'use strict' const BB = require('bluebird') const cacache = require('cacache') const extractStream = require('./lib/extract-stream') const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const pipe = BB.promisify(require('mississippi').pipe) const optCheck = require('./lib/util/opt-check') const retry = require('promise-retry') const rimraf = BB.promisify(require('rimraf')) module.exports = extract function extract (spec, dest, opts) { opts = optCheck(opts) spec = typeof spec === 'string' ? npa(spec, opts.where) : spec const startTime = Date.now() if (opts.integrity && opts.cache && !opts.preferOnline) { opts.log.silly('pacote', `trying ${spec} by hash: ${opts.integrity}`) return extractByDigest( startTime, spec, dest, opts ).catch(err => { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { opts.log.silly('pacote', `data for ${opts.integrity} not present. Using manifest.`) return extractByManifest(startTime, spec, dest, opts) } if (err.code === 'EINTEGRITY' || err.code === 'Z_DATA_ERROR') { opts.log.warn('pacote', `cached data for ${spec} (${opts.integrity}) seems to be corrupted. Refreshing cache.`) } return cleanUpCached( dest, opts.cache, opts.integrity, opts ).then(() => { return extractByManifest(startTime, spec, dest, opts) }) }) } else { opts.log.silly('pacote', 'no tarball hash provided for', spec.name, '- extracting by manifest') return retry((tryAgain, attemptNum) => { return extractByManifest( startTime, spec, dest, opts ).catch(err => { // Retry once if we have a cache, to clear up any weird conditions. // Don't retry network errors, though -- make-fetch-happen has already // taken care of making sure we're all set on that front. if (opts.cache && !err.code.match(/^E\d{3}$/)) { if (err.code === 'EINTEGRITY' || err.code === 'Z_DATA_ERROR') { opts.log.warn('pacote', `tarball data for ${spec} (${opts.integrity}) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.`) } return cleanUpCached( dest, opts.cache, err.sri, opts ).then(() => tryAgain(err)) } else { throw err } }) }, {retries: 1}) } } function extractByDigest (start, spec, dest, opts) { const xtractor = extractStream(dest, opts) const cached = cacache.get.stream.byDigest(opts.cache, opts.integrity, opts) return pipe(cached, xtractor).then(() => { opts.log.silly('pacote', `${spec} extracted to ${dest} by content address ${Date.now() - start}ms`) }) } let fetch function extractByManifest (start, spec, dest, opts) { const xtractor = extractStream(dest, opts) return BB.resolve(null).then(() => { if (!fetch) { fetch = require('./lib/fetch') } return pipe(fetch.tarball(spec, opts), xtractor) }).then(() => { opts.log.silly('pacote', `${spec} extracted in ${Date.now() - start}ms`) }) } function cleanUpCached (dest, cachePath, integrity, opts) { return BB.join( rimraf(dest), cacache.rm.content(cachePath, integrity, opts) ) }