// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. var util = require('util'), path = require('path'), net = require('net'), vm = require('vm'), repl = require('repl'), inherits = util.inherits, spawn = require('child_process').spawn; exports.start = function(argv, stdin, stdout) { argv || (argv = process.argv.slice(2)); if (argv.length < 1) { console.error('Usage: node debug script.js'); process.exit(1); } // Setup input/output streams stdin = stdin || process.openStdin(); stdout = stdout || process.stdout; var args = ['--debug-brk'].concat(argv), interface = new Interface(stdin, stdout, args); stdin.resume(); process.on('uncaughtException', function(e) { console.error("There was an internal error in Node's debugger. " + 'Please report this bug.'); console.error(e.message); console.error(e.stack); if (interface.child) interface.child.kill(); process.exit(1); }); }; exports.port = 5858; // // Parser/Serializer for V8 debugger protocol // http://code.google.com/p/v8/wiki/DebuggerProtocol // // Usage: // p = new Protocol(); // // p.onResponse = function(res) { // // do stuff with response from V8 // }; // // socket.setEncoding('utf8'); // socket.on('data', function(s) { // // Pass strings into the protocol // p.execute(s); // }); // // function Protocol() { this._newRes(); } exports.Protocol = Protocol; Protocol.prototype._newRes = function(raw) { this.res = { raw: raw || '', headers: {} }; this.state = 'headers'; this.reqSeq = 1; this.execute(''); }; Protocol.prototype.execute = function(d) { var res = this.res; res.raw += d; switch (this.state) { case 'headers': var endHeaderIndex = res.raw.indexOf('\r\n\r\n'); if (endHeaderIndex < 0) break; var rawHeader = res.raw.slice(0, endHeaderIndex); var endHeaderByteIndex = Buffer.byteLength(rawHeader, 'utf8'); var lines = rawHeader.split('\r\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var kv = lines[i].split(/: +/); res.headers[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } this.contentLength = +res.headers['Content-Length']; this.bodyStartByteIndex = endHeaderByteIndex + 4; this.state = 'body'; var len = Buffer.byteLength(res.raw, 'utf8'); if (len - this.bodyStartByteIndex < this.contentLength) { break; } // pass thru case 'body': var resRawByteLength = Buffer.byteLength(res.raw, 'utf8'); if (resRawByteLength - this.bodyStartByteIndex >= this.contentLength) { var buf = new Buffer(resRawByteLength); buf.write(res.raw, 0, resRawByteLength, 'utf8'); res.body = buf.slice(this.bodyStartByteIndex, this.bodyStartByteIndex + this.contentLength).toString('utf8'); // JSON parse body? res.body = res.body.length ? JSON.parse(res.body) : {}; // Done! this.onResponse(res); this._newRes(buf.slice(this.bodyStartByteIndex + this.contentLength).toString('utf8')); } break; default: throw new Error('Unknown state'); break; } }; Protocol.prototype.serialize = function(req) { req.type = 'request'; req.seq = this.reqSeq++; var json = JSON.stringify(req); return 'Content-Length: ' + Buffer.byteLength(json, 'utf8') + '\r\n\r\n' + json; }; var NO_FRAME = -1; function Client() { net.Stream.call(this); var protocol = this.protocol = new Protocol(this); this._reqCallbacks = []; var socket = this; this.currentFrame = NO_FRAME; this.currentSourceLine = -1; this.currentSource = null; this.handles = {}; this.scripts = {}; this.breakpoints = []; // Note that 'Protocol' requires strings instead of Buffers. socket.setEncoding('utf8'); socket.on('data', function(d) { protocol.execute(d); }); protocol.onResponse = this._onResponse.bind(this); } inherits(Client, net.Stream); exports.Client = Client; Client.prototype._addHandle = function(desc) { if (typeof desc != 'object' || typeof desc.handle != 'number') { return; } this.handles[desc.handle] = desc; if (desc.type == 'script') { this._addScript(desc); } }; var natives = process.binding('natives'); Client.prototype._addScript = function(desc) { this.scripts[desc.id] = desc; if (desc.name) { desc.isNative = (desc.name.replace('.js', '') in natives) || desc.name == 'node.js'; } }; Client.prototype._removeScript = function(desc) { this.scripts[desc.id] = undefined; }; Client.prototype._onResponse = function(res) { var cb, index = -1; this._reqCallbacks.some(function(fn, i) { if (fn.request_seq == res.body.request_seq) { cb = fn; index = i; return true; } }); var self = this; var handled = false; if (res.headers.Type == 'connect') { // Request a list of scripts for our own storage. self.reqScripts(); self.emit('ready'); handled = true; } else if (res.body && res.body.event == 'break') { this.emit('break', res.body); handled = true; } else if (res.body && res.body.event == 'exception') { this.emit('exception', res.body); handled = true; } else if (res.body && res.body.event == 'afterCompile') { this._addHandle(res.body.body.script); handled = true; } else if (res.body && res.body.event == 'scriptCollected') { // ??? this._removeScript(res.body.body.script); handled = true; } if (cb) { this._reqCallbacks.splice(index, 1); handled = true; var err = res.success === false && (res.message || true) || res.body.success === false && (res.body.message || true); cb(err, res.body && res.body.body || res.body, res); } if (!handled) this.emit('unhandledResponse', res.body); }; Client.prototype.req = function(req, cb) { this.write(this.protocol.serialize(req)); cb.request_seq = req.seq; this._reqCallbacks.push(cb); }; Client.prototype.reqVersion = function(cb) { cb = cb || function() {}; this.req({ command: 'version' } , function(err, body, res) { if (err) return cb(err); cb(null, res.body.body.V8Version, res.body.running); }); }; Client.prototype.reqLookup = function(refs, cb) { var self = this; // TODO: We have a cache of handle's we've already seen in this.handles // This can be used if we're careful. var req = { command: 'lookup', arguments: { handles: refs } }; cb = cb || function() {}; this.req(req, function(err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); for (var ref in res) { if (typeof res[ref] == 'object') { self._addHandle(res[ref]); } } cb(null, res); }); }; Client.prototype.reqScopes = function(cb) { var self = this, req = { command: 'scopes', arguments: {} }; cb = cb || function() {}; this.req(req, function(err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); var refs = res.scopes.map(function(scope) { return scope.object.ref; }); self.reqLookup(refs, function(err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); var globals = Object.keys(res).map(function(key) { return res[key].properties.map(function(prop) { return prop.name; }); }); cb(null, globals.reverse()); }); }); }; // This is like reqEval, except it will look up the expression in each of the // scopes associated with the current frame. Client.prototype.reqEval = function(expression, cb) { var self = this; if (this.currentFrame == NO_FRAME) { // Only need to eval in global scope. this.reqFrameEval(expression, NO_FRAME, cb); return; } cb = cb || function() {}; // Otherwise we need to get the current frame to see which scopes it has. this.reqBacktrace(function(err, bt) { if (err || !bt.frames) { // ?? return cb(null, {}); } var frame = bt.frames[self.currentFrame]; var evalFrames = frame.scopes.map(function(s) { if (!s) return; var x = bt.frames[s.index]; if (!x) return; return x.index; }); self._reqFramesEval(expression, evalFrames, cb); }); }; // Finds the first scope in the array in which the epxression evals. Client.prototype._reqFramesEval = function(expression, evalFrames, cb) { if (evalFrames.length == 0) { // Just eval in global scope. this.reqFrameEval(expression, NO_FRAME, cb); return; } var self = this; var i = evalFrames.shift(); cb = cb || function() {}; this.reqFrameEval(expression, i, function(err, res) { if (!err) return cb(null, res); self._reqFramesEval(expression, evalFrames, cb); }); }; Client.prototype.reqFrameEval = function(expression, frame, cb) { var self = this; var req = { command: 'evaluate', arguments: { expression: expression } }; if (frame == NO_FRAME) { req.arguments.global = true; } else { req.arguments.frame = frame; } cb = cb || function() {}; this.req(req, function(err, res) { if (!err) self._addHandle(res); cb(err, res); }); }; // reqBacktrace(cb) // TODO: from, to, bottom Client.prototype.reqBacktrace = function(cb) { this.req({ command: 'backtrace', arguments: { inlineRefs: true } } , cb); }; // reqSetExceptionBreak(type, cb) // TODO: from, to, bottom Client.prototype.reqSetExceptionBreak = function(type, cb) { this.req({ command: 'setexceptionbreak', arguments: { type: type, enabled: true } }, cb); }; // Returns an array of objects like this: // // { handle: 11, // type: 'script', // name: 'node.js', // id: 14, // lineOffset: 0, // columnOffset: 0, // lineCount: 562, // sourceStart: '(function(process) {\n\n ', // sourceLength: 15939, // scriptType: 2, // compilationType: 0, // context: { ref: 10 }, // text: 'node.js (lines: 562)' } // Client.prototype.reqScripts = function(cb) { var self = this; cb = cb || function() {}; this.req({ command: 'scripts' } , function(err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { self._addHandle(res[i]); } cb(null); }); }; Client.prototype.reqContinue = function(cb) { this.currentFrame = NO_FRAME; this.req({ command: 'continue' }, cb); }; Client.prototype.listbreakpoints = function(cb) { this.req({ command: 'listbreakpoints' }, cb); }; Client.prototype.setBreakpoint = function(req, cb) { req = { command: 'setbreakpoint', arguments: req }; this.req(req, cb); }; Client.prototype.clearBreakpoint = function(req, cb) { var req = { command: 'clearbreakpoint', arguments: req }; this.req(req, cb); }; Client.prototype.reqSource = function(from, to, cb) { var req = { command: 'source', fromLine: from, toLine: to }; this.req(req, cb); }; // client.next(1, cb); Client.prototype.step = function(action, count, cb) { var req = { command: 'continue', arguments: { stepaction: action, stepcount: count } }; this.currentFrame = NO_FRAME; this.req(req, cb); }; Client.prototype.mirrorObject = function(handle, depth, cb) { var self = this; var val; if (handle.type === 'object') { // The handle looks something like this: // { handle: 8, // type: 'object', // className: 'Object', // constructorFunction: { ref: 9 }, // protoObject: { ref: 4 }, // prototypeObject: { ref: 2 }, // properties: [ { name: 'hello', propertyType: 1, ref: 10 } ], // text: '#' } // For now ignore the className and constructor and prototype. // TJ's method of object inspection would probably be good for this: // https://groups.google.com/forum/?pli=1#!topic/nodejs-dev/4gkWBOimiOg var propertyRefs = handle.properties.map(function(p) { return p.ref; }); cb = cb || function() {}; this.reqLookup(propertyRefs, function(err, res) { if (err) { console.error('problem with reqLookup'); cb(null, handle); return; } var mirror, waiting = 1; if (handle.className == 'Array') { mirror = []; } else { mirror = {}; } var keyValues = []; handle.properties.forEach(function(prop, i) { var value = res[prop.ref]; var mirrorValue; if (value) { mirrorValue = value.value ? value.value : value.text; } else { mirrorValue = '[?]'; } if (Array.isArray(mirror) && typeof prop.name != 'number') { // Skip the 'length' property. return; } keyValues[i] = { name: prop.name, value: mirrorValue }; if (value && value.handle && depth > 0) { waiting++; self.mirrorObject(value, depth - 1, function(err, result) { if (!err) keyValues[i].value = result; waitForOthers(); }); } }); waitForOthers(); function waitForOthers() { if (--waiting === 0 && cb) { keyValues.forEach(function(kv) { mirror[kv.name] = kv.value; }); cb(null, mirror); } }; }); return; } else if (handle.type === 'function') { val = function() {}; } else if (handle.type === 'null') { val = null; } else if (handle.value !