'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); common.skipIfInspectorDisabled(); const assert = require('assert'); const helper = require('./inspector-helper.js'); const os = require('os'); const ip = pickIPv4Address(); if (!ip) { common.skip('No IP address found'); return; } function checkListResponse(instance, err, response) { assert.ifError(err); const res = response[0]; const wsUrl = res['webSocketDebuggerUrl']; assert.ok(wsUrl); const match = wsUrl.match(/^ws:\/\/(.*):9229\/(.*)/); assert.strictEqual(ip, match[1]); assert.strictEqual(res['id'], match[2]); assert.strictEqual(ip, res['devtoolsFrontendUrl'].match(/.*ws=(.*):9229/)[1]); instance.childInstanceDone = true; } function checkError(instance, error) { // Some OSes will not allow us to connect if (error.code === 'EHOSTUNREACH') { common.skip('Unable to connect to self'); } else { throw error; } instance.childInstanceDone = true; } function runTests(instance) { instance .testHttpResponse(ip, '/json/list', checkListResponse.bind(null, instance), checkError.bind(null, instance)) .kill(); } function pickIPv4Address() { for (const i of [].concat(...Object.values(os.networkInterfaces()))) { if (i.family === 'IPv4' && i.address !== '') return i.address; } } helper.startNodeForInspectorTest(runTests, '--inspect-brk=');