'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const child = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); if (process.env['TEST_INIT']) { return process.stdout.write('Loaded successfully!'); } process.env.TEST_INIT = 1; function test(file, expected) { const path = `"${process.execPath}" ${file}`; child.exec(path, {env: process.env}, common.mustCall((err, out) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(out, expected, `'node ${file}' failed!`); })); } { // change CWD as we do this test so it's not dependent on current CWD // being in the test folder process.chdir(__dirname); test('test-init', 'Loaded successfully!'); test('test-init.js', 'Loaded successfully!'); } { // test-init-index is in fixtures dir as requested by ry, so go there process.chdir(common.fixturesDir); test('test-init-index', 'Loaded successfully!'); } { // ensures that `node fs` does not mistakenly load the native 'fs' module // instead of the desired file and that the fs module loads as // expected in node process.chdir(path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'test-init-native')); test('fs', 'fs loaded successfully'); }