== undefined) { val = handle.value; } else if (handle.type === 'undefined') { val = undefined; } else { val = handle; } process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, val); }); }; Client.prototype.fullTrace = function(cb) { var self = this; cb = cb || function() {}; this.reqBacktrace(function(err, trace) { if (err) return cb(err); if (trace.totalFrames <= 0) return cb(Error('No frames')); var refs = []; for (var i = 0; i < trace.frames.length; i++) { var frame = trace.frames[i]; // looks like this: // { type: 'frame', // index: 0, // receiver: { ref: 1 }, // func: { ref: 0 }, // script: { ref: 7 }, // constructCall: false, // atReturn: false, // debuggerFrame: false, // arguments: [], // locals: [], // position: 160, // line: 7, // column: 2, // sourceLineText: ' debugger;', // scopes: [ { type: 1, index: 0 }, { type: 0, index: 1 } ], // text: '#00 blah() /home/ryan/projects/node/test-debug.js l...' } refs.push(frame.script.ref); refs.push(frame.func.ref); refs.push(frame.receiver.ref); } self.reqLookup(refs, function(err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); for (var i = 0; i < trace.frames.length; i++) { var frame = trace.frames[i]; frame.script = res[frame.script.ref]; frame.func = res[frame.func.ref]; frame.receiver = res[frame.receiver.ref]; } cb(null, trace); }); }); }; var commands = [ [ 'run (r)', 'cont (c)', 'next (n)', 'step (s)', 'out (o)', 'backtrace (bt)', 'setBreakpoint (sb)', 'clearBreakpoint (cb)' ], [ 'watch', 'unwatch', 'watchers', 'repl', 'restart', 'kill', 'list', 'scripts', 'breakpoints', 'version' ] ]; var helpMessage = 'Commands: ' + commands.map(function(group) { return group.join(', '); }).join(',\n'); function SourceUnderline(sourceText, position, tty) { if (!sourceText) return ''; var head = sourceText.slice(0, position), tail = sourceText.slice(position); // Colourize char if stdout supports colours if (tty && !repl.disableColors) { tail = tail.replace(/(.+?)([^\w]|$)/, '\033[32m$1\033[39m$2'); } // Return source line with coloured char at `position` return [ head, tail ].join(''); } function SourceInfo(body) { var result = body.exception ? 'exception in ' : 'break in '; if (body.script) { if (body.script.name) { var name = body.script.name, dir = path.resolve() + '/'; // Change path to relative, if possible if (name.indexOf(dir) === 0) { name = name.slice(dir.length); } result += name; } else { result += '[unnamed]'; } } result += ':'; result += body.sourceLine + 1; if (body.exception) result += '\n' + body.exception.text; return result; } // This class is the repl-enabled debugger interface which is invoked on // "node debug" function Interface(stdin, stdout, args) { var self = this, child; this.stdin = stdin; this.stdout = stdout; this.args = args; var streams = { stdin: stdin, stdout: stdout }; // Two eval modes are available: controlEval and debugEval // But controlEval is used by default this.repl = new repl.REPLServer('debug> ', streams, this.controlEval.bind(this), false, true); // Kill child process when main process dies process.on('exit', function() { self.killChild(); }); var proto = Interface.prototype, ignored = ['pause', 'resume', 'exitRepl', 'handleBreak', 'requireConnection', 'killChild', 'trySpawn', 'controlEval', 'debugEval', 'print', 'childPrint', 'clearline'], shortcut = { 'run': 'r', 'cont': 'c', 'next': 'n', 'step': 's', 'out': 'o', 'backtrace': 'bt', 'setBreakpoint': 'sb', 'clearBreakpoint': 'cb', 'pause_': 'pause' }; function defineProperty(key, protoKey) { // Check arity var fn = proto[protoKey].bind(self); if (proto[protoKey].length === 0) { Object.defineProperty(self.repl.context, key, { get: fn, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); } else { self.repl.context[key] = fn; } }; // Copy all prototype methods in repl context // Setup them as getters if possible for (var i in proto) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(proto, i) && ignored.indexOf(i) === -1) { defineProperty(i, i); if (shortcut[i]) defineProperty(shortcut[i], i); } } this.killed = false; this.waiting = null; this.paused = 0; this.context = this.repl.context; this.history = { debug: [], control: [] }; this.breakpoints = []; this._watchers = []; // Run script automatically this.pause(); // XXX Need to figure out why we need this delay setTimeout(function() { self.run(function() { self.resume(); }); }, 10); } // Stream control Interface.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.killed || this.paused++ > 0) return false; this.repl.rli.pause(); this.stdin.pause(); }; Interface.prototype.resume = function(silent) { if (this.killed || this.paused === 0 || --this.paused !