'use strict'; // Flags: --expose-gc const assert = require('assert'); const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); const util = require('util'); const print = process._rawDebug; require('../common'); if (typeof global.gc === 'function') { (function exity(cntr) { process.once('beforeExit', () => { global.gc(); if (cntr < 4) setImmediate(() => exity(cntr + 1)); }); })(0); } function noop() {} class ActivityCollector { constructor(start, { allowNoInit = false, oninit, onbefore, onafter, ondestroy, logid = null, logtype = null } = {}) { this._start = start; this._allowNoInit = allowNoInit; this._activities = new Map(); this._logid = logid; this._logtype = logtype; // register event handlers if provided this.oninit = typeof oninit === 'function' ? oninit : noop; this.onbefore = typeof onbefore === 'function' ? onbefore : noop; this.onafter = typeof onafter === 'function' ? onafter : noop; this.ondestroy = typeof ondestroy === 'function' ? ondestroy : noop; // create the hook with which we'll collect activity data this._asyncHook = async_hooks.createHook({ init: this._init.bind(this), before: this._before.bind(this), after: this._after.bind(this), destroy: this._destroy.bind(this) }); } enable() { this._asyncHook.enable(); } disable() { this._asyncHook.disable(); } sanityCheck(types) { if (types != null && !Array.isArray(types)) types = [ types ]; function activityString(a) { return util.inspect(a, false, 5, true); } const violations = []; function v(msg) { violations.push(msg); } for (const a of this._activities.values()) { if (types != null && types.indexOf(a.type) < 0) continue; if (a.init && a.init.length > 1) { v('Activity inited twice\n' + activityString(a) + '\nExpected "init" to be called at most once'); } if (a.destroy && a.destroy.length > 1) { v('Activity destroyed twice\n' + activityString(a) + '\nExpected "destroy" to be called at most once'); } if (a.before && a.after) { if (a.before.length < a.after.length) { v('Activity called "after" without calling "before"\n' + activityString(a) + '\nExpected no "after" call without a "before"'); } if (a.before.some((x, idx) => x > a.after[idx])) { v('Activity had an instance where "after" ' + 'was invoked before "before"\n' + activityString(a) + '\nExpected "after" to be called after "before"'); } } if (a.before && a.destroy) { if (a.before.some((x, idx) => x > a.destroy[idx])) { v('Activity had an instance where "destroy" ' + 'was invoked before "before"\n' + activityString(a) + '\nExpected "destroy" to be called after "before"'); } } if (a.after && a.destroy) { if (a.after.some((x, idx) => x > a.destroy[idx])) { v('Activity had an instance where "destroy" ' + 'was invoked before "after"\n' + activityString(a) + '\nExpected "destroy" to be called after "after"'); } } } if (violations.length) { console.error(violations.join('\n')); assert.fail(violations.length, 0, 'Failed sanity check'); } } inspect(opts = {}) { if (typeof opts === 'string') opts = { types: opts }; const { types = null, depth = 5, stage = null } = opts; const activities = types == null ? Array.from(this._activities.values()) : this.activitiesOfTypes(types); if (stage != null) console.log('\n%s', stage); console.log(util.inspect(activities, false, depth, true)); } activitiesOfTypes(types) { if (!Array.isArray(types)) types = [ types ]; return this.activities.filter((x) => types.indexOf(x.type) >= 0); } get activities() { return Array.from(this._activities.values()); } _stamp(h, hook) { if (h == null) return; if (h[hook] == null) h[hook] = []; const time = process.hrtime(this._start); h[hook].push((time[0] * 1e9) + time[1]); } _getActivity(uid, hook) { const h = this._activities.get(uid); if (!h) { // if we allowed handles without init we ignore any further life time // events this makes sense for a few tests in which we enable some hooks // later if (this._allowNoInit) { const stub = { uid, type: 'Unknown' }; this._activities.set(uid, stub); return stub; } else { const err = new Error('Found a handle who\'s ' + hook + ' hook was invoked but not it\'s init hook'); // Don't throw if we see invocations due to an assertion in a test // failing since we want to list the assertion failure instead if (/process\._fatalException/.test(err.stack)) return null; throw err; } } return h; } _init(uid, type, triggerId, handle) { const activity = { uid, type, triggerId }; this._stamp(activity, 'init'); this._activities.set(uid, activity); this._maybeLog(uid, type, 'init'); this.oninit(uid, type, triggerId, handle); } _before(uid) { const h = this._getActivity(uid, 'before'); this._stamp(h, 'before'); this._maybeLog(uid, h && h.type, 'before'); this.onbefore(uid); } _after(uid) { const h = this._getActivity(uid, 'after'); this._stamp(h, 'after'); this._maybeLog(uid, h && h.type, 'after'); this.onafter(uid); } _destroy(uid) { const h = this._getActivity(uid, 'destroy'); this._stamp(h, 'destroy'); this._maybeLog(uid, h && h.type, 'destroy'); this.ondestroy(uid); } _maybeLog(uid, type, name) { if (this._logid && (type == null || this._logtype == null || this._logtype === type)) { print(this._logid + '.' + name + '.uid-' + uid); } } } exports = module.exports = function initHooks({ oninit, onbefore, onafter, ondestroy, allowNoInit, logid, logtype } = {}) { return new ActivityCollector(process.hrtime(), { oninit, onbefore, onafter, ondestroy, allowNoInit, logid, logtype }); };