#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import argparse import datetime import imp import json import os import re import subprocess import sys import textwrap import time import urllib2 from git_recipes import GitRecipesMixin from git_recipes import GitFailedException PERSISTFILE_BASENAME = "PERSISTFILE_BASENAME" BRANCHNAME = "BRANCHNAME" DOT_GIT_LOCATION = "DOT_GIT_LOCATION" VERSION_FILE = "VERSION_FILE" CHANGELOG_FILE = "CHANGELOG_FILE" CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE = "CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE" COMMITMSG_FILE = "COMMITMSG_FILE" PATCH_FILE = "PATCH_FILE" def TextToFile(text, file_name): with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write(text) def AppendToFile(text, file_name): with open(file_name, "a") as f: f.write(text) def LinesInFile(file_name): with open(file_name) as f: for line in f: yield line def FileToText(file_name): with open(file_name) as f: return f.read() def MSub(rexp, replacement, text): return re.sub(rexp, replacement, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) def Fill80(line): # Replace tabs and remove surrounding space. line = re.sub(r"\t", r" ", line.strip()) # Format with 8 characters indentation and line width 80. return textwrap.fill(line, width=80, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ") def MakeComment(text): return MSub(r"^( ?)", "#", text) def StripComments(text): # Use split not splitlines to keep terminal newlines. return "\n".join(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("#"), text.split("\n"))) def MakeChangeLogBody(commit_messages, auto_format=False): result = "" added_titles = set() for (title, body, author) in commit_messages: # TODO(machenbach): Better check for reverts. A revert should remove the # original CL from the actual log entry. title = title.strip() if auto_format: # Only add commits that set the LOG flag correctly. log_exp = r"^[ \t]*LOG[ \t]*=[ \t]*(?:(?:Y(?:ES)?)|TRUE)" if not re.search(log_exp, body, flags=re.I | re.M): continue # Never include reverts. if title.startswith("Revert "): continue # Don't include duplicates. if title in added_titles: continue # Add and format the commit's title and bug reference. Move dot to the end. added_titles.add(title) raw_title = re.sub(r"(\.|\?|!)$", "", title) bug_reference = MakeChangeLogBugReference(body) space = " " if bug_reference else "" result += "%s\n" % Fill80("%s%s%s." % (raw_title, space, bug_reference)) # Append the commit's author for reference if not in auto-format mode. if not auto_format: result += "%s\n" % Fill80("(%s)" % author.strip()) result += "\n" return result def MakeChangeLogBugReference(body): """Grep for "BUG=xxxx" lines in the commit message and convert them to "(issue xxxx)". """ crbugs = [] v8bugs = [] def AddIssues(text): ref = re.match(r"^BUG[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.+)$", text.strip()) if not ref: return for bug in ref.group(1).split(","): bug = bug.strip() match = re.match(r"^v8:(\d+)$", bug) if match: v8bugs.append(int(match.group(1))) else: match = re.match(r"^(?:chromium:)?(\d+)$", bug) if match: crbugs.append(int(match.group(1))) # Add issues to crbugs and v8bugs. map(AddIssues, body.splitlines()) # Filter duplicates, sort, stringify. crbugs = map(str, sorted(set(crbugs))) v8bugs = map(str, sorted(set(v8bugs))) bug_groups = [] def FormatIssues(prefix, bugs): if len(bugs) > 0: plural = "s" if len(bugs) > 1 else "" bug_groups.append("%sissue%s %s" % (prefix, plural, ", ".join(bugs))) FormatIssues("", v8bugs) FormatIssues("Chromium ", crbugs) if len(bug_groups) > 0: return "(%s)" % ", ".join(bug_groups) else: return "" # Some commands don't like the pipe, e.g. calling vi from within the script or # from subscripts like git cl upload. def Command(cmd, args="", prefix="", pipe=True): # TODO(machenbach): Use timeout. cmd_line = "%s %s %s" % (prefix, cmd, args) print "Command: %s" % cmd_line sys.stdout.flush() try: if pipe: return subprocess.check_output(cmd_line, shell=True) else: return subprocess.check_call(cmd_line, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None finally: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() # Wrapper