var common = require('../common.js'); var assert = require('assert'); var domain = require('domain'); var disposalFailed = false; // no matter what happens, we should increment a 10 times. var a = 0; log(); function log(){ console.log(a++, process.domain); if (a < 10) setTimeout(log, 20); } var secondTimerRan = false; // in 50ms we'll throw an error. setTimeout(err, 50); setTimeout(secondTimer, 50); function err(){ var d = domain.create(); d.on('error', handle);; function err2() { // this timeout should never be called, since the domain gets // disposed when the error happens. setTimeout(function() { console.error('This should not happen.'); disposalFailed = true; process.exit(1); }); // this function doesn't exist, and throws an error as a result. err3(); } function handle(e) { // this should clean up everything properly. d.dispose(); console.error(e); console.error('in handler', process.domain, process.domain === d); } } function secondTimer() { console.log('In second timer'); secondTimerRan = true; } process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(a, 10); assert.equal(disposalFailed, false); assert(secondTimerRan); console.log('ok'); });