'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; var execFileSync = require('child_process').execFileSync; var TIMER = 200; var SLEEP = 2000; var start = Date.now(); var err; var caught = false; // Verify that stderr is not accessed when a bad shell is used assert.throws( function() { execSync('exit -1', {shell: 'bad_shell'}); }, /ENOENT/, 'execSync did not throw the expected exception!' ); assert.throws( function() { execFileSync('exit -1', {shell: 'bad_shell'}); }, /ENOENT/, 'execFileSync did not throw the expected exception!' ); try { var cmd = `"${process.execPath}" -e "setTimeout(function(){}, ${SLEEP});"`; var ret = execSync(cmd, {timeout: TIMER}); } catch (e) { caught = true; assert.strictEqual(e.errno, 'ETIMEDOUT'); err = e; } finally { assert.strictEqual(ret, undefined, 'we should not have a return value'); assert.strictEqual(caught, true, 'execSync should throw'); var end = Date.now() - start; assert(end < SLEEP); assert(err.status > 128 || err.signal); } assert.throws(function() { execSync('iamabadcommand'); }, /Command failed: iamabadcommand/); var msg = 'foobar'; var msgBuf = new Buffer(msg + '\n'); // console.log ends every line with just '\n', even on Windows. cmd = `"${process.execPath}" -e "console.log(\'${msg}\');"`; ret = execSync(cmd); assert.strictEqual(ret.length, msgBuf.length); assert.deepEqual(ret, msgBuf, 'execSync result buffer should match'); ret = execSync(cmd, { encoding: 'utf8' }); assert.strictEqual(ret, msg + '\n', 'execSync encoding result should match'); var args = [ '-e', `console.log("${msg}");` ]; ret = execFileSync(process.execPath, args); assert.deepEqual(ret, msgBuf); ret = execFileSync(process.execPath, args, { encoding: 'utf8' }); assert.strictEqual(ret, msg + '\n', 'execFileSync encoding result should match'); // Verify that the cwd option works - GH #7824 { const cwd = common.rootDir; const cmd = common.isWindows ? 'echo %cd%' : 'pwd'; const response = execSync(cmd, {cwd}); assert.strictEqual(response.toString().trim(), cwd); } // Verify that stderr is not accessed when stdio = 'ignore' - GH #7966 (function() { assert.throws(function() { execSync('exit -1', {stdio: 'ignore'}); }, /Command failed: exit -1/); })();