'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); const crypto = require('crypto'); function testCipher1(key, iv) { // Test encryption and decryption with explicit key and iv const plaintext = '32|RmVZZkFUVmpRRkp0TmJaUm56ZU9qcnJkaXNNWVNpTTU*|iXmckfRWZBGWWELw' + 'eCBsThSsfUHLeRe0KCsK8ooHgxie0zOINpXxfZi/oNG7uq9JWFVCk70gfzQH8ZUJ' + 'jAfaFg**'; const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('des-ede3-cbc', key, iv); let ciph = cipher.update(plaintext, 'utf8', 'hex'); ciph += cipher.final('hex'); const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('des-ede3-cbc', key, iv); let txt = decipher.update(ciph, 'hex', 'utf8'); txt += decipher.final('utf8'); assert.strictEqual(txt, plaintext, 'encryption/decryption with key and iv'); // streaming cipher interface // NB: In real life, it's not guaranteed that you can get all of it // in a single read() like this. But in this case, we know it's // quite small, so there's no harm. const cStream = crypto.createCipheriv('des-ede3-cbc', key, iv); cStream.end(plaintext); ciph = cStream.read(); const dStream = crypto.createDecipheriv('des-ede3-cbc', key, iv); dStream.end(ciph); txt = dStream.read().toString('utf8'); assert.strictEqual(txt, plaintext, 'streaming cipher iv'); } function testCipher2(key, iv) { // Test encryption and decryption with explicit key and iv const plaintext = '32|RmVZZkFUVmpRRkp0TmJaUm56ZU9qcnJkaXNNWVNpTTU*|iXmckfRWZBGWWELw' + 'eCBsThSsfUHLeRe0KCsK8ooHgxie0zOINpXxfZi/oNG7uq9JWFVCk70gfzQH8ZUJ' + 'jAfaFg**'; const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('des-ede3-cbc', key, iv); let ciph = cipher.update(plaintext, 'utf8', 'buffer'); ciph = Buffer.concat([ciph, cipher.final('buffer')]); const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('des-ede3-cbc', key, iv); let txt = decipher.update(ciph, 'buffer', 'utf8'); txt += decipher.final('utf8'); assert.strictEqual(txt, plaintext, 'encryption/decryption with key and iv'); } function testCipher3(key, iv) { // Test encryption and decryption with explicit key and iv. // AES Key Wrap test vector comes from RFC3394 const plaintext = Buffer.from('00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF', 'hex'); const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('id-aes128-wrap', key, iv); let ciph = cipher.update(plaintext, 'utf8', 'buffer'); ciph = Buffer.concat([ciph, cipher.final('buffer')]); const ciph2 = Buffer.from('1FA68B0A8112B447AEF34BD8FB5A7B829D3E862371D2CFE5', 'hex'); assert(ciph.equals(ciph2)); const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('id-aes128-wrap', key, iv); let deciph = decipher.update(ciph, 'buffer'); deciph = Buffer.concat([deciph, decipher.final()]); assert(deciph.equals(plaintext), 'encryption/decryption with key and iv'); } testCipher1('0123456789abcd0123456789', '12345678'); testCipher1('0123456789abcd0123456789', Buffer.from('12345678')); testCipher1(Buffer.from('0123456789abcd0123456789'), '12345678'); testCipher1(Buffer.from('0123456789abcd0123456789'), Buffer.from('12345678')); testCipher2(Buffer.from('0123456789abcd0123456789'), Buffer.from('12345678')); if (!common.hasFipsCrypto) { testCipher3(Buffer.from('000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F', 'hex'), Buffer.from('A6A6A6A6A6A6A6A6', 'hex')); } // Zero-sized IV should be accepted in ECB mode. crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-ecb', Buffer.alloc(16), Buffer.alloc(0)); const errMessage = /Invalid IV length/; // But non-empty IVs should be rejected. for (let n = 1; n < 256; n += 1) { assert.throws( () => crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-ecb', Buffer.alloc(16), Buffer.alloc(n)), errMessage); } // Correctly sized IV should be accepted in CBC mode. crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cbc', Buffer.alloc(16), Buffer.alloc(16)); // But all other IV lengths should be rejected. for (let n = 0; n < 256; n += 1) { if (n === 16) continue; assert.throws( () => crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cbc', Buffer.alloc(16), Buffer.alloc(n)), errMessage); } // Zero-sized IV should be rejected in GCM mode. assert.throws( () => crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-gcm', Buffer.alloc(16), Buffer.alloc(0)), errMessage); // But all other IV lengths should be accepted. for (let n = 1; n < 256; n += 1) { if (common.hasFipsCrypto && n < 12) continue; crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-gcm', Buffer.alloc(16), Buffer.alloc(n)); }