#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import operator import os import re from sets import Set from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys def search_all_related_commits( git_working_dir, start_hash, until, separator, verbose=False): all_commits_raw = _find_commits_inbetween( start_hash, until, git_working_dir, verbose) if verbose: print "All commits between and : " + all_commits_raw # Adding start hash too all_commits = [start_hash] all_commits.extend(all_commits_raw.splitlines()) all_related_commits = {} already_treated_commits = Set([]) for commit in all_commits: if commit in already_treated_commits: continue related_commits = _search_related_commits( git_working_dir, commit, until, separator, verbose) if len(related_commits) > 0: all_related_commits[commit] = related_commits already_treated_commits.update(related_commits) already_treated_commits.update(commit) return all_related_commits def _search_related_commits( git_working_dir, start_hash, until, separator, verbose=False): if separator: commits_between = _find_commits_inbetween( start_hash, separator, git_working_dir, verbose) if commits_between == "": return [] # Extract commit position original_message = _git_execute( git_working_dir, ["show", "-s", "--format=%B", start_hash], verbose) title = original_message.splitlines()[0] matches = re.search("(\{#)([0-9]*)(\})", original_message) if not matches: return [] commit_position = matches.group(2) if verbose: print "1.) Commit position to look for: " + commit_position search_range = start_hash + ".." + until def git_args(grep_pattern): return [ "log", "--reverse", "--grep=" + grep_pattern, "--format=%H", search_range, ] found_by_hash = _git_execute( git_working_dir, git_args(start_hash), verbose).strip() if verbose: print "2.) Found by hash: " + found_by_hash found_by_commit_pos = _git_execute( git_working_dir, git_args(commit_position), verbose).strip() if verbose: print "3.) Found by commit position: " + found_by_commit_pos # Replace brackets or else they are wrongly interpreted by --grep title = title.replace("[", "\\[") title = title.replace("]", "\\]") found_by_title = _git_execute( git_working_dir, git_args(title), verbose).strip() if verbose: print "4.) Found by title: " + found_by_title hits = ( _convert_to_array(found_by_hash) + _convert_to_array(found_by_commit_pos) + _convert_to_array(found_by_title)) hits = _remove_duplicates(hits) if separator: for current_hit in hits: commits_between = _find_commits_inbetween( separator, current_hit, git_working_dir, verbose) if commits_between != "": return hits return [] return hits def _find_commits_inbetween(start_hash, end_hash, git_working_dir, verbose): commits_between = _git_execute( git_working_dir, ["rev-list", "--reverse", start_hash + ".." + end_hash], verbose) return commits_between.strip() def _convert_to_array(string_of_hashes): return string_of_hashes.splitlines() def _remove_duplicates(array): no_duplicates = [] for current in array: if not current in no_duplicates: no_duplicates.append(current) return no_duplicates def _git_execute(working_dir, args, verbose=False): command = ["git", "-C", working_dir] + args if verbose: print "Git working dir: " + working_dir print "Executing git command:" + str(command) p = Popen(args=command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) output, err = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode if rc != 0: raise Exception(err) if verbose: print "Git return value: " + output return output def _pretty_print_entry(hash, git_dir, pre_text, verbose): text_to_print = _git_execute( git_dir, ["show", "--quiet", "--date=iso", hash, "--format=%ad # %H # %s"], verbose) return pre_text + text_to_print.strip() def main(options): all_related_commits = search_all_related_commits( options.git_dir, options.of[0], options.until[0], options.separator, options.verbose) sort_key = lambda x: ( _git_execute( options.git_dir, ["show", "--quiet", "--date=iso", x, "--format=%ad"], options.verbose)).strip() high_level_commits = sorted(all_related_commits.keys(), key=sort_key) for current_key in high_level_commits: if options.prettyprint: yield _pretty_print_entry( current_key, options.git_dir, "+", options.verbose) else: yield "+" + current_key found_commits = all_related_commits[current_key] for current_commit in found_commits: if options.prettyprint: yield _pretty_print_entry( current_commit, options.git_dir, "| ", options.verbose) else: yield "| " + current_commit if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( "This tool analyzes the commit range between and . " "It finds commits which belong together e.g. Implement/Revert pairs and " "Implement/Port/Revert triples. All supplied hashes need to be " "from the same branch e.g. master.") parser.add_argument("-g", "--git-dir", required=False, default=".", help="The path to your git working directory.") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Enables a very verbose output") parser.add_argument("of", nargs=1, help="Hash of the commit to be searched.") parser.add_argument("until", nargs=1, help="Commit when searching should stop") parser.add_argument("--separator", required=False, help="The script will only list related commits " "which are separated by hash <--separator>.") parser.add_argument("--prettyprint", action="store_true", help="Pretty prints the output") args = sys.argv[1:] options = parser.parse_args(args) for current_line in main(options): print current_line