// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --allow-natives-syntax --expose-gc var assertDoesNotThrow; var assertInstanceof; var assertUnreachable; var assertOptimized; var assertUnoptimized; function classOf(object) { var string = Object.prototype.toString.call(object); return string.substring(8, string.length - 1); } function PrettyPrint(value) { return ""; } function PrettyPrintArrayElement(value, index, array) { return ""; } function fail(expectedText, found, name_opt) { } function deepObjectEquals(a, b) { var aProps = Object.keys(a); aProps.sort(); var bProps = Object.keys(b); bProps.sort(); if (!deepEquals(aProps, bProps)) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) { if (!deepEquals(a[aProps[i]], b[aProps[i]])) { return false; } } return true; } function deepEquals(a, b) { if (a === b) { if (a === 0) return (1 / a) === (1 / b); return true; } if (typeof a != typeof b) return false; if (typeof a == "number") return isNaN(a) && isNaN(b); if (typeof a !== "object" && typeof a !== "function") return false; var objectClass = classOf(a); if (objectClass !== classOf(b)) return false; if (objectClass === "RegExp") { return (a.toString() === b.toString()); } if (objectClass === "Function") return false; if (objectClass === "Array") { var elementCount = 0; if (a.length != b.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!deepEquals(a[i], b[i])) return false; } return true; } if (objectClass == "String" || objectClass == "Number" || objectClass == "Boolean" || objectClass == "Date") { if (a.valueOf() !== b.valueOf()) return false; } return deepObjectEquals(a, b); } assertSame = function assertSame(expected, found, name_opt) { if (found === expected) { if (expected !== 0 || (1 / expected) == (1 / found)) return; } else if ((expected !== expected) && (found !== found)) { return; } fail(PrettyPrint(expected), found, name_opt); }; assertEquals = function assertEquals(expected, found, name_opt) { if (!deepEquals(found, expected)) { fail(PrettyPrint(expected), found, name_opt); } }; assertEqualsDelta = function assertEqualsDelta(expected, found, delta, name_opt) { assertTrue(Math.abs(expected - found) <= delta, name_opt); }; assertArrayEquals = function assertArrayEquals(expected, found, name_opt) { var start = ""; if (name_opt) { start = name_opt + " - "; } assertEquals(expected.length, found.length, start + "array length"); if (expected.length == found.length) { for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) { assertEquals(expected[i], found[i], start + "array element at index " + i); } } }; assertPropertiesEqual = function assertPropertiesEqual(expected, found, name_opt) { if (!deepObjectEquals(expected, found)) { fail(expected, found, name_opt); } }; assertToStringEquals = function assertToStringEquals(expected, found, name_opt) { if (expected != String(found)) { fail(expected, found, name_opt); } }; assertTrue = function assertTrue(value, name_opt) { assertEquals(true, value, name_opt); }; assertFalse = function assertFalse(value, name_opt) { assertEquals(false, value, name_opt); }; assertNull = function assertNull(value, name_opt) { if (value !== null) { fail("null", value, name_opt); } }; assertNotNull = function assertNotNull(value, name_opt) { if (value === null) { fail("not null", value, name_opt); } }; var __v_39 = {}; var __v_40 = {}; var __v_41 = {}; var __v_42 = {}; var __v_43 = {}; var __v_44 = {}; try { __v_0 = [1.5,,1.7]; __v_1 = {__v_0:1.8}; } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_0(__v_1,__v_0,i) { __v_1.a = __v_0[i]; gc(); } try { __f_0(__v_1,__v_0,0); __f_0(__v_1,__v_0,0); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(__f_0); __f_0(__v_1,__v_0,1); assertEquals(undefined, __v_1.a); __v_0 = [1,,3]; __v_1 = {ab:5}; } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_1(__v_1,__v_0,i) { __v_1.ab = __v_0[i]; } try { __f_1(__v_1,__v_0,1); } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_5(x) { return ~x; } try { __f_5(42); assertEquals(~12, __f_5(12.45)); assertEquals(~46, __f_5(42.87)); __v_2 = 1, __v_4 = 2, __v_3 = 4, __v_6 = 8; } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_4() { return __v_2 | (__v_4 | (__v_3 | __v_6)); } try { __f_4(); __v_3 = "16"; assertEquals(17 | -13 | 0 | -5, __f_4()); } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_6() { return __f_4(); } try { assertEquals(1 | 2 | 16 | 8, __f_6()); __f_4 = function() { return 42; }; assertEquals(42, __f_6()); __v_5 = {}; __v_5.