'use strict'; require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('util'); const processUtil = process.binding('util'); const opts = {showProxy: true}; const target = {}; const handler = { get: function() { throw new Error('Getter should not be called'); } }; const proxyObj = new Proxy(target, handler); // Inspecting the proxy should not actually walk it's properties assert.doesNotThrow(() => util.inspect(proxyObj, opts)); // getProxyDetails is an internal method, not intended for public use. // This is here to test that the internals are working correctly. const details = processUtil.getProxyDetails(proxyObj); assert.strictEqual(target, details[0]); assert.strictEqual(handler, details[1]); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxyObj, opts), 'Proxy [ {}, { get: [Function: get] } ]'); // Using getProxyDetails with non-proxy returns undefined assert.strictEqual(processUtil.getProxyDetails({}), undefined); // This will throw because the showProxy option is not used // and the get function on the handler object defined above // is actually invoked. assert.throws( () => util.inspect(proxyObj) ); // Yo dawg, I heard you liked Proxy so I put a Proxy // inside your Proxy that proxies your Proxy's Proxy. const proxy1 = new Proxy({}, {}); const proxy2 = new Proxy(proxy1, {}); const proxy3 = new Proxy(proxy2, proxy1); const proxy4 = new Proxy(proxy1, proxy2); const proxy5 = new Proxy(proxy3, proxy4); const proxy6 = new Proxy(proxy5, proxy5); const expected0 = '{}'; const expected1 = 'Proxy [ {}, {} ]'; const expected2 = 'Proxy [ Proxy [ {}, {} ], {} ]'; const expected3 = 'Proxy [ Proxy [ Proxy [ {}, {} ], {} ], Proxy [ {}, {} ] ]'; const expected4 = 'Proxy [ Proxy [ {}, {} ], Proxy [ Proxy [ {}, {} ], {} ] ]'; const expected5 = 'Proxy [ Proxy [ Proxy [ Proxy [Object], {} ],' + ' Proxy [ {}, {} ] ],\r\n Proxy [ Proxy [ {}, {} ]' + ', Proxy [ Proxy [Object], {} ] ] ]'; const expected6 = 'Proxy [ Proxy [ Proxy [ Proxy [Object], Proxy [Object]' + ' ],\r\n Proxy [ Proxy [Object], Proxy [Object] ] ],\r\n' + ' Proxy [ Proxy [ Proxy [Object], Proxy [Object] ],\r\n' + ' Proxy [ Proxy [Object], Proxy [Object] ] ] ]'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy1, opts), expected1); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy2, opts), expected2); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy3, opts), expected3); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy4, opts), expected4); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy5, opts), expected5); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy6, opts), expected6); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy1), expected0); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy2), expected0); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy3), expected0); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy4), expected0); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy5), expected0); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy6), expected0); // Just for fun, let's create a Proxy using Arrays. const proxy7 = new Proxy([], []); const expected7 = 'Proxy [ [], [] ]'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy7, opts), expected7); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy7), '[]'); // Now we're just getting silly, right? const proxy8 = new Proxy(Date, []); const proxy9 = new Proxy(Date, String); const expected8 = 'Proxy [ [Function: Date], [] ]'; const expected9 = 'Proxy [ [Function: Date], [Function: String] ]'; assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy8, opts), expected8); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy9, opts), expected9); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy8), '[Function: Date]'); assert.strictEqual(util.inspect(proxy9), '[Function: Date]');