for side effects. class SideEffectHandler(object): # pragma: no cover def Call(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): return fun(*args, **kwargs) def Command(self, cmd, args="", prefix="", pipe=True): return Command(cmd, args, prefix, pipe) def ReadLine(self): return sys.stdin.readline().strip() def ReadURL(self, url, params=None): # pylint: disable=E1121 url_fh = urllib2.urlopen(url, params, 60) try: return url_fh.read() finally: url_fh.close() def Sleep(self, seconds): time.sleep(seconds) def GetDate(self): return datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") DEFAULT_SIDE_EFFECT_HANDLER = SideEffectHandler() class NoRetryException(Exception): pass class Step(GitRecipesMixin): def __init__(self, text, requires, number, config, state, options, handler): self._text = text self._requires = requires self._number = number self._config = config self._state = state self._options = options self._side_effect_handler = handler assert self._number >= 0 assert self._config is not None assert self._state is not None assert self._side_effect_handler is not None def __getitem__(self, key): # Convenience method to allow direct [] access on step classes for # manipulating the backed state dict. return self._state[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # Convenience method to allow direct [] access on step classes for # manipulating the backed state dict. self._state[key] = value def Config(self, key): return self._config[key] def Run(self): # Restore state. state_file = "%s-state.json" % self._config[PERSISTFILE_BASENAME] if not self._state and os.path.exists(state_file): self._state.update(json.loads(FileToText(state_file))) # Skip step if requirement is not met. if self._requires and not self._state.get(self._requires): return print ">>> Step %d: %s" % (self._number, self._text) try: return self.RunStep() finally: # Persist state. TextToFile(json.dumps(self._state), state_file) def RunStep(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError def Retry(self, cb, retry_on=None, wait_plan=None): """ Retry a function. Params: cb: The function to retry. retry_on: A callback that takes the result of the function and returns True if the function should be retried. A function throwing an exception is always retried. wait_plan: A list of waiting delays between retries in seconds. The maximum number of retries is len(wait_plan). """ retry_on = retry_on or (lambda x: False) wait_plan = list(wait_plan or []) wait_plan.reverse() while True: got_exception = False try: result = cb() except NoRetryException, e: raise e except Exception: got_exception = True if got_exception or retry_on(result): if not wait_plan: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Retried too often. Giving up.") wait_time = wait_plan.pop() print "Waiting for %f seconds." % wait_time self._side_effect_handler.Sleep(wait_time) print "Retrying..." else: return result def ReadLine(self, default=None): # Don't prompt in forced mode. if self._options.force_readline_defaults and default is not None: print "%s (forced)" % default return default else: return self._side_effect_handler.ReadLine() def Git(self, args="", prefix="", pipe=True, retry_on=None): cmd = lambda: self._side_effect_handler.Command("git", args, prefix, pipe) result = self.Retry(cmd, retry_on, [5, 30]) if result is None: raise GitFailedException("'git %s' failed." % args) return result def SVN(self, args="", prefix="", pipe=True, retry_on=None): cmd = lambda: self._side_effect_handler.Command("svn", args, prefix, pipe) return self.Retry(cmd, retry_on, [5, 30]) def Editor(self, args): if self._options.requires_editor: return self._side_effect_handler.Command(os.environ["EDITOR"], args, pipe=False) def ReadURL(self, url, params=None, retry_on=None, wait_plan=None): wait_plan = wait_plan or [3, 60, 600] cmd = lambda: self._side_effect_handler.ReadURL(url, params) return self.Retry(cmd, retry_on, wait_plan) def GetDate(self): return self._side_effect_handler.GetDate() def Die(self, msg=""): if msg != "": print "Error: %s" % msg print "Exiting" raise Exception(msg) def DieNoManualMode(self, msg=""): if not self._options.manual: # pragma: no cover msg = msg or "Only available in manual mode." self.Die(msg) def Confirm(self, msg): print "%s [Y/n] " % msg, answer = self.ReadLine(default="Y") return answer == "" or answer == "Y" or answer == "y" def DeleteBranch(self, name): for line in self.GitBranch().splitlines(): if re.match(r".