module.exports = publish var path = require("path") , url = require("url") , semver = require("semver") , crypto = require("crypto") , fs = require("fs") function publish (data, tarball, cb) { var email = this.conf.get('email') var auth = this.conf.get('_auth') var username = this.conf.get('username') if (!email || !auth || !username) { var er = new Error("auth and email required for publishing") er.code = 'ENEEDAUTH' return cb(er) } if ( !== encodeURIComponent( return cb(new Error('invalid name: must be lowercase and url-safe')) var ver = semver.clean(data.version) if (!ver) return cb(new Error('invalid semver: ' + data.version)) data.version = ver var self = this fs.stat(tarball, function(er, s) { if (er) return cb(er) fs.readFile(tarball, 'base64', function(er, tardata) { if (er) return cb(er), data, tardata, s, username, email, cb) }) }) } function putFirst (data, tardata, stat, username, email, cb) { // optimistically try to PUT all in one single atomic thing. // If 409, then GET and merge, try again. // If other error, then fail. var root = { _id : , name : , description : data.description , "dist-tags" : {} , versions : {} , readme: data.readme || "" , maintainers : [ { name : username , email : email } ] } root.versions[ data.version ] = data var tag = data.tag || this.conf.get('tag') || "latest" root["dist-tags"][tag] = data.version var registry = this.conf.get('registry') var tbName = + "-" + data.version + ".tgz" , tbURI = + "/-/" + tbName data._id ="@"+data.version data.dist = data.dist || {} data.dist.shasum = crypto.createHash("sha1").update(tardata).digest("hex") data.dist.tarball = url.resolve(registry, tbURI) .replace(/^https:\/\//, "http://") root._attachments = {} root._attachments[ tbName ] = { content_type: 'application/octet-stream', data: tardata, length: stat.size }; this.request("PUT",, root, function (er, parsed, json, res) { var r409 = "must supply latest _rev to update existing package" var r409b = "Document update conflict." var conflict = res && res.statusCode === 409 if (parsed && (parsed.reason === r409 || parsed.reason === r409b)) conflict = true // a 409 is typical here. GET the data and merge in. if (er && !conflict) { this.log.error("publish", "Failed PUT " +(res && res.statusCode)) return cb(er) } if (!er && !conflict) return cb(er, parsed, json, res) // let's see what versions are already published. this.request("GET",, function (er, current) { if (er) return cb(er), data.version, root, current, cb) }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)) } function putNext(newVersion, root, current, cb) { // already have the tardata on the root object // just merge in existing stuff // if the version already exists, and not a --force, then raise error var force = this.conf.get('force') var curVers = Object.keys(current.versions || {}).map(function (v) { return semver.clean(v, true) }) if (!force && curVers.indexOf(newVersion) !== -1) { return cb(conflictError( } current.versions[newVersion] = root.versions[newVersion] for (var i in root) { switch (i) { // objects that copy over the new stuffs case 'dist-tags': case 'versions': case '_attachments': for (var j in root[i]) current[i][j] = root[i][j] break // ignore these case 'maintainers': break; // copy default: current[i] = root[i] } } this.request("PUT",, current, cb) } function conflictError (pkgid) { var e = new Error("cannot modify existing version") e.code = "EPUBLISHCONFLICT" e.pkgid = pkgid return e }