#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Matthias Jahn jahn dôt matthias ât freenet dôt de, 2007 (pmarat) import os, sys, imp, types, ccroot import optparse import Utils, Configure, Options from Logs import debug c_compiler = { 'win32': ['gcc'], 'cygwin': ['gcc'], 'darwin': ['gcc'], 'aix': ['xlc', 'gcc'], 'linux': ['gcc', 'icc', 'suncc'], 'sunos': ['gcc', 'suncc'], 'irix': ['gcc'], 'hpux': ['gcc'], 'default': ['gcc'] } def __list_possible_compiler(platform): try: return c_compiler[platform] except KeyError: return c_compiler["default"] def detect(conf): """ for each compiler for the platform, try to configure the compiler in theory the tools should raise a configuration error if the compiler pretends to be something it is not (setting CC=icc and trying to configure gcc) """ try: test_for_compiler = Options.options.check_c_compiler except AttributeError: conf.fatal("Add set_options(opt): opt.tool_options('compiler_cc')") orig = conf.env for compiler in test_for_compiler.split(): conf.env = orig.copy() try: conf.check_tool(compiler) except Configure.ConfigurationError, e: debug('compiler_cc: %r' % e) else: if conf.env['CC']: orig.table = conf.env.get_merged_dict() conf.env = orig conf.check_message(compiler, '', True) conf.env['COMPILER_CC'] = compiler break conf.check_message(compiler, '', False) break else: conf.fatal('could not configure a c compiler!') def set_options(opt): build_platform = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() possible_compiler_list = __list_possible_compiler(build_platform) test_for_compiler = ' '.join(possible_compiler_list) cc_compiler_opts = opt.add_option_group("C Compiler Options") cc_compiler_opts.add_option('--check-c-compiler', default="%s" % test_for_compiler, help='On this platform (%s) the following C-Compiler will be checked by default: "%s"' % (build_platform, test_for_compiler), dest="check_c_compiler") for c_compiler in test_for_compiler.split(): opt.tool_options('%s' % c_compiler, option_group=cc_compiler_opts)