*\s+%s$" % name, line): msg = "Branch %s exists, do you want to delete it?" % name if self.Confirm(msg): self.GitDeleteBranch(name) print "Branch %s deleted." % name else: msg = "Can't continue. Please delete branch %s and try again." % name self.Die(msg) def InitialEnvironmentChecks(self): # Cancel if this is not a git checkout. if not os.path.exists(self._config[DOT_GIT_LOCATION]): # pragma: no cover self.Die("This is not a git checkout, this script won't work for you.") # Cancel if EDITOR is unset or not executable. if (self._options.requires_editor and (not os.environ.get("EDITOR") or Command("which", os.environ["EDITOR"]) is None)): # pragma: no cover self.Die("Please set your EDITOR environment variable, you'll need it.") def CommonPrepare(self): # Check for a clean workdir. if not self.GitIsWorkdirClean(): # pragma: no cover self.Die("Workspace is not clean. Please commit or undo your changes.") # Persist current branch. self["current_branch"] = self.GitCurrentBranch() # Fetch unfetched revisions. self.GitSVNFetch() def PrepareBranch(self): # Delete the branch that will be created later if it exists already. self.DeleteBranch(self._config[BRANCHNAME]) def CommonCleanup(self): self.GitCheckout(self["current_branch"]) if self._config[BRANCHNAME] != self["current_branch"]: self.GitDeleteBranch(self._config[BRANCHNAME]) # Clean up all temporary files. Command("rm", "-f %s*" % self._config[PERSISTFILE_BASENAME]) def ReadAndPersistVersion(self, prefix=""): def ReadAndPersist(var_name, def_name): match = re.match(r"^#define %s\s+(\d*)" % def_name, line) if match: value = match.group(1) self["%s%s" % (prefix, var_name)] = value for line in LinesInFile(self._config[VERSION_FILE]): for (var_name, def_name) in [("major", "MAJOR_VERSION"), ("minor", "MINOR_VERSION"), ("build", "BUILD_NUMBER"), ("patch", "PATCH_LEVEL")]: ReadAndPersist(var_name, def_name) def WaitForLGTM(self): print ("Please wait for an LGTM, then type \"LGTM\" to commit " "your change. (If you need to iterate on the patch or double check " "that it's sane, do so in another shell, but remember to not " "change the headline of the uploaded CL.") answer = "" while answer != "LGTM": print "> ", answer = self.ReadLine(None if self._options.wait_for_lgtm else "LGTM") if answer != "LGTM": print "That was not 'LGTM'." def WaitForResolvingConflicts(self, patch_file): print("Applying the patch \"%s\" failed. Either type \"ABORT\", " "or resolve the conflicts, stage *all* touched files with " "'git add', and type \"RESOLVED\"") self.DieNoManualMode() answer = "" while answer != "RESOLVED": if answer == "ABORT": self.Die("Applying the patch failed.") if answer != "": print "That was not 'RESOLVED' or 'ABORT'." print "> ", answer = self.ReadLine() # Takes a file containing the patch to apply as first argument. def ApplyPatch(self, patch_file, revert=False): try: self.GitApplyPatch(patch_file, revert) except GitFailedException: self.WaitForResolvingConflicts(patch_file) def FindLastTrunkPush(self, parent_hash="", include_patches=False): push_pattern = "^Version [[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*" if not include_patches: # Non-patched versions only have three numbers followed by the "(based # on...) comment." push_pattern += " (based" branch = "" if parent_hash else "svn/trunk" return self.GitLog(n=1, format="%H", grep=push_pattern, parent_hash=parent_hash, branch=branch) class UploadStep(Step): MESSAGE = "Upload for code review." def RunStep(self): if self._options.reviewer: print "Using account %s for review." % self._options.reviewer reviewer = self._options.reviewer else: print "Please enter the email address of a V8 reviewer for your patch: ", self.DieNoManualMode("A reviewer must be specified in forced mode.") reviewer = self.ReadLine() self.GitUpload(reviewer, self._options.author, self._options.force_upload) class DetermineV8Sheriff(Step): MESSAGE = "Determine the V8 sheriff for code review." def RunStep(self): self["sheriff"] = None if not self._options.sheriff: # pragma: no cover return try: # The googlers mapping maps @google.com accounts to @chromium.org # accounts. googlers = imp.load_source('googlers_mapping', self._options.googlers_mapping) googlers = googlers.list_to_dict(googlers.get_list()) except: # pragma: no cover print "Skip determining sheriff without googler mapping." return # The sheriff determined by the rotation on the waterfall has a # @google.com account. url = "https://chromium-build.appspot.com/p/chromium/sheriff_v8.js" match = re.match(r"document\.write\('(\w+)'\)", self.ReadURL(url)) # If "channel is sheriff", we can't match an account. if match: g_name = match.group(1) self["sheriff"] = googlers.get(g_name + "@google.com", g_name + "@chromium.org") self._options.reviewer = self["sheriff"] print "Found active sheriff: %s" % self["sheriff"] else: print "No active sheriff found." def MakeStep(step_class=Step, number=0, state=None, config=None, options=None, side_effect_handler=DEFAULT_SIDE_EFFECT_HANDLER): # Allow to pass in empty dictionaries. state = state if state is not None else {} config = config if config is not None else {} try: message = step_class.MESSAGE except AttributeError: message = step_class.__name__ try: requires = step_class.REQUIRES except AttributeError: requires = None return step_class(message, requires, number=number, config=config, state=state, options=options, handler=side_effect_handler) class ScriptsBase(object): # TODO(machenbach): Move static config here. def __init__(self, config, side_effect_handler=DEFAULT_SIDE_EFFECT_HANDLER, state=None): self._config = config self._side_effect_handler = side_effect_handler self._state = state if state is not None else {} def _Description(self): return None def _PrepareOptions(self, parser): pass def _ProcessOptions(self, options): return True def _Steps(self): # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Not implemented.") def MakeOptions(self, args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=self._Description()) parser.add_argument("-a", "--author", default="", help="The author email used for rietveld.") parser.add_argument("-g", "--googlers-mapping", help="Path to the script mapping google accounts.") parser.add_argument("-r", "--reviewer", default="", help="The account name to be used for reviews.") parser.add_argument("--sheriff", default=False, action="store_true", help=("Determine current sheriff to review CLs. On " "success, this will overwrite the reviewer " "option.")) parser.add_argument("-s", "--step", help="Specify the step where to start work. Default: 0.", default=0, type=int) self._PrepareOptions(parser) if args is None: # pragma: no cover options = parser.parse_args() else: options = parser.parse_args(args) # Process common options. if options.step < 0: # pragma: no cover print "Bad step number %d" % options.step parser.print_help() return None if options.sheriff and not options.googlers_mapping: # pragma: no cover print "To determine the current sheriff, requires the googler mapping" parser.print_help() return None # Defaults for options, common to all scripts. options.manual = getattr(options, "manual", True) options.force = getattr(options, "force", False) # Derived options. options.requires_editor = not options.force options.wait_for_lgtm = not options.force options.force_readline_defaults = not options.manual options.force_upload = not options.manual # Process script specific options. if not self._ProcessOptions(options): parser.print_help() return None return options def RunSteps(self, step_classes, args=None): options = self.MakeOptions(args) if not options: return 1 state_file = "%s-state.json" % self._config[PERSISTFILE_BASENAME] if options.step == 0 and os.path.exists(state_file): os.remove(state_file) steps = [] for (number, step_class) in enumerate(step_classes): steps.append(MakeStep(step_class, number, self._state, self._config, options, self._side_effect_handler)) for step in steps[options.step:]: if step.Run(): return 1 return 0 def Run(self, args=None): return self.RunSteps(self._Steps(), args)