'use strict' var path = require('path') var iferr = require('iferr') var asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap var fs = require('graceful-fs') var rename = require('../../utils/rename.js') var gentlyRm = require('../../utils/gently-rm.js') var updatePackageJson = require('../update-package-json') var npm = require('../../npm.js') var moduleName = require('../../utils/module-name.js') var packageId = require('../../utils/package-id.js') var cache = require('../../cache.js') var buildPath = require('../build-path.js') module.exports = function (top, buildpath, pkg, log, next) { log.silly('extract', packageId(pkg)) var up = npm.config.get('unsafe-perm') var user = up ? null : npm.config.get('user') var group = up ? null : npm.config.get('group') cache.unpack(pkg.package.name, pkg.package.version, buildpath, null, null, user, group, andUpdatePackageJson(pkg, buildpath, andStageBundledChildren(pkg, buildpath, log, next))) } function andUpdatePackageJson (pkg, buildpath, next) { return iferr(next, function () { updatePackageJson(pkg, buildpath, next) }) } function andStageBundledChildren (pkg, buildpath, log, next) { var staging = path.resolve(buildpath, '..') return iferr(next, function () { asyncMap(pkg.children, andStageBundledModule(pkg, staging, buildpath), cleanupBundled) }) function cleanupBundled () { gentlyRm(path.join(buildpath, 'node_modules'), next) } } function andStageBundledModule (bundler, staging, parentPath) { return function (child, next) { stageBundledModule(bundler, child, staging, parentPath, next) } } function getTree (pkg) { while (pkg.parent) pkg = pkg.parent return pkg } function warn (pkg, code, msg) { var tree = getTree(pkg) var err = new Error(msg) err.code = code tree.warnings.push(err) } function stageBundledModule (bundler, child, staging, parentPath, next) { var stageFrom = path.join(parentPath, 'node_modules', child.package.name) var stageTo = buildPath(staging, child) asyncMap(child.children, andStageBundledModule(bundler, staging, stageFrom), iferr(next, moveModule)) function moveModule () { if (child.fromBundle) { return rename(stageFrom, stageTo, iferr(next, updateMovedPackageJson)) } else { return fs.stat(stageFrom, function (notExists, exists) { if (exists) { warn(bundler, 'EBUNDLEOVERRIDE', 'In ' + packageId(bundler) + ' replacing bundled version of ' + moduleName(child) + ' with ' + packageId(child)) return gentlyRm(stageFrom, next) } else { return next() } }) } } function updateMovedPackageJson () { updatePackageJson(child, stageTo, next) } }