o = p a with spaces = b c ; wrap in quotes to JSON-decode and preserve spaces " xa n p " = "\"\r\nyoyoyo\r\r\n" ; wrap in quotes to get a key with a bracket, not a section. "[disturbing]" = hey you never know ; Test arrays zr[] = deedee ar[] = one ar[] = three ; This should be included in the array ar = this is included ; Test resetting of a value (and not turn it into an array) br = cold br = warm ; a section [a] av = a val e = { o: p, a: { av: a val, b: { c: { e: "this [value]" } } } } j = "{ o: "p", a: { av: "a val", b: { c: { e: "this [value]" } } } }" "[]" = a square? ; Nested array cr[] = four cr[] = eight ; nested child without middle parent ; should create otherwise-empty a.b [a.b.c] e = 1 j = 2 ; dots in the section name should be literally interpreted [x\.y\.z] x.y.z = xyz [x\.y\.z.a\.b\.c] a.b.c = abc ; this next one is not a comment! it's escaped! nocomment = this\; this is not a comment