'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const http = require('http'); // Verify that ServerResponse.writeHead() works as setHeader. // Issue 5036 on github. const s = http.createServer(common.mustCall((req, res) => { res.setHeader('test', '1'); // toLowerCase() is used on the name argument, so it must be a string. var threw = false; try { res.setHeader(0xf00, 'bar'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(e instanceof TypeError); threw = true; } assert.ok(threw, 'Non-string names should throw'); // undefined value should throw, via 979d0ca8 threw = false; try { res.setHeader('foo', undefined); } catch (e) { assert.ok(e instanceof Error); assert.equal(e.message, '"value" required in setHeader("foo", value)'); threw = true; } assert.ok(threw, 'Undefined value should throw'); res.writeHead(200, { Test: '2' }); assert.throws(() => { res.writeHead(100, {}); }, /^Error: Can't render headers after they are sent to the client$/); res.end(); })); s.listen(0, common.mustCall(runTest)); function runTest() { http.get({ port: this.address().port }, common.mustCall((response) => { response.on('end', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual(response.headers['test'], '2'); assert.notStrictEqual(response.rawHeaders.indexOf('Test'), -1); s.close(); })); response.resume(); })); }