#!/usr/bin/env python import re import Options import sys, os, shutil from Utils import cmd_output from os.path import join, dirname, abspath from logging import fatal cwd = os.getcwd() VERSION="0.1.97" APPNAME="node.js" import js2c srcdir = '.' blddir = 'build' jobs=1 if os.environ.has_key('JOBS'): jobs = int(os.environ['JOBS']) def set_options(opt): # the gcc module provides a --debug-level option opt.tool_options('compiler_cxx') opt.tool_options('compiler_cc') opt.tool_options('misc') opt.add_option( '--debug' , action='store_true' , default=False , help='Build debug variant [Default: False]' , dest='debug' ) opt.add_option( '--efence' , action='store_true' , default=False , help='Build with -lefence for debugging [Default: False]' , dest='efence' ) opt.add_option( '--system' , action='store_true' , default=False , help='Build using system libraries and headers (like a debian build) [Default: False]' , dest='system' ) opt.add_option( '--without-ssl' , action='store_true' , default=False , help='Build without SSL' , dest='without_ssl' ) def configure(conf): conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx') if not conf.env.CXX: conf.fatal('c++ compiler not found') conf.check_tool('compiler_cc') if not conf.env.CC: conf.fatal('c compiler not found') conf.env["USE_DEBUG"] = Options.options.debug conf.env["USE_SYSTEM"] = Options.options.system conf.check(lib='dl', uselib_store='DL') if not sys.platform.startswith("sunos"): conf.env.append_value("CCFLAGS", "-rdynamic") conf.env.append_value("LINKFLAGS_DL", "-rdynamic") if sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"): conf.check(lib='kvm', uselib_store='KVM') #if Options.options.debug: # conf.check(lib='profiler', uselib_store='PROFILER') if Options.options.efence: conf.check(lib='efence', libpath=['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib'], uselib_store='EFENCE') if not conf.check(lib="execinfo", includes=['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include'], libpath=['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib'], uselib_store="EXECINFO"): # Note on Darwin/OS X: This will fail, but will still be used as the # execinfo stuff are part of the standard library. if sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"): conf.fatal("Install the libexecinfo port from /usr/ports/devel/libexecinfo.") if not Options.options.without_ssl: if conf.check_cfg(package='openssl', args='--cflags --libs', uselib_store='OPENSSL'): conf.env["USE_OPENSSL"] = True conf.env.append_value("CXXFLAGS", "-DHAVE_OPENSSL=1") else: libssl = conf.check_cc(lib='ssl', header_name='openssl/ssl.h', function_name='SSL_library_init', libpath=['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib', '/opt/local/lib', '/usr/sfw/lib'], uselib_store='OPENSSL') libcrypto = conf.check_cc(lib='crypto', header_name='openssl/crypto.h', uselib_store='OPENSSL') if libcrypto and libssl: conf.env["USE_OPENSSL"] = True conf.env.append_value("CXXFLAGS", "-DHAVE_OPENSSL=1") conf.check(lib='rt', uselib_store='RT') if sys.platform.startswith("sunos"): if not conf.check(lib='socket', uselib_store="SOCKET"): conf.fatal("Cannot find socket library") if not conf.check(lib='nsl', uselib_store="NSL"): conf.fatal("Cannot find nsl library") conf.sub_config('deps/libeio') if not Options.options.system: conf.sub_config('deps/libev') conf.sub_config('deps/c-ares') else: if not conf.check(lib='v8', uselib_store='V8'): conf.fatal("Cannot find V8") if not conf.check(lib='ev', uselib_store='EV'): conf.fatal("Cannot find libev") if not conf.check(lib='cares', uselib_store='CARES'): conf.fatal("Cannot find c-ares") conf.define("HAVE_CONFIG_H", 1) if sys.platform.startswith("sunos"): conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-threads') conf.env.append_value ('CXXFLAGS', '-threads') #conf.env.append_value ('LINKFLAGS', ' -threads') else: threadflags='-pthread' conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', threadflags) conf.env.append_value ('CXXFLAGS', threadflags) conf.env.append_value ('LINKFLAGS', threadflags) conf.env.append_value("CCFLAGS", "-DX_STACKSIZE=%d" % (1024*64)) # LFS conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE') conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64') ## needed for node_file.cc fdatasync ## Strangely on OSX 10.6 the g++ doesn't see fdatasync but gcc does? code = """ #include int main(void) { int fd = 0; fdatasync (fd); return 0; } """ if conf.check_cxx(msg="Checking for fdatasync(2) with c++", fragment=code): conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1') else: conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DHAVE_FDATASYNC=0') # platform platform_def = '-DPLATFORM=' + sys.platform conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', platform_def) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', platform_def) # Split off debug variant before adding variant specific defines debug_env = conf.env.copy() conf.set_env_name('debug', debug_env) # Configure debug variant conf.setenv('debug') debug_env.set_variant('debug') debug_env.append_value('CCFLAGS', ['-DDEBUG', '-g', '-O0', '-Wall', '-Wextra']) debug_env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-DDEBUG', '-g', '-O0', '-Wall', '-Wextra']) conf.write_config_header("config.h") # Configure default variant conf.setenv('default') conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', ['-DNDEBUG', '-g', '-O3']) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-DNDEBUG', '-g', '-O3']) conf.write_config_header("config.h") def v8_cmd(bld, variant): scons = join(cwd, 'tools/scons/scons.py') deps_src = join(bld.path.abspath(),"deps") v8dir_src = join(deps_src,"v8") # NOTE: We want to compile V8 to export its symbols. I.E. Do not want # -fvisibility=hidden. When using dlopen() it seems that the loaded DSO # cannot see symbols in the executable which are hidden, even if the # executable is statically linked together... # XXX Remove this when v8 defaults x86_64 to native builds arch = "" if bld.env['DEST_CPU'] == 'x86_64': arch = "arch=x64" if variant == "default": mode = "release" else: mode = "debug" cmd_R = 'python "%s" -j %d -C "%s" -Y "%s" visibility=default mode=%s %s library=static snapshot=on' cmd = cmd_R % ( scons , Options.options.jobs , bld.srcnode.abspath(bld.env_of_name(variant)) , v8dir_src , mode , arch ) return cmd def build_v8(bld): v8 = bld.new_task_gen( source = 'deps/v8/SConstruct ' + bld.path.ant_glob('v8/include/*') + bld.path.ant_glob('v8/src/*'), target = bld.env["staticlib_PATTERN"] % "v8", rule = v8_cmd(bld, "default"), before = "cxx", install_path = None ) v8.uselib = "EXECINFO" bld.env["CPPPATH_V8"] = "deps/v8/include" t = join(bld.srcnode.abspath(bld.env_of_name("default")), v8.target) bld.env_of_name('default').append_value("LINKFLAGS_V8", t) ### v8 debug if bld.env["USE_DEBUG"]: v8_debug = v8.clone("debug") v8_debug.rule = v8_cmd(bld, "debug") v8_debug.target = bld.env["staticlib_PATTERN"] % "v8_g" v8_debug.uselib = "EXECINFO" t = join(bld.srcnode.abspath(bld.env_of_name("debug")), v8_debug.target) bld.env_of_name('debug').append_value("LINKFLAGS_V8", t) bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/include/node/', 'deps/v8/include/*.h') def build(bld): Options.options.jobs=jobs print "DEST_OS: " + bld.env['DEST_OS'] print "DEST_CPU: " + bld.env['DEST_CPU'] print "Parallel Jobs: " + str(Options.options.jobs) if not bld.env["USE_SYSTEM"]: bld.add_subdirs('deps/libeio deps/libev deps/c-ares') build_v8(bld) else: bld.add_subdirs('deps/libeio') ### http_parser http_parser = bld.new_task_gen("cc") http_parser.source = "deps/http_parser/http_parser.c" http_parser.includes = "deps/http_parser/" http_parser.name = "http_parser" http_parser.target = "http_parser" http_parser.install_path = None if bld.env["USE_DEBUG"]: http_parser.clone("debug") ### src/native.cc def make_macros(loc, content): f = open(loc, 'w') f.write(content) f.close macros_loc_debug = join( bld.srcnode.abspath(bld.env_of_name("debug")), "macros.py" ) macros_loc_default = join( bld.srcnode.abspath(bld.env_of_name("default")), "macros.py" ) make_macros(macros_loc_debug, "") # leave debug(x) as is in debug build # replace debug(x) with nothing in release build make_macros(macros_loc_default, "macro debug(x) = ;\n") def javascript_in_c(task): env = task.env source = map(lambda x: x.srcpath(env), task.inputs) targets = map(lambda x: x.srcpath(env), task.outputs) source.append(macros_loc_default) js2c.JS2C(source, targets) def javascript_in_c_debug(task): env = task.env source = map(lambda x: x.srcpath(env), task.inputs) targets = map(lambda x: x.srcpath(env), task.outputs) source.append(macros_loc_debug) js2c.JS2C(source, targets) native_cc = bld.new_task_gen( source='src/node.js ' + bld.path.ant_glob('lib/*.js'), target="src/node_natives.h", before="cxx", install_path=None ) # Add the rule /after/ cloning the debug # This is a work around for an error had in python 2.4.3 (I'll paste the # error that was had into the git commit meessage. git-blame to find out # where.) if bld.env["USE_DEBUG"]: native_cc_debug = native_cc.clone("debug") native_cc_debug.rule = javascript_in_c_debug native_cc.rule = javascript_in_c ### node lib node = bld.new_task_gen("cxx", "program") node.name = "node" node.target = "node" node.source = """ src/node.cc src/node_buffer.cc src/node_http_parser.cc src/node_net.cc src/node_io_watcher.cc src/node_child_process.cc src/node_constants.cc src/node_cares.cc src/node_events.cc src/node_file.cc src/node_signal_watcher.cc src/node_stat_watcher.cc src/node_stdio.cc src/node_timer.cc src/node_script.cc """ if bld.env["USE_OPENSSL"]: node.source += "src/node_crypto.cc" if not bld.env["USE_SYSTEM"]: node.includes = """ src/ deps/v8/include deps/libev deps/c-ares deps/libeio deps/http_parser """ node.includes += ' deps/c-ares/' + bld.env['DEST_OS'] + '-' + bld.env['DEST_CPU'] node.add_objects = 'cares ev eio http_parser' node.uselib_local = '' node.uselib = 'RT OPENSSL V8 EXECINFO DL KVM SOCKET NSL' else: node.includes = """ src/ deps/libeio deps/http_parser """ node.add_objects = 'eio http_parser' node.uselib_local = 'eio' node.uselib = 'RT EV OPENSSL CARES V8 EXECINFO DL KVM SOCKET NSL' node.install_path = '${PREFIX}/lib' node.install_path = '${PREFIX}/bin' node.chmod = 0755 def subflags(program): if os.path.exists(join(cwd, ".git")): actual_version=cmd_output("git describe").strip() else: actual_version=VERSION x = { 'CCFLAGS' : " ".join(program.env["CCFLAGS"]) , 'CPPFLAGS' : " ".join(program.env["CPPFLAGS"]) , 'LIBFLAGS' : " ".join(program.env["LIBFLAGS"]) , 'VERSION' : actual_version , 'PREFIX' : program.env["PREFIX"] } return x # process file.pc.in -> file.pc node_version = bld.new_task_gen('subst', before="cxx") node_version.source = 'src/node_version.h.in' node_version.target = 'src/node_version.h' node_version.dict = subflags(node) node_version.install_path = '${PREFIX}/include/node' if bld.env["USE_DEBUG"]: node_g = node.clone("debug") node_g.target = "node_g" node_version_g = node_version.clone("debug") node_version_g.dict = subflags(node_g) node_version_g.install_path = None bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/include/node/', """ config.h src/node.h src/node_object_wrap.h src/node_buffer.h src/node_events.h """) # Only install the man page if it exists. # Do 'make doc install' to build and install it. if os.path.exists('doc/node.1'): bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/share/man/man1/', 'doc/node.1') bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/bin/', 'bin/*', chmod=0755) # Why am I using two lines? Because WAF SUCKS. bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/lib/node/wafadmin', 'tools/wafadmin/*.py') bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/lib/node/wafadmin/Tools', 'tools/wafadmin/Tools/*.py') def shutdown(): Options.options.debug # HACK to get binding.node out of build directory. # better way to do this? if not Options.commands['clean']: if os.path.exists('build/default/node') and not os.path.exists('node'): os.symlink('build/default/node', 'node') if os.path.exists('build/debug/node_g') and not os.path.exists('node_g'): os.symlink('build/debug/node_g', 'node_g') else: if os.path.exists('node'): os.unlink('node') if os.path.exists('node_g'): os.unlink('node_g')