// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --harmony-classes --harmony-new-target --harmony-reflect // Flags: --harmony-rest-parameters --harmony-arrow-functions (function TestClass() { 'use strict'; var calls = 0; class Base { constructor(_) { assertEquals(Base, new.target); calls++; } } assertInstanceof(new Base(1), Base); assertInstanceof(new Base(1, 2), Base); assertInstanceof(new Base(), Base); assertEquals(3, calls); })(); (function TestDerivedClass() { 'use strict'; var calls = 0; class Base { constructor(expected) { assertEquals(expected, new.target); } } class Derived extends Base { constructor(expected) { super(expected); assertEquals(expected, new.target); calls++; } } new Derived(Derived, 'extra'); new Derived(Derived); assertEquals(2, calls); class Derived2 extends Derived {} calls = 0; new Derived2(Derived2); new Derived2(Derived2, 'extra'); assertEquals(2, calls); })(); (function TestFunctionCall() { var calls; function f(expected) { calls++; assertEquals(expected, new.target); } calls = 0; f(undefined); f(undefined, 'extra'); f(); assertEquals(3, calls); calls = 0; f.call({}, undefined); f.call({}, undefined, 'extra'); f.call({}); assertEquals(3, calls); calls = 0; f.apply({}, [undefined]); f.apply({}, [undefined, 'extra']); f.apply({}, []); assertEquals(3, calls); })(); (function TestFunctionConstruct() { var calls; function f(expected) { calls++; assertEquals(expected, new.target); } calls = 0; new f(f); new f(f, 'extra'); assertEquals(2, calls); })(); (function TestClassExtendsFunction() { 'use strict'; var calls = 0; function f(expected) { assertEquals(expected, new.target); } class Derived extends f { constructor(expected) { super(expected); assertEquals(expected, new.target); calls++; } } new Derived(Derived); new Derived(Derived, 'extra'); assertEquals(2, calls); })(); (function TestFunctionReturnObject() { function f(expected) { assertEquals(expected, new.target); return /abc/; } assertInstanceof(new f(f), RegExp); assertInstanceof(new f(f, 'extra'), RegExp); assertInstanceof(f(undefined), RegExp); assertInstanceof(f(), RegExp); assertInstanceof(f(undefined, 'extra'), RegExp); })(); (function TestClassReturnObject() { 'use strict'; class Base { constructor(expected) { assertEquals(expected, new.target); return /abc/; } } assertInstanceof(new Base(Base), RegExp); assertInstanceof(new Base(Base, 'extra'), RegExp); class Derived extends Base {} assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived), RegExp); assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived, 'extra'), RegExp); class Derived2 extends Base { constructor(expected) { super(expected); assertInstanceof(this, RegExp); } } assertInstanceof(new Derived2(Derived2), RegExp); assertInstanceof(new Derived2(Derived2, 'extra'), RegExp); })(); (function TestReflectConstruct() { var calls = 0; function f(expected) { calls++; assertEquals(expected, new.target); } var o = Reflect.construct(f, [f]); assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype); o = Reflect.construct(f, [f, 'extra']); assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype); assertEquals(2, calls); calls = 0; o = Reflect.construct(f, [f], f); assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype); o = Reflect.construct(f, [f, 'extra'], f); assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype); assertEquals(2, calls); function g() {} calls = 0; o = Reflect.construct(f, [g], g); assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), g.prototype); o = Reflect.construct(f, [g, 'extra'], g); assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), g.prototype); assertEquals(2, calls); })(); (function TestRestParametersFunction() { function f(...rest) { assertEquals(rest[0], new.target); } assertInstanceof(new f(f), f); assertInstanceof(new f(f, 'extra'), f); })(); (function TestRestParametersClass() { 'use strict'; class Base { constructor(...rest) { assertEquals(rest[0], new.target); } } assertInstanceof(new Base(Base), Base); assertInstanceof(new Base(Base, 'extra'), Base); class Derived extends Base {} assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived), Derived); assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived, 'extra'), Derived); })(); (function TestArrowFunction() { function f(expected) { (() => { assertEquals(expected, new.target); })(); } assertInstanceof(new f(f), f); assertInstanceof(new f(f, 'extra'), f); })(); (function TestRestParametersClass() { 'use strict'; class Base { constructor(expected) { (() => { assertEquals(expected, new.target); })(); } } assertInstanceof(new Base(Base), Base); assertInstanceof(new Base(Base, 'extra'), Base); class Derived extends Base {} assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived), Derived); assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived, 'extra'), Derived); })(); (function TestSloppyArguments() { var length, a0, a1, a2, nt; function f(x) { assertEquals(length, arguments.length); assertEquals(a0, arguments[0]); assertEquals(a1, arguments[1]); assertEquals(a2, arguments[2]); assertEquals(nt, new.target); if (length > 0) { x = 42; assertEquals(42, x); assertEquals(42, arguments[0]); arguments[0] = 33; assertEquals(33, x); assertEquals(33, arguments[0]); } } nt = f; length = 0; new f(); length = 1; a0 = 1; new f(1); length = 2; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; new f(1, 2); length = 3; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; a2 = 3; new f(1, 2, 3); nt = undefined; a0 = a1 = a2 = undefined; length = 0; f(); length = 1; a0 = 1; f(1); length = 2; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; f(1, 2); length = 3; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; a2 = 3; f(1, 2, 3); })(); (function TestStrictArguments() { var length, a0, a1, a2, nt; function f(x) { 'use strict'; assertEquals(length, arguments.length); assertEquals(a0, arguments[0]); assertEquals(a1, arguments[1]); assertEquals(a2, arguments[2]); assertEquals(nt, new.target); if (length > 0) { x = 42; assertEquals(a0, arguments[0]); arguments[0] = 33; assertEquals(33, arguments[0]); } } nt = f; length = 0; new f(); length = 1; a0 = 1; new f(1); length = 2; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; new f(1, 2); length = 3; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; a2 = 3; new f(1, 2, 3); nt = undefined; a0 = a1 = a2 = undefined; length = 0; f(); length = 1; a0 = 1; f(1); length = 2; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; f(1, 2); length = 3; a0 = 1; a1 = 2; a2 = 3; f(1, 2, 3); })();