__f_4 = __f_4; } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_7(o) { return o.__f_4(); } try { for (var __v_7 = 0; __v_7 < 5; __v_7++) __f_7(__v_5); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(__f_7); __f_7(__v_5); assertEquals(42, __f_7(__v_5)); assertEquals(87, __f_7({__f_4: function() { return 87; }})); } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_8(x,y) { x = 42; y = 1; y = y << "0"; return x | y; } try { assertEquals(43, __f_8(0,0)); } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_2(x) { return 'lit[' + (x + ']'); } try { assertEquals('lit[-87]', __f_2(-87)); assertEquals('lit[0]', __f_2(0)); assertEquals('lit[42]', __f_2(42)); __v_9 = "abc"; gc(); var __v_8; } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_9(n) { return __v_9.charAt(n); } try { for (var __v_7 = 0; __v_7 < 5; __v_7++) { __v_8 = __f_9(0); } %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(__f_9); __v_8 = __f_9(0); } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_3(__v_2,__v_4,__v_3,__v_6) { return __v_2+__v_4+__v_3+__v_6; } try { assertEquals(0x40000003, __f_3(1,1,2,0x3fffffff)); } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } try { __v_19 = { fast_smi_only : 'fast smi only elements', fast : 'fast elements', fast_double : 'fast double elements', dictionary : 'dictionary elements', external_int32 : 'external int8 elements', external_uint8 : 'external uint8 elements', external_int16 : 'external int16 elements', external_uint16 : 'external uint16 elements', external_int32 : 'external int32 elements', external_uint32 : 'external uint32 elements', external_float32 : 'external float32 elements', external_float64 : 'external float64 elements', external_uint8_clamped : 'external uint8_clamped elements', fixed_int32 : 'fixed int8 elements', fixed_uint8 : 'fixed uint8 elements', fixed_int16 : 'fixed int16 elements', fixed_uint16 : 'fixed uint16 elements', fixed_int32 : 'fixed int32 elements', fixed_uint32 : 'fixed uint32 elements', fixed_float32 : 'fixed float32 elements', fixed_float64 : 'fixed float64 elements', fixed_uint8_clamped : 'fixed uint8_clamped elements' } } catch(e) { print("Caught: " + e); } function __f_12() { } __v_10 = {}; __v_10.dance = 0xD15C0; __v_10.drink = 0xC0C0A; __f_12(__v_19.fast, __v_10); __v_24 = [1,2,3]; __f_12(__v_19.fast_smi_only, __v_24); __v_24.dance = 0xD15C0; __v_24.drink = 0xC0C0A; __f_12(__v_19.fast_smi_only, __v_24); function __f_18() { var __v_27 = new Array(); __f_12(__v_19.fast_smi_only, __v_27); for (var __v_18 = 0; __v_18 < 1337; __v_18++) { var __v_16 = __v_18; if (__v_18 == 1336) { __f_12(__v_19.fast_smi_only, __v_27); __v_16 = new Object(); } __v_27[__v_18] = __v_16; } __f_12(__v_19.fast, __v_27); var __v_15 = []; __v_15[912570] = 7; __f_12(__v_19.dictionary, __v_15); var __v_26 = new Array(912561); %SetAllocationTimeout(100000000, 10000000); for (var __v_18 = 0; __v_18 < 0x20000; __v_18++) { __v_26[0] = __v_18 / 2; } __f_12(__v_19.fixed_int8, new Int8Array(007)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_uint8, new Uint8Array(007)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_int16, new Int16Array(666)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_uint16, new Uint16Array(42)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_int32, new Int32Array(0xF)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_uint32, new Uint32Array(23)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_float32, new Float32Array(7)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_float64, new Float64Array(0)); __f_12(__v_19.fixed_uint8_clamped, new Uint8ClampedArray(512)); var __v_13 = new ArrayBuffer(128); __f_12(__v_19.external_int8, new Int8Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_37.external_uint8, new Uint8Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_19.external_int16, new Int16Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_19.external_uint16, new Uint16Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_19.external_int32, new Int32Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_19.external_uint32, new Uint32Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_19.external_float32, new Float32Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_19.external_float64, new Float64Array(__v_13)); __f_12(__v_19.external_uint8_clamped, new Uint8ClampedArray(__v_13)); } try { __f_18(); } catch(e) { }