var fs = require('fs') var lockFile = require('../') var test = require('tap').test var path = require('path') var lock = path.resolve(__dirname, 'stale.lock') var touch = require('touch') var spawn = require('child_process').spawn var node = process.execPath // We're using a lockfile with an artificially old date, // so make it use that instead of ctime. // Probably you should never do this in production! lockFile.filetime = 'mtime' if (process.argv[2] === 'child') { return child() } function child () { // Make fs.stat take 100ms to return its data // This is important because, in a test scenario where // we're statting the same exact file rapid-fire like this, // it'll end up being cached by the FS, and never trigger // the race condition we're trying to expose. fs.stat = function (stat) { return function () { var args = [] var cb = args.pop() stat.apply(fs, args.concat(function(er, st) { setTimeout(function () { cb(er, st) }, 100) })) }}(fs.stat) lockFile.lock(lock, { stale: 100000 }, function (er) { if (er && er.code !== 'EEXIST') throw er else if (er) process.exit(17) else setTimeout(function(){}, 500) }) } test('create stale file', function (t) { try { fs.unlinkSync(lock) } catch (er) {} touch.sync(lock, { time: '1979-07-01T19:10:00.000Z' }) t.end() }) test('contenders', function (t) { var n = 10 var fails = 0 var wins = 0 var args = [ __filename, 'child' ] var opt = { stdio: [0, "pipe", 2] } for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { spawn(node, args, opt).on('close', then) } function then (code) { if (code === 17) { fails ++ } else if (code) {"unexpected failure", code) fails ++ } else { wins ++ } if (fails + wins === n) { done() } } function done () { t.equal(wins, 1, "should have 1 lock winner") t.equal(fails, n - 1, "all others should lose") t.end() } }) test('remove stale file', function (t) { try { fs.unlinkSync(lock) } catch (er) {} t.end() })