'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var assert = require('assert'); var http = require('http'); var util = require('util'); var body = 'hello world'; var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHeader(200, {'Content-Length': body.length.toString(), 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); console.log('method: ' + req.method); if (req.method != 'HEAD') res.write(body); res.end(); }); server.listen(common.PORT); var gotEnd = false; server.on('listening', function() { var request = http.request({ port: common.PORT, method: 'HEAD', path: '/' }, function(response) { console.log('got response'); response.on('data', function() { process.exit(2); }); response.on('end', function() { process.exit(0); }); }); request.end(); }); //give a bit of time for the server to respond before we check it setTimeout(function() { process.exit(1); }, 2000);