// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. (function(global, utils) { 'use strict'; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Imports var GlobalArray = global.Array; var GlobalSymbol = global.Symbol; var GetIterator; var GetMethod; var MathMax; var MathMin; var ObjectIsFrozen; var ObjectDefineProperty; utils.Import(function(from) { GetIterator = from.GetIterator; GetMethod = from.GetMethod; MathMax = from.MathMax; MathMin = from.MathMin; ObjectIsFrozen = from.ObjectIsFrozen; ObjectDefineProperty = from.ObjectDefineProperty; }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- function InnerArrayCopyWithin(target, start, end, array, length) { target = TO_INTEGER(target); var to; if (target < 0) { to = MathMax(length + target, 0); } else { to = MathMin(target, length); } start = TO_INTEGER(start); var from; if (start < 0) { from = MathMax(length + start, 0); } else { from = MathMin(start, length); } end = IS_UNDEFINED(end) ? length : TO_INTEGER(end); var final; if (end < 0) { final = MathMax(length + end, 0); } else { final = MathMin(end, length); } var count = MathMin(final - from, length - to); var direction = 1; if (from < to && to < (from + count)) { direction = -1; from = from + count - 1; to = to + count - 1; } while (count > 0) { if (from in array) { array[to] = array[from]; } else { delete array[to]; } from = from + direction; to = to + direction; count--; } return array; } // ES6 draft 03-17-15, section function ArrayCopyWithin(target, start, end) { CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "Array.prototype.copyWithin"); var array = TO_OBJECT_INLINE(this); var length = $toLength(array.length); return InnerArrayCopyWithin(target, start, end, array, length); } function InnerArrayFind(predicate, thisArg, array, length) { if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(predicate)) { throw MakeTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, predicate); } var needs_wrapper = false; if (IS_NULL(thisArg)) { if (%IsSloppyModeFunction(predicate)) thisArg = UNDEFINED; } else if (!IS_UNDEFINED(thisArg)) { needs_wrapper = SHOULD_CREATE_WRAPPER(predicate, thisArg); } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = array[i]; var newThisArg = needs_wrapper ? $toObject(thisArg) : thisArg; if (%_CallFunction(newThisArg, element, i, array, predicate)) { return element; } } return; } // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function ArrayFind(predicate, thisArg) { CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "Array.prototype.find"); var array = $toObject(this); var length = $toInteger(array.length); return InnerArrayFind(predicate, thisArg, array, length); } function InnerArrayFindIndex(predicate, thisArg, array, length) { if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(predicate)) { throw MakeTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, predicate); } var needs_wrapper = false; if (IS_NULL(thisArg)) { if (%IsSloppyModeFunction(predicate)) thisArg = UNDEFINED; } else if (!IS_UNDEFINED(thisArg)) { needs_wrapper = SHOULD_CREATE_WRAPPER(predicate, thisArg); } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = array[i]; var newThisArg = needs_wrapper ? $toObject(thisArg) : thisArg; if (%_CallFunction(newThisArg, element, i, array, predicate)) { return i; } } return -1; } // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function ArrayFindIndex(predicate, thisArg) { CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "Array.prototype.findIndex"); var array = $toObject(this); var length = $toInteger(array.length); return InnerArrayFindIndex(predicate, thisArg, array, length); } // ES6, draft 04-05-14, section function InnerArrayFill(value, start, end, array, length) { var i = IS_UNDEFINED(start) ? 0 : TO_INTEGER(start); var end = IS_UNDEFINED(end) ? length : TO_INTEGER(end); if (i < 0) { i += length; if (i < 0) i = 0; } else { if (i > length) i = length; } if (end < 0) { end += length; if (end < 0) end = 0; } else { if (end > length) end = length; } if ((end - i) > 0 && ObjectIsFrozen(array)) { throw MakeTypeError(kArrayFunctionsOnFrozen); } for (; i < end; i++) array[i] = value; return array; } // ES6, draft 04-05-14, section function ArrayFill(value, start, end) { CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "Array.prototype.fill"); var array = $toObject(this); var length = TO_UINT32(array.length); return InnerArrayFill(value, start, end, array, length); } function AddArrayElement(constructor, array, i, value) { if (constructor === GlobalArray) { %AddElement(array, i, value); } else { ObjectDefineProperty(array, i, { value: value, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); } } // ES6, draft 10-14-14, section function ArrayFrom(arrayLike, mapfn, receiver) { var items = $toObject(arrayLike); var mapping = !IS_UNDEFINED(mapfn); if (mapping) { if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(mapfn)) { throw MakeTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, mapfn); } else if (%IsSloppyModeFunction(mapfn)) { if (IS_NULL(receiver)) { receiver = UNDEFINED; } else if (!IS_UNDEFINED(receiver)) { receiver = TO_OBJECT_INLINE(receiver); } } } var iterable = GetMethod(items, symbolIterator); var k; var result; var mappedValue; var nextValue; if (!IS_UNDEFINED(iterable)) { result = %IsConstructor(this) ? new this() : []; var iterator = GetIterator(items, iterable); k = 0; while (true) { var next = iterator.next(); if (!IS_OBJECT(next)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIteratorResultNotAnObject, next); } if (next.done) { result.length = k; return result; } nextValue = next.value; if (mapping) { mappedValue = %_CallFunction(receiver, nextValue, k, mapfn); } else { mappedValue = nextValue; } AddArrayElement(this, result, k, mappedValue); k++; } } else { var len = $toLength(items.length); result = %IsConstructor(this) ? new this(len) : new GlobalArray(len); for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) { nextValue = items[k]; if (mapping) { mappedValue = %_CallFunction(receiver, nextValue, k, mapfn); } else { mappedValue = nextValue; } AddArrayElement(this, result, k, mappedValue); } result.length = k; return result; } } // ES6, draft 05-22-14, section function ArrayOf() { var length = %_ArgumentsLength(); var constructor = this; // TODO: Implement IsConstructor (ES6 section 7.2.5) var array = %IsConstructor(constructor) ? new constructor(length) : []; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { AddArrayElement(constructor, array, i, %_Arguments(i)); } array.length = length; return array; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- %FunctionSetLength(ArrayCopyWithin, 2); %FunctionSetLength(ArrayFrom, 1); %FunctionSetLength(ArrayFill, 1); %FunctionSetLength(ArrayFind, 1); %FunctionSetLength(ArrayFindIndex, 1); // Set up non-enumerable functions on the Array object. utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalArray, DONT_ENUM, [ "from", ArrayFrom, "of", ArrayOf ]); // Set up the non-enumerable functions on the Array prototype object. utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalArray.prototype, DONT_ENUM, [ "copyWithin", ArrayCopyWithin, "find", ArrayFind, "findIndex", ArrayFindIndex, "fill", ArrayFill ]); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exports utils.Export(function(to) { to.ArrayFrom = ArrayFrom; to.InnerArrayCopyWithin = InnerArrayCopyWithin; to.InnerArrayFill = InnerArrayFill; to.InnerArrayFind = InnerArrayFind; to.InnerArrayFindIndex = InnerArrayFindIndex; }); })