages[name] = (sum / (range_end - range_start) * 100).toFixed(1); } // Plot deopts. deopts.sort(function(a, b) { return b.size - a.size; }); var max_deopt_size = deopts.length > 0 ? deopts[0].size : Infinity; for (var i = 0; i < deopts.length; i++) { var deopt = deopts[i]; DrawHalfBar(kDeoptRow, "#9944CC", deopt.time, deopt.time + 10 * pause_tolerance, deopt.size / max_deopt_size * kMaxDeoptLength); } // Name Y-axis. var ytics = []; for (name in TimerEvents) { var index = TimerEvents[name].index; var label = TimerEvents[name].label; ytics.push('"' + label + ' (' + percentages[name] + '%%)" ' + index); } ytics.push('"code kind color coding" ' + kY1Offset); ytics.push('"code kind in execution" ' + (kY1Offset - 1)); ytics.push('"top ' + kStackFrames + ' js stack frames"' + ' ' + (kY1Offset - 2)); ytics.push('"pause times" 0'); ytics.push('"max deopt size: ' + (max_deopt_size / 1024).toFixed(1) + ' kB" ' + kDeoptRow); output("set ytics out nomirror (" + ytics.join(', ') + ")"); // Plot timeline. for (var name in TimerEvents) { var event = TimerEvents[name]; var ranges = MergeRanges(event.ranges); for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { DrawBar(event.index, event.color, ranges[i].start, ranges[i].end, kTimerEventWidth); } } // Plot code kind gathered from ticks. for (var name in CodeKinds) { var code_kind = CodeKinds[name]; var offset = kY1Offset - 1; // Top most frame. var row = MergeRanges(TicksToRanges(code_kind.in_execution)); for (var j = 0; j < row.length; j++) { DrawBar(offset, code_kind.color, row[j].start, row[j].end, kExecutionFrameWidth); } offset = offset - 2 * kExecutionFrameWidth - kGapWidth; // Javascript frames. for (var i = 0; i < kStackFrames; i++) { offset = offset - 2 * kStackFrameWidth - kGapWidth; row = MergeRanges(TicksToRanges(code_kind.stack_frames[i])); for (var j = 0; j < row.length; j++) { DrawBar(offset, code_kind.color, row[j].start, row[j].end, kStackFrameWidth); } } } // Add labels as legend for code kind colors. var padding = kCodeKindLabelPadding * (range_end - range_start) / kResX; var label_x = range_start; var label_y = kY1Offset; for (var name in CodeKinds) { label_x += padding; output("set label \"" + name + "\" at " + label_x + "," + label_y + " textcolor rgb \"" + CodeKinds[name].color + "\"" + " font \"Helvetica,9'\""); obj_index++; } if (execution_pauses.length == 0) { // Force plot and return without plotting execution pause impulses. output("plot 1/0"); return; } // Label the longest pauses. execution_pauses.sort( function(a, b) { return b.duration() - a.duration(); }); var max_pause_time = execution_pauses[0].duration(); padding = kPauseLabelPadding * (range_end - range_start) / kResX; var y_scale = kY1Offset / max_pause_time / 2; for (var i = 0; i < execution_pauses.length && i < kNumPauseLabels; i++) { var pause = execution_pauses[i]; var label_content = (pause.duration() | 0) + " ms"; var label_x = pause.end + padding; var label_y = Math.max(1, (pause.duration() * y_scale)); output("set label \"" + label_content + "\" at " + label_x + "," + label_y + " font \"Helvetica,7'\""); obj_index++; } // Scale second Y-axis appropriately. var y2range = max_pause_time * num_timer_event / kY1Offset * 2; output("set y2range [0:" + y2range + "]"); // Plot graph with impulses as data set. output("plot '-' using 1:2 axes x1y2 with impulses ls 1"); for (var i = 0; i < execution_pauses.length; i++) { var pause = execution_pauses[i]; output(pause.end + " " + pause.duration()); obj_index++; } output("e"); return obj_index; }; }