'use strict'; var _lazyConstants = null; function lazyConstants() { if (!_lazyConstants) { _lazyConstants = process.binding('constants').os.signals; } return _lazyConstants; } exports.setup_cpuUsage = setup_cpuUsage; exports.setup_hrtime = setup_hrtime; exports.setupConfig = setupConfig; exports.setupKillAndExit = setupKillAndExit; exports.setupSignalHandlers = setupSignalHandlers; exports.setupChannel = setupChannel; exports.setupRawDebug = setupRawDebug; const assert = process.assert = function(x, msg) { if (!x) throw new Error(msg || 'assertion error'); }; // Set up the process.cpuUsage() function. function setup_cpuUsage() { // Get the native function, which will be replaced with a JS version. const _cpuUsage = process.cpuUsage; // Create the argument array that will be passed to the native function. const cpuValues = new Float64Array(2); // Replace the native function with the JS version that calls the native // function. process.cpuUsage = function cpuUsage(prevValue) { // If a previous value was passed in, ensure it has the correct shape. if (prevValue) { if (!previousValueIsValid(prevValue.user)) { throw new TypeError('value of user property of argument is invalid'); } if (!previousValueIsValid(prevValue.system)) { throw new TypeError('value of system property of argument is invalid'); } } // Call the native function to get the current values. const errmsg = _cpuUsage(cpuValues); if (errmsg) { throw new Error('unable to obtain CPU usage: ' + errmsg); } // If a previous value was passed in, return diff of current from previous. if (prevValue) return { user: cpuValues[0] - prevValue.user, system: cpuValues[1] - prevValue.system }; // If no previous value passed in, return current value. return { user: cpuValues[0], system: cpuValues[1] }; // Ensure that a previously passed in value is valid. Currently, the native // implementation always returns numbers <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. function previousValueIsValid(num) { return Number.isFinite(num) && num <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && num >= 0; } }; } // The 3 entries filled in by the original process.hrtime contains // the upper/lower 32 bits of the second part of the value, // and the renamining nanoseconds of the value. function setup_hrtime() { const _hrtime = process.hrtime; const hrValues = new Uint32Array(3); process.hrtime = function hrtime(time) { _hrtime(hrValues); if (time !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(time) && time.length === 2) { const sec = (hrValues[0] * 0x100000000 + hrValues[1]) - time[0]; const nsec = hrValues[2] - time[1]; const needsBorrow = nsec < 0; return [needsBorrow ? sec - 1 : sec, needsBorrow ? nsec + 1e9 : nsec]; } throw new TypeError('process.hrtime() only accepts an Array tuple'); } return [ hrValues[0] * 0x100000000 + hrValues[1], hrValues[2] ]; }; } function setupConfig(_source) { // NativeModule._source // used for `process.config`, but not a real module var config = _source.config; delete _source.config; // strip the gyp comment line at the beginning config = config.split('\n') .slice(1) .join('\n') .replace(/"/g, '\\"') .replace(/'/g, '"'); process.config = JSON.parse(config, function(key, value) { if (value === 'true') return true; if (value === 'false') return false; return value; }); const processConfig = process.binding('config'); if (typeof Intl !== 'undefined' && Intl.hasOwnProperty('v8BreakIterator')) { const oldV8BreakIterator = Intl.v8BreakIterator; const des = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl, 'v8BreakIterator'); des.value = require('internal/util').deprecate(function v8BreakIterator() { if (processConfig.hasSmallICU && !processConfig.icuDataDir) { // Intl.v8BreakIterator() would crash w/ fatal error, so throw instead. throw new Error('v8BreakIterator: full ICU data not installed. ' + 'See https://github.com/nodejs/node/wiki/Intl'); } return Reflect.construct(oldV8BreakIterator, arguments); }, 'Intl.v8BreakIterator is deprecated and will be removed soon.', 'DEP0017'); Object.defineProperty(Intl, 'v8BreakIterator', des); } } function setupKillAndExit() { process.exit = function(code) { if (code || code === 0) process.exitCode = code; if (!process._exiting) { process._exiting = true; process.emit('exit', process.exitCode || 0); } process.reallyExit(process.exitCode || 0); }; process.kill = function(pid, sig) { var err; if (pid != (pid | 0)) { throw new TypeError('invalid pid'); } // preserve null signal if (0 === sig) { err = process._kill(pid, 0); } else { sig = sig || 'SIGTERM'; if (lazyConstants()[sig]) { err = process._kill(pid, lazyConstants()[sig]); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown signal: ${sig}`); } } if (err) { const errnoException = require('util')._errnoException; throw errnoException(err, 'kill'); } return true; }; } function setupSignalHandlers() { // Load events module in order to access prototype elements on process like // process.addListener. const signalWraps = {}; function isSignal(event) { return typeof event === 'string' && lazyConstants().hasOwnProperty(event); } // Detect presence of a listener for the special signal types process.on('newListener', function(type, listener) { if (isSignal(type) && !signalWraps.hasOwnProperty(type)) { const Signal = process.binding('signal_wrap').Signal; const wrap = new Signal(); wrap.unref(); wrap.onsignal = function() { process.emit(type); }; const signum = lazyConstants()[type]; const err = wrap.start(signum); if (err) { wrap.close(); const errnoException = require('util')._errnoException; throw errnoException(err, 'uv_signal_start'); } signalWraps[type] = wrap; } }); process.on('removeListener', function(type, listener) { if (signalWraps.hasOwnProperty(type) && this.listenerCount(type) === 0) { signalWraps[type].close(); delete signalWraps[type]; } }); } function setupChannel() { // If we were spawned with env NODE_CHANNEL_FD then load that up and // start parsing data from that stream. if (process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD) { const fd = parseInt(process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD, 10); assert(fd >= 0); // Make sure it's not accidentally inherited by child processes. delete process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD; const cp = require('child_process'); // Load tcp_wrap to avoid situation where we might immediately receive // a message. // FIXME is this really necessary? process.binding('tcp_wrap'); cp._forkChild(fd); assert(process.send); } } function setupRawDebug() { const format = require('util').format; const rawDebug = process._rawDebug; process._rawDebug = function() { rawDebug(format.apply(null, arguments)); }; }