== 0) return false; this.repl.rli.resume(); if (silent !== true) { this.repl.displayPrompt(); } this.stdin.resume(); if (this.waiting) { this.waiting(); this.waiting = null; } }; // Clear current line Interface.prototype.clearline = function() { if (this.stdout.isTTY) { this.stdout.cursorTo(0); this.stdout.clearLine(1); } else { this.stdout.write('\b'); } }; // Print text to output stream Interface.prototype.print = function(text, oneline) { if (this.killed) return; this.clearline(); this.stdout.write(typeof text === 'string' ? text : util.inspect(text)); if (oneline !== true) { this.stdout.write('\n'); } }; // Format and print text from child process Interface.prototype.childPrint = function(text) { this.print(text.toString().split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g).filter(function(chunk) { return chunk; }).map(function(chunk) { return '< ' + chunk; }).join('\n')); this.repl.displayPrompt(true); }; // Errors formatting Interface.prototype.error = function(text) { this.print(text); this.resume(); }; // Debugger's `break` event handler Interface.prototype.handleBreak = function(r) { var self = this; this.pause(); // Save execution context's data this.client.currentSourceLine = r.sourceLine; this.client.currentSourceLineText = r.sourceLineText; this.client.currentSourceColumn = r.sourceColumn; this.client.currentFrame = 0; this.client.currentScript = r.script && r.script.name; // Print break data this.print(SourceInfo(r)); // Show watchers' values this.watchers(true, function(err) { if (err) return self.error(err); // And list source self.list(2); self.resume(true); }); }; // Internal method for checking connection state Interface.prototype.requireConnection = function() { if (!this.client) { this.error('App isn\'t running... Try `run` instead'); return false; } return true; }; // Evals // Used for debugger's commands evaluation and execution Interface.prototype.controlEval = function(code, context, filename, callback) { try { // Repeat last command if empty line are going to be evaluated if (this.repl.rli.history && this.repl.rli.history.length > 0) { if (code === '(undefined\n)') { code = '(' + this.repl.rli.history[0] + '\n)'; } } var result = vm.runInContext(code, context, filename); // Repl should not ask for next command // if current one was asynchronous. if (this.paused === 0) return callback(null, result); // Add a callback for asynchronous command // (it will be automatically invoked by .resume() method this.waiting = function() { callback(null, result); }; } catch (e) { callback(e); } }; // Used for debugger's remote evaluation (`repl`) commands Interface.prototype.debugEval = function(code, context, filename, callback) { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this, client = this.client; // Repl asked for scope variables if (code === '.scope') { client.reqScopes(callback); return; } var frame = client.currentFrame === NO_FRAME ? frame : undefined; self.pause(); // Request remote evaluation globally or in current frame client.reqFrameEval(code, frame, function(err, res) { if (err) { callback(err); self.resume(true); return; } // Request object by handles (and it's sub-properties) client.mirrorObject(res, 3, function(err, mirror) { callback(null, mirror); self.resume(true); }); }); }; // Utils // Returns number of digits (+1) function intChars(n) { // TODO dumb: if (n < 50) { return 3; } else if (n < 950) { return 4; } else if (n < 9950) { return 5; } else { return 6; } } // Adds spaces and prefix to number function leftPad(n, prefix) { var s = n.toString(), nchars = intChars(n), nspaces = nchars - s.length - 1; prefix || (prefix = ' '); for (var i = 0; i < nspaces; i++) { prefix += ' '; } return prefix + s; } // Commands // Print help message Interface.prototype.help = function() { this.print(helpMessage); }; // Run script Interface.prototype.run = function() { var callback = arguments[0]; if (this.child) { this.error('App is already running... Try `restart` instead'); callback && callback(true); } else { this.trySpawn(callback); } }; // Restart script Interface.prototype.restart = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this; self.pause(); self.killChild(); // XXX need to wait a little bit for the restart to work? setTimeout(function() { self.trySpawn(); self.resume(); }, 1000); }; // Print version Interface.prototype.version = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this; this.pause(); this.client.reqVersion(function(err, v) { if (err) { self.error(err); } else { self.print(v); } self.resume(); }); }; // List source code Interface.prototype.list = function(delta) { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; delta || (delta = 5); var self = this, client = this.client, from = client.currentSourceLine - delta + 1, to = client.currentSourceLine + delta + 1; self.pause(); client.reqSource(from, to, function(err, res) { if (err || !res) { self.error('You can\'t list source code right now'); self.resume(); return; } var lines = res.source.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var lineno = res.fromLine + i + 1; if (lineno < from || lineno > to) continue; var current = lineno == 1 + client.currentSourceLine, breakpoint = client.breakpoints.some(function(bp) { return bp.script === client.currentScript && bp.line == lineno; }); if (lineno == 1) { // The first line needs to have the module wrapper filtered out of // it. var wrapper = require('module').wrapper[0]; lines[i] = lines[i].slice(wrapper.length); client.currentSourceColumn -= wrapper.length; } // Highlight executing statement var line; if (current) { line = SourceUnderline(lines[i], client.currentSourceColumn, self.stdout.isTTY); } else { line = lines[i]; } self.print(leftPad(lineno, breakpoint && '*') + ' ' + line); } self.resume(); }); }; // Print backtrace Interface.prototype.backtrace = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this, client = this.client; self.pause(); client.fullTrace(function(err, bt) { if (err) { self.error('Can\'t request backtrace now'); self.resume(); return; } if (bt.totalFrames == 0) { self.print('(empty stack)'); } else { var trace = [], firstFrameNative = bt.frames[0].script.isNative; for (var i = 0; i < bt.frames.length; i++) { var frame = bt.frames[i]; if (!firstFrameNative && frame.script.isNative) break; var text = '#' + i + ' '; if (frame.func.inferredName && frame.func.inferredName.length > 0) { text += frame.func.inferredName + ' '; } text += path.basename(frame.script.name) + ':'; text += (frame.line + 1) + ':' + (frame.column + 1); trace.push(text); } self.print(trace.join('\n')); } self.resume(); }); }; // First argument tells if it should display internal node scripts or not // (available only for internal debugger's functions) Interface.prototype.scripts = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var client = this.client, displayNatives = arguments[0] || false, scripts = []; this.pause(); for (var id in client.scripts) { var script = client.scripts[id]; if (typeof script == 'object' && script.name) { if (displayNatives || script.name == client.currentScript || !script.isNative) { scripts.push( (script.name == client.currentScript ? '* ' : ' ') + id + ': ' + path.basename(script.name) ); } } } this.print(scripts.join('\n')); this.resume(); }; // Continue execution of script Interface.prototype.cont = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; this.pause(); var self = this; this.client.reqContinue(function(err) { if (err) self.error(err); self.resume(); }); }; // Step commands generator Interface.stepGenerator = function(type, count) { return function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this; self.pause(); self.client.step(type, count, function(err, res) { if (err) self.error(err); self.resume(); }); }; }; // Jump to next command Interface.prototype.next = Interface.stepGenerator('next', 1); // Step in Interface.prototype.step = Interface.stepGenerator('in', 1); // Step out Interface.prototype.out = Interface.stepGenerator('out', 1); // Watch Interface.prototype.watch = function(expr) { this._watchers.push(expr); }; // Unwatch Interface.prototype.unwatch = function(expr) { var index = this._watchers.indexOf(expr); // Unwatch by expression // or // Unwatch by watcher number this._watchers.splice(index !== -1 ? index : +expr, 1); }; // List watchers Interface.prototype.watchers = function() { var self = this, verbose = arguments[0] || false, callback = arguments[1] || function() {}, waiting = this._watchers.length, values = []; this.pause(); if (!waiting) { this.resume(); return callback(); } this._watchers.forEach(function(watcher, i) { self.debugEval(watcher, null, null, function(err, value) { values[i] = err ? '' : value; wait(); }); }); function wait() { if (--waiting === 0) { if (verbose) self.print('Watchers:'); self._watchers.forEach(function(watcher, i) { self.print(leftPad(i, ' ') + ': ' + watcher + ' = ' + JSON.stringify(values[i])); }); if (verbose) self.print(''); self.resume(); callback(null); } } }; // Add breakpoint Interface.prototype.setBreakpoint = function(script, line, condition, silent) { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this, scriptId, ambiguous; // setBreakpoint() should insert breakpoint on current line if (script === undefined) { script = this.client.currentScript; line = this.client.currentSourceLine + 1; } // setBreakpoint(line-number) should insert breakpoint in current script if (line === undefined && typeof script === 'number') { line = script; script = this.client.currentScript; } if (/\(\)$/.test(script)) { // setBreakpoint('functionname()'); var req = { type: 'function', target: script.replace(/\(\)$/, ''), condition: condition }; } else { // setBreakpoint('scriptname') if (script != +script && !this.client.scripts[script]) { var scripts = this.client.scripts; Object.keys(scripts).forEach(function(id) { if (scripts[id] && scripts[id].name.indexOf(script) !== -1) { if (scriptId) { ambiguous = true; } scriptId = id; } }); } else { scriptId = script; } if (!scriptId) return this.error('Script : ' + script + ' not found'); if (ambiguous) return this.error('Script name is ambiguous'); if (line <= 0) return this.error('Line should be a positive value'); var req = { type: 'scriptId', target: scriptId, line: line - 1, condition: condition }; } self.pause(); self.client.setBreakpoint(req, function(err, res) { if (err) { if (!silent) { self.error(err); } } else { if (!silent) { self.list(5); } // Try load scriptId and line from response if (!scriptId) { scriptId = res.script_id; line = res.line; } // If we finally have one - remember this breakpoint if (scriptId) { self.client.breakpoints.push({ id: res.breakpoint, scriptId: scriptId, script: (self.client.scripts[scriptId] || {}).name, line: line, condition: condition }); } } self.resume(); }); }; // Clear breakpoint Interface.prototype.clearBreakpoint = function(script, line) { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var ambiguous, breakpoint, index; this.client.breakpoints.some(function(bp, i) { if (bp.scriptId === script || bp.script.indexOf(script) !== -1) { if (index !== undefined) { ambiguous = true; } if (bp.line === line) { index = i; breakpoint = bp.id; return true; } } }); if (ambiguous) return this.error('Script name is ambiguous'); if (breakpoint === undefined) { return this.error('Script : ' + script + ' not found'); } var self = this, req = { breakpoint: breakpoint }; self.pause(); self.client.clearBreakpoint(req, function(err, res) { if (err) { self.error(err); } else { self.client.breakpoints.splice(index, 1); self.list(5); } self.resume(); }); }; // Show breakpoints Interface.prototype.breakpoints = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; this.pause(); var self = this; this.client.listbreakpoints(function(err, res) { if (err) { self.error(err); } else { self.print(res); self.resume(); } }); }; // Pause child process Interface.prototype.pause_ = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this, cmd = 'process._debugPause();'; this.pause(); this.client.reqFrameEval(cmd, NO_FRAME, function(err, res) { if (err) { self.error(err); } else { self.resume(); } }); }; // Kill child process Interface.prototype.kill = function() { if (!this.child) return; this.killChild(); }; // Activate debug repl Interface.prototype.repl = function() { if (!this.requireConnection()) return; var self = this; self.print('Press Ctrl + C to leave debug repl'); // Don't display any default messages var listeners = this.repl.rli.listeners('SIGINT'); this.repl.rli.removeAllListeners('SIGINT'); // Exit debug repl on Ctrl + C this.repl.rli.once('SIGINT', function() { // Restore all listeners process.nextTick(function() { listeners.forEach(function(listener) { self.repl.rli.on('SIGINT', listener); }); }); // Exit debug repl self.exitRepl(); }); // Set new this.repl.eval = this.debugEval.bind(this); this.repl.context = {}; // Swap history this.history.control = this.repl.rli.history; this.repl.rli.history = this.history.debug; this.repl.prompt = '> '; this.repl.rli.setPrompt('> '); this.repl.displayPrompt(); }; // Exit debug repl Interface.prototype.exitRepl = function() { // Restore eval this.repl.eval = this.controlEval.bind(this); // Swap history this.history.debug = this.repl.rli.history; this.repl.rli.history = this.history.control; this.repl.context = this.context; this.repl.prompt = 'debug> '; this.repl.rli.setPrompt('debug> '); this.repl.displayPrompt(); }; // Quit Interface.prototype.quit = function() { this.killChild(); process.exit(0); }; // Kills child process Interface.prototype.killChild = function() { if (this.child) { this.child.kill(); this.child = null; } if (this.client) { // Save breakpoints this.breakpoints = this.client.breakpoints; this.client.destroy(); this.client = null; } }; // Spawns child process (and restores breakpoints) Interface.prototype.trySpawn = function(cb) { var self = this, breakpoints = this.breakpoints || [], port = exports.port, host = 'localhost'; this.killChild(); if (this.args.length === 2) { var match = this.args[1].match(/^([^:]+):(\d+)$/); if (match) { // Connecting to remote debugger // `node debug localhost:5858` host = match[1]; port = parseInt(match[2], 10); this.child = { kill: function() { // TODO Do we really need to handle it? } }; } } else if (this.args.length === 3) { // `node debug -p pid` if (this.args[1] === '-p' && /^\d+$/.test(this.args[2])) { this.child = { kill: function() { // TODO Do we really need to handle it? } }; process._debugProcess(parseInt(this.args[2], 10)); } else { var match = this.args[1].match(/^--port=(\d+)$/); if (match) { // Start debugger on custom port // `node debug --port=5858 app.js` port = parseInt(match[1], 10); this.args.splice(0, 2, '--debug-brk=' + port); } } } if (!this.child) { this.child = spawn(process.execPath, this.args); this.child.stdout.on('data', this.childPrint.bind(this)); this.child.stderr.on('data', this.childPrint.bind(this)); } this.pause(); var client = self.client = new Client(), connectionAttempts = 0; client.once('ready', function() { self.stdout.write(' ok\n'); // Restore breakpoints breakpoints.forEach(function(bp) { self.setBreakpoint(bp.scriptId, bp.line, bp.condition, true); }); // Break on exceptions client.reqSetExceptionBreak('all', function(err, res) { cb && cb(); self.resume(); }); client.on('close', function() { self.pause(); self.print('program terminated'); self.resume(); self.client = null; self.killChild(); }); }); client.on('unhandledResponse', function(res) { self.pause(); self.print('\nunhandled res:' + JSON.stringify(res)); self.resume(); }); client.on('break', function(res) { self.handleBreak(res.body); }); client.on('exception', function(res) { self.handleBreak(res.body); }); client.on('error', connectError); function connectError() { // If it's failed to connect 4 times then don't catch the next error if (connectionAttempts >= 10) { client.removeListener('error', connectError); } setTimeout(attemptConnect, 500); } function attemptConnect() { ++connectionAttempts; self.stdout.write('.'); client.connect(port, host); } setTimeout(function() { self.print('connecting..', true); attemptConnect(); }, 50); };