'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const util = require('util'); const { connect, open, url } = process.binding('inspector'); if (!connect) throw new Error('Inspector is not available'); const connectionSymbol = Symbol('connectionProperty'); const messageCallbacksSymbol = Symbol('messageCallbacks'); const nextIdSymbol = Symbol('nextId'); const onMessageSymbol = Symbol('onMessage'); class Session extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this[connectionSymbol] = null; this[nextIdSymbol] = 1; this[messageCallbacksSymbol] = new Map(); } connect() { if (this[connectionSymbol]) throw new Error('Already connected'); this[connectionSymbol] = connect((message) => this[onMessageSymbol](message)); } [onMessageSymbol](message) { const parsed = JSON.parse(message); try { if (parsed.id) { const callback = this[messageCallbacksSymbol].get(parsed.id); this[messageCallbacksSymbol].delete(parsed.id); if (callback) callback(parsed.error || null, parsed.result || null); } else { this.emit(parsed.method, parsed); this.emit('inspectorNotification', parsed); } } catch (error) { process.emitWarning(error); } } post(method, params, callback) { if (typeof method !== 'string') { throw new TypeError( `"method" must be a string, got ${typeof method} instead`); } if (!callback && util.isFunction(params)) { callback = params; params = null; } if (params && typeof params !== 'object') { throw new TypeError( `"params" must be an object, got ${typeof params} instead`); } if (callback && typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError( `"callback" must be a function, got ${typeof callback} instead`); } if (!this[connectionSymbol]) { throw new Error('Session is not connected'); } const id = this[nextIdSymbol]++; const message = { id, method }; if (params) { message['params'] = params; } if (callback) { this[messageCallbacksSymbol].set(id, callback); } this[connectionSymbol].dispatch(JSON.stringify(message)); } disconnect() { if (!this[connectionSymbol]) return; this[connectionSymbol].disconnect(); this[connectionSymbol] = null; const remainingCallbacks = this[messageCallbacksSymbol].values(); for (const callback of remainingCallbacks) { process.nextTick(callback, new Error('Session was closed')); } this[messageCallbacksSymbol].clear(); this[nextIdSymbol] = 1; } } module.exports = { open: (port, host, wait) => open(port, host, !!wait), close: process._debugEnd, url: